1,206 search results for “european” in the Student website
Postdoc Dita Auzina investigates relationship between appearance of monumentality and disruptive environmental events
In the spring of 2024 the Faculty of Archaeology welcomed a new postdoc. Dita Auzina, originally from Latvia, works as a researcher in the project of Alex Geurds. ‘I have joined the project as a landscape archaeologist, but I also run my own fieldwork in Nicaragua.’
Internships and research in the Netherlands
How can you find an internship or research project and what arrangements do you need to make?
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Faculty and study programme regulations
At faculty and study programme level there are various regulations in place to ensure that everything runs as it should. For example, there are thesis and faculty regulations, as well as rules and guidelines on assessments, exams, degree classifications and plagiarism.
Voorzieningen voor studenten met een functiebeperking
Contribute to the Leiden Law Blog in 2025!
Seated at the Altar: New Year in Rural North China
Film screening
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by Special Appointment of Military Science: 'It's time for Europe to make a stand.'
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by special appointment of Military Science at ISGA on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Society for War Studies (KVBK).
MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD): Visit toBrussels and EU Institutions 2024
Between the 16 and 18 October, 85 Advanced MSc International Relationsand Diplomacy first-year students accompanied by team members embarked on an academic excursion to Brussels and various of its prominent EU institutions.
BOOK TALK: Offshore Attachments Oil and Intimacy in the Caribbean
Lecture, LIMS seminar | Book Talk
- Daring questions in Islam
Leiden student team in the final of Helga Pederson Moot Court Competition
A team of four Leiden master's students has qualified for the final of the prestigious Helga Pederson Moot Court Competition 2022. This final will take place in May at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Professor Hester Bijl, Rector of Leiden University, to open ENOTE’s first Academic Training Week
The Steering Committee of the European Network on Teaching Excellence (ENOTE) is delighted to announce that Professor Hester Bijl, Rector Magnificus of Leiden University, will deliver the opening remarks for ENOTE’s first Academic Training Week.
MIRD Annual Student Visit to Brussels and EU Institutions
On 13 and 14 October 70 first-year students of the MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy had the opportunity to visit several European Union institutions in Brussels.
Sex, power and colonialism: 'Marriages and sexuality were fundamental to colonial power'
Sex and power are closely linked, and this was certainly true in the former Dutch colonies. PhD student Sophie Rose investigated how sexual and love relationships influenced eighteenth-century power structures there. 'You can see that there was constant fighting over who stood where in the social hi…
Felicia Rosu
Faculty of Humanities
André Gerrits
Faculty of Humanities
Claire Weeda
Faculty of Humanities
Europaeum - Call for Applications, 2025
Antoaneta Dimitrova, Bernard Steunenberg and Dimiter Toshkov about the political situation in Bulgaria
In the current political situation of Bulgaria, it seems that a long-term caretaker government is the only viable option at the moment. Dimiter Toshkov, Antoaneta Dimitrova and Bernard Steunenberg of FGGA analyse what the Bulgarian caretaker government can learn from its Dutch counterpart.
Excellent oral pleadings at EUniWell Moot Court Competition in Murcia
Michaël Peyrot appointed professor: 'We have a bright future ahead of us'
Michaël Peyrot has been appointed professor of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics with retroactive effect from 1 January. He is looking forward to passing on his love for the subject to a new generation of students.
Collaboration with Leiden University: Rector of College of Europe visits
Frederica Mogherini, Rector of the College of Europe, visited Campus The Hague on 23 November for the official launch of the Europe Hub. This new interdisciplinary platform for research and teaching at Leiden University focuses on the social and governance challenges facing Europe.
Experts discuss nuclear deterrence in Europe: more weapons, more security?
On 22 January, a panel of international experts on nuclear deterrence gathered at the Campus The Hague to discuss the future of nuclear deterrence in Europe. The panel addressed key aspects of nuclear strategy and the impact of Russia's nuclear rhetoric in the context of the war in Ukraine.
From growth to well-being: EU should look beyond the economy
In a paper, researchers suggest how the next European Commission can develop an alternative policy model that centres people’s well-being.
Visualizing Science Using VOSviewer
Study abroad: where and when?
Study abroad: where and when?
Study abroad: where and when?
Study associations
A study association is a good way to combine study-related activities with pleasure. Every faculty has one or more study association.
- Call for pitches: run a workshop at our Una Europa Student Meet-up
Li Manshan: Portrait of a Folk Daoist
Film screening
‘Grassroots projects can help democracy’
Democracy is under pressure all over the world. With the #DemocracyinAction project, university lecturers Sara Brandellero and Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues want to investigate how grassroots art projects manage to keep democracy alive.
10 maart: Universiteit Leiden start estafettestaking tegen bezuinigingen
Medewerkers van de Universiteit Leiden trappen maandag 10 maart de estafettestaking af van de Nederlandse universiteiten tegen de kabinetsbezuinigingen.
Apply now for the Una Europa Summer School on Future Materials
Education, Research
Leiden/Africa Partners: Fair Partnerships and Equal Exchange in Education
Study information
- News
Leiden University wins the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition
The Leiden University team representing the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) won the World Finals of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition that took place in Paris on 20 September 2022.
Brussels Visit Career Service 3 December 2024
On 3 December 2024, Career Service FGGA organised an inspiring excursion to Brussels for students of the faculty. The programme provided a unique opportunity to explore European institutions, organisations, and alumni living and working in this dynamic city. The group departed early in the morning from…
Antoaneta Dimitrova on Euronews about the elections in Bulgaria
Antoaneta Dimitrova, Professor Comparative Governance, spoke in an interview with Euronews about the hurdles ahead for Borrisov, the current prime minister of Bulgaria, despite winning the elections.
Onderzoek naar de toekomst van de arbeidsmarkt ontvangt 3,4 miljoen euro
Een internationaal consortium onder leiding van Olaf van Vliet heeft een Horizon Europe subsidie van 3,4 miljoen euro gewonnen. In het onderzoek staat centraal hoe wereldwijde sociale veranderingen zoals migratie, digitalisering en de klimaattransitie de arbeidsmarkt beïnvloeden en wat daar de gevolgen…
Sarah Wolff: 'Doing research and teaching are inseparable'
Sarah Wolff has been professor of International Studies and Global Politics since 8 January. Time for a brief introduction about her field and academic interests.
Research: Europe increasingly targeted by Russian sabotage
Since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russia has been conducting a covert sabotage campaign against Europe. The ‘Bewaken en Beveiligen’ (Surveillance and Security) project team at Leiden University has investigated the scale of these operations and compiled its findings in the report Russian Operations…
Political elites and regime change in the Middle East and North Africa: accommodation or exclusion?
Political scientist Kevin Köhler (Leiden University) has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This prestigious grant enables him to set up a research group in the coming five years. Köhler and his team will examine how elite conflict affects processes of regime change…
Annual overview Leiden2022: Leiden Law School
A presentation on the latest developments in artificial intelligence and law, several public lectures on Criminal Justice, and a brand new trial in which Leiden female serial killer ‘Goeie Mie’ was acquitted after all. It was all possible during Leiden European City of Science 2022. Below is an overview…
Johan Christensen for the Global Blog about experts in global governance
Recently, Johan Christensen, Assistant Professor at the FGGA, contributed to the commentary series on technocracy and democracy in global governance that is organised by the Global Governance Centre and the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy.
How Euclid will reveal the dark side of the Universe
ESA’s Euclid mission is to reveal the dark side of the Universe. But how? Professor of Observational cosmology Henk Hoekstra explains it in his interview with Space Team Europe and Horizon Magazine. He uses enlightening examples such as… a swimming pool! Listen to Henk Hoekstra to understand how Euclid…
More legal firearms do not lead to more murders in Europe
A higher level of legal firearm availability does not lead to more violent deaths in Europe but does lead to more female deaths.