MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD): Visit to Brussels and EU Institutions
Between the 16 and 18 October, 85 Advanced MSc International Relationsand Diplomacy first-year students accompanied by team members embarked on an academic excursion to Brussels and various of its prominent EU institutions.
The trip provided participants with the opportunity to engage with some of the most
significant international institutions covered in their European Union and United
Nations course, a core component of their curriculum. This allowed students to
experience firsthand the dynamic interplay of its intertwined (supranational)
Day 1: European Parliament and Alumni Event
The trip commenced with a visit to the European Parliament, featuring a comprehensive presentation of its history and institutional structure. The highlight was a meeting with the MEP and Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister, which provided a unique chance to gain deeper insights into the EP’s legislative and diplomatic functions.
The day concluded with an Alumni Networking Event, where eight former MIRD students, now based in Brussels in various functions and organisations, shared their career trajectories and offered valuable advice on navigating the professional world. The event culminated in a Networking Dinner, fostering meaningful connections.
Day 2: European Commission
After some time to explore the vibrant city, the group attended a thorough series of
high-level presentations at the European Commission. The topics included Humanitarian Aid and Civl Protection, Interinstitutional Relations in the Field of Foreign Policy, and the European Green Deal. Students had the chance to actively interact with the speakers to gain further understanding of the EU’s complexities in terms of policymaking processes, from internal mechanisms to foreign interventions and climate neutrality proposals.
Day 3: UNLOPS and EEAS
The participants had the opportunity to meet Dr. Rory Keane, Head of Office of the
United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security (UNLOPS), who delivered a
captivating talk addressing the global challenges of the current ‘polycrisis era’. His talk also demonstrated how UNLOPS is working to address such complex issues. In the interactive discussion the group was able to ask questions and exchange opinions on the various issues addressed.
Afterwards, students went either to the House of European History to explore the continent’s path towards democracy and unity, or to the European External Action Service (EEAS) to get fascinating lectures about the geopolitical priorities and the response to foreign information manipulation.
'The MIRD trip to Brussels was a great opportunity to get to know the key EU institutions.'
Insightful and enriching opportunity
The trip allowed students to visit such institutions in-person and engage in active
interaction with experts in the field.
Elton Högklint, First-year IRSA Representative, reflects: 'The MIRD trip to Brussels was a wonderful opportunity to get to know the key EU institutions that we hear about often in class, and that many of us may go on to work for after our studies. The visits to the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European External Actions Service (EEAS) allowed us to meet practitioners and public officials firsthand to ask questions and engage in dialogue about the workings of the institutions and organisations. Aside from that, the trip was also a phenomenal experience for connecting with fellow MIRD students and alumni, and went a long way in forming friendships that will last throughout our studies and beyond.'
Combining stimulating debates with a further strengthening of the MIRD community, the trip was a true success.