Application and admission
You can start Humanities Lab in the second semester of your first year or the first semester of your second year. Check out the procedure and application deadlines below!
Admission requirements
- You receive a positive initial study advice in January for provisional admittance to start in BA1;
- You must obtain all of your 60 first-year EC within one year;
- You have the ambition, self-discipline and time to pursue an extra 30 EC programme;
- You are interested in a broad range of intellectual issues and look forward to joining our honours community;
- You achieve good grades (Humanities Lab does not use fixed grade criteria, but experience shows that students with an average grade of 7.3 or higher are able to do an honours programme in addition to their regular study programme).
Important message for students from other faculties than Humanities
Please note that all modules in the Humanities Lab track take place on Friday afternoons (13:30 – 17:00h) and that attendance is mandatory. Unfortunately, various BA programmes at other faculties than the Humanities Faculty cannot guarantee your availability on Friday afternoons.
Before applying, please ascertain yourself that your BA schedule for year 2 and 3 allows you to attend the Humanities Lab courses on Friday afternoons. You should always prioritize your main BA programme, plan your schedule well and avoid scheduling conflicts we will be unable to solve.
To obtain the Honours certificate, you must complete all six components of the Humanities Lab programme as described on the webite and you must comply with the conditions for certification as described by the Honours Academy.
Start date |
Application from |
Application closes |
Second semester of first academic year | December onwards | 28 Febaruary 23:59 |
First semester of second academic year | 12 May 23:59 | 31 August 23:59 |
In order to apply, you must submit the following documents:
- A letter of motivation, max. 500 words (Dutch or English), in which you describe:
- why you want to join the Honours College in general;
- why you want to follow this track in particular;
- what you can do for the Honours Community.
- Curriculum vitae
- Filled out study plan template in which you draw up your individual Humanities Lab track the way you envision it at this moment.
- After application, the Humanities Lab student administration will provide the Board of Admissions with a recent transcript of your grades.
Do you have or expect (an) exemption(s)? Please mention this in the comment field on your online registration form. This information may be part of the selection procedure.
After application
After the deadline, the Board of Admissions will assess all applications and decide whether you can be (conditionally) admitted.
- If you have applied to begin in the second semester of your first academic year, you can be 'provisionally' admitted to start your honours studies in block 4. If you comply with the admission condition of completing all of your first-year EC within one year, your admission will be made unconditional in October.
- If you have applied to begin in your second academic year, the Honours Academy will confirm your admittance after having verified that you have obtained completing all of your first-year ECwithin one year and meet all other requirements.