Universiteit Leiden

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Every semester, the Writing Lab organises interactive, hands-on (and free!) workshops to help you improve your academic writing skills.

Do you don't know exactly what is expected of you when it comes to writing assignments? Do you want to sharpen your academic writing style or structure your text more clearly? Or maybe you're working on your thesis and you're looking for tactics to keep yourself disciplined in your writing? Then our workshops are for you! Take a look below for the full range of workshops in the first semester of 2024-2025 and sign up!


Whether you come from high school or college, academic writing at university can be a big switch and challenge. What exactly is an academic text? How do you come up with a good research question? How do you give your paper a clear structure and use an academic writing style? In this workshop, in collaboration with POPcorner The Hague, we will address these questions and teach you the basic rules and techniques of academic writing, so you know exactly how to approach your next academic writing assignment.

Practical information

Costs: Free
Language: Dutch and English editions
Class format: Group on campus
Duration: 2 hours

Location: Beehive 0.10 (Apiary); Turfmarkt 104. 2511 DC, The Hague

Upcoming editions:

  • 4 November 15.15-17.15 - English (The Hague, POPcorner)
  • 11 November 15.15-17.15 - Dutch (The Hague, POPcorner)


  • 4 November: register here!
  • 11 November: register here!


Your teachers keep insisting on it: your text must have a clear structure! This makes sense, because a clear structure makes a text more pleasant to read and easier to understand. In this workshop you will learn how to structure your text in a crystal clear way at both chapter and paragraph level, for example by using core sentences and signal words. In this way you will lift your academic writing skills to a higher level.

Practical information

Costs: Free
Language: Dutch and English editions
Class format: Group on campus
Duration: 2 hours

Upcoming editions:

  • 7 November 10.15-12.00 - Dutch (Leiden), Lipsius 1.50.
  • 25 November 15.15-17.00 - English (The Hague), Wijnhaven 2.60.

Registration: Sign up via this form.

Academic writing assignments must be written in an academic style. But what does that actually mean? What exactly makes a writing style academic or non-academic? In this workshop you learn to evaluate your own writing style and to make it more academic where necessary by looking at texts in detail. This way you will lift your writing style to a higher level in no time.

Practical information

Costs: Free
Language: Dutch and English editions
Class format: Group on campus
Duration: 2 hours

Upcoming editions:

  • 20 November 11.15-13:00 - English (The Hague), Wijnhaven 2.59.
  • 21 November 10.15-12.15 - Dutch (Leiden), Lipsius 1.50.

Registration: Sign up via this form.

Writing a thesis or paper can be a big challenge, especially now study space on campus is becoming scarce and you need to spend more of your writing time at home. How to make sure you can get to work motivated and concentrated, and write efficiently? In this workshop we will explain the best strategies and you will have the opportunity to share your experiences and tips & tricks with students in the same boat as you: procrastination will soon be a thing of the past!

Practical information

Costs: Free
Language: Dutch and English editions
Class format: Group on campus
Duration: 2 hours

Upcoming editions:

  • 3 December 11.15-13.00 - English (The Hague), Wijnhaven 2.60.
  • 5 December 10.15-12.00 - Dutch (Leiden), Lipsius 1.50.

Registration: Sign up via this form.

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