Universiteit Leiden

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Useful links for language support

At the Writing Lab we will help you in all stages of the academic writing process, whether you would like help with planning or structuring your text, for example. We do not check grammar and spelling, however. For those who would like help in these areas, we here provide several useful links. We have also included links to writing centers of several other Dutch universities. These do not help with spelling and grammar in their coaching either, but they do also provide some freely available online resources to use.

Tips for spelling and grammar

Reference works
Manchester Phrasebank – database for help with spelling, grammar, and sentence 
Learn English: British Council – overview of grammar rules and support for learning 
Really Learn English – overview of the most common and important English spelling rules
Reverso – dictionary and grammar support
Thesaurus – finding synonyms and alternative words

Academic Writing
• owl.purdue.edu (General tips for academic writing)
• writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/ (General tips for academic writing)
• uefap.com/writing/writfram.htm (Academic writing in English)
Grammarly – checks spelling and grammar in your own work
• portal.coutinho.nl/effectivestrategies/study-material/forms.html (Handouts from 
‘Effective strategies’ van Joy de Jong, Coutinho)

Skills Lab (Utrecht University)

The UU Skills Lab—much like the Writing Lab in Leiden—offers coaching sessions for students to aid them in their writing. On this webpage they have listed several useful links and books for language support for both Dutch and English, differentiated between general and academic use of these languages. The offline resources are aimed at UU students.

Taalwinkel (University of Amsterdam / Hogeschool van Amsterdam)

The UvA/HvA Taalwinkel offers helpful tips for language problems in Dutch. They do not only provide help with grammar, spelling and interpunction, but also several online exercises aimed at recognizing and avoiding common mistakes for learners of Dutch as a second language. The webpage is only available in Dutch.

Radboud Writing Lab (Radboud University)

The RU Writing Lab also does not offer correction services for writing assignments, but provides links to private companies that do.

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