Universiteit Leiden

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Application and admission

Does the Leiden Leadership Programme appeal to you? You can find more about the selection procedure below. The applications for 2024-2025 run from 1 September till 30 September 2024.

Selection criteria

The LLP is open to students from all academic backgrounds who relate to the following statements:

  • You are enrolled in a master's programme at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam for the entire duration of you participation in the LLP;
  • Your schedule allows you to take part in an intense extra programme in addition to your regular master’s classes;
  • You have the ambition and the motivation to learn more about leadership (both in theory and in practice);
  • Social themes interest you. You are willing to look beyond your own discipline, and you want to work with students from different professional fields;
  • You are eager to make a concrete difference within an organisation together with other students;
  • You are willing to critically reflect on your own development;
  • You have received good marks during your bachelor’s programme (>7,0) or have an explanation as to why you have not.


The programme takes place between November and June. All classes take place in the evening, between 17:15 and 19:00 and between 19:15 and 21:00, and in highly exceptional cases on Saturday from 10:15-14:00 hrs or 11:15-15:00 hrs. We strive to organise the classes on campus as often as possible, and in-person attendance is mandatory for all classes. 

You can find more information about the programme and scheduling in the Prospectus. The schedule will be made available by the end of Summer.

Apply now

The Leiden Leadership Programme starts each year in November. The applications run in September. There are no additional fees associated with attending the Leiden Leadership Programme.

You can apply on the website of the Leiden Leadership Programme. You can find the most recent information there. 

Selection and admission

Selection takes place based on the written submissions and will start immediately after the application deadline. The programme has room for approximately 200 students. Each academic year, we are able to admit a select number of students from Delft Technical University and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

You will be notified whether or not you have been admitted to the programme by the end of October (two weeks before the programme starts). As soon as possible after your admission, you will receive your schedule.

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