Skills Training
Every academic year, the POPcorner offers a wide range of workshops and courses to help you learn to learn. Workshops are available in both Dutch and English.
Workshop Building Bridges
The wars in Gaza and Ukraine; every day and institutionalized racism; the ongoing legacies of colonialism: many of us experience how these and other conversation topics incidentally lead to hostile situations in society and sometimes even on campus. In this workshop students learn how to address sensitive topics and bring the conversation on a more profound level by learning how to ask constructive questions.
Tips & Tricks Study Skills
Successful studying is key for a rewarding university experience without being overwhelmed by stress. Join the workshop to get advice on how to conquer the typical challenges many students encounter while studying.
Join this workshop of the POPcorner The Hague for practical and concrete tips and tricks that will save you time, energy and support you in getting the results you want!
Study Skills (English spoken) (POPcorrner The Hague)
What do you learn?
When studying, do you find it difficult to distinguish between the most important information and less important information? Or do you find it difficult to stay concentrated when you have to read a lot of study material?
In this workshop you learn a method to study in a more active and focused way. We also pay attention to how to improve your concentration.
Time Management (English spoken) (POPcorner The Hague)
What do you learn?
In this workshop you learn how to make a realistic weekly schedule and how you can stick to it. In preparation for the workshop, you keep a time log for a week. The aim is for you to keep track of how you spend your time, on an hour-to-hour basis. When you participate in this workshop, have your diary and an overview of all your study tasks for the coming period at hand.
Making (Multiple Choice) Exams & Exam Confidence
What do you learn?
In this workshop you will learn how to develop greater confidence in making exams and how to cope with exam-related stress. In addition, we give you tips about how best to prepare for various types of exams.
Study Plan Group
Do you struggle with creating a weekly study plan that works? Or do you make great plans but don't stick to them?
The study plan group is for students who have trouble creating and sticking to a realistic schedule. The group meets once a week. During this meeting, we discuss how your planning from the past week went, and where the pitfalls were. During the meeting you also make a new planning for the coming week, which we discuss with the group.
If you have any questions about the Skills Trainings and Study Plan Group please contact us at
Workshop Academic Writing (basic skills)
In this workshop, you will learn the basics of academic writing. What exactly is an academic text? How do you formulate a good research question? How do you give your paper a clear structure and use an academic writing style? In this workshop, we will work on these questions and you will learn the basic rules and techniques of academic writing, so that you will know exactly how to approach your next academic writing assignment.
Study Skills walk-in consultation hour
For questions about:
- Planning
- Prioritizing information and tasks
- Studying in a concentrated way
- Preparing for exams
- Beating big books
- Tips on handy workshops
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:00-16:00 in Beehive 0.10 ground floor, room Apiary. No appointment needed; just pop in!

Testimonial: Jelmer Groenenboom, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges
This workshop worked well for me, because it puts as much emphasis on what doesn’t work as it does on what does work. The planning method is pretty straightforward and after some practice, it’s quite easy to shape it in a way that suits you. Another good thing is that it provides insight in how much time everything you do takes, so it becomes easier along the way. Since I started using it, it feels like I have more free time and less stress, so I’d definitely recommend.
Testimonial : Matyas Hansel, Urban Studies
I signed up for all the workshops at POPcorner as I was struggling with studying effectively in my first semester. In fact, I had quite high expectations and the workshops indeed helped me immensely to get a grasp of all possible student matters, ranging from studying itself, organizing time, to mental health issues or public speaking skills. The atmosphere was always very informal and Gianelle, the tutor, even offered follow-up one-on-one sessions to catch up with the material that I missed.