1,242 search results for “media studies” in the Student website
App helps students study better
Cramming from a book, making notes or learning summaries. In the past these were about the only ways to memorise your course material. But that has long since changed. Multimedia is the code word. But is it effective?
Helen Pluut
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
International Studies students receive their diploma
On 2 September 2022, 300 students received their Bachelor Diploma of International Studies. The students were awarded their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden, in front of a large audience of family and friends. With about 1000 people present, including the graduates, the International Studies…
Karla Paola Cabrera Acuña
Faculty of Humanities
First batch of students BA Urban Studies receive diploma
On Wednesday 1 September, the first thirteen students of the new BA Urban Studies at Leiden University, received their diplomas in person in The Hague. During a festive graduation ceremony, they were congratulated by rector magnificus Hester Bijl.
Graduation ceremony BSc Security Studies: 'Look beyond your own beliefs'
On Monday 26 August, students were warmly welcomed at the Wijnhaven location with a blue carpet and live music. Accompanied by their friends and family, they gathered to receive their BSc Security Studies diploma.
China as a laboratory for the rest of the world
Professor of Modern China Florian Schneider researches what people do with technology and what technology does with people. Social media, for example. And then mainly in China.
Corinna Jentzsch
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Tessa de Boer
Faculty of Humanities
Thijs Brocades Zaalberg
Faculty of Humanities
Alumna interview International Studies: Beatrice Noun
Beatrice Noun (alumna BA International Studies) currently lives in Paris and works for the World Bank as a consultant while doing a master’s degree at Sciences Po in International Development. We caught up with her and asked her a bunch of questions like which steps lead her to this career path? And…
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Maikel Kuijpers
Faculteit Archeologie
Jürgen Zangenberg
Faculty of Humanities
Joni Reef
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jan Wim Buisman
Faculty of Humanities
Rene Kleijn
Lettie Dorst
Faculty of Humanities
Nidesh Lawtoo
Faculty of Humanities
Cramsey's "Uprooting the Diaspora" wins the Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies
Sarah Cramsey's first book, Uprooting the Diaspora: Jewish Belonging and the "Ethnic Revolution" in Poland and Czechoslovakia, 1936-1946, has won the 2024 Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies.
From Newry to The Hague: A Journey Through International Studies and Community
In this article in The Irish Times, Pádraig Corrigan talks about his experience studying abroad at Leiden University College in The Hague.
Stefano Cucurachi
Collaboration BSc Security Studies and the Royal Netherlands Air Force
Interested in an internship at the Dutch Ministry of Defence? Good news! Leiden University and the Royal Netherlands Air Force have formalized their cooperation to offer students an unique opportunity to conduct an internship at an active military base in Woensdrecht, the Netherlands.
Saskia Cohen-Willner
Faculty of Humanities
Michiel van der Meer
Neske Baerwaldt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
New extracurricular option on Religious Studies for students International Studies
If you wish to include Religious Studies expertise in your curriculum (for instance in your thematic seminar(s), elective space, or BA thesis), this new extracurricular course is the thing for you!
Van de keukentafel tot de hoogste Haagse kringen: iedereen lobbyt
Je onderdompelen in de wereld van de lobby. Dat kan op donderdag 10 november tijdens de Nacht van de Lobbyist, een publiek event dat de Universiteit Leiden en de Public Affairs Academie voor de 2de keer organiseren. Vijf vragen aan initiatiefnemer Bert Fraussen, universitair docent bij het Instituut…
Three years of Urban Studies: 'Maybe it's time to think about a master's programme'
A study programme all about cities and their issues. Three years ago, the bachelor's programme Urban Studies was a newcomer in The Hague. By now, the first theses are being written. André Gerrits, programme director, talks about the programme’s success: 'The intake of first-years has increased from…
Studies Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid bekroond met ‘beste studie’-medailles
Vijf opleidingen van de Leidse rechtenfaculteit hebben een medaille ontvangen als ‘beste studie’. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek dat EW Magazine uitvoerde in samenwerking met ResearchNed. De Advanced Master Air and Space Law scoorde uitzonderlijk hoog en ontving een gouden medaille.
When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
International studies and Urban Studies have moved to Schouwburgstraat
The International Studies and Urban studies study programmes have moved to a new address. After five years in the Wijnhaven building they have moved to the Schouwburgstraat. ‘It is nice to have our own place in The Hague as the Faculty of Humanities.’
Leiden’s BA Religious Studies programme ranked #1 in The Netherlands
The BA Religious Studies programme has been awarded the label 'Topopleiding' (Top Education) in the Keuzegids 2021.
Gijsbert Rutten
Faculty of Humanities
How Google, Facebook and other digital platforms are influencing the work of journalists
Digital journalism is transforming the way in which information and communication technologies are used by media workers. With this change journalist practices, norms and values are also being reshaped. This is the conclusion of Tomás Dodds PhD research.
Mark Rutgers
Faculty of Humanities
‘The gatekeepers’ van het internet; waarom een ‘gratis’ internet niet bestaat
Of je nu appt, online nieuws leest, of door Instagram scrolt, jouw gedrag wordt gemonitord. Sterker nog: wát jij ziet, wordt door anderen bepaald. Promovendus Aleksandre Zardiashvili onderzocht de impact van online advertenties en de macht van de bedrijven erachter.
Taking Brussels by storm – the EUS 2023 study trip
Every autumn EUS students take the train down to our southern neighbours to learn the secrets of European Union institutions. They get to hear tips about landing a job in Brussels, learn things about EU institutions that cannot be found in the textbooks, meet important contacts, and get inspiration…
Study abroad sessions
Education, Social
New Study Association LPILS
The European Union Studies Brussels study trip is back!
After two years of COVID-19 induced hiatus, the European Union Studies track of MA International Relations organized another successful study trip to Brussels. Over the course of three days the students had a chance to learn more about the EU institutions, meet lobbyists and interest group representatives…
Ellen van Reuler
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Karsten Wentink
Faculteit Archeologie
Welcome to Leiden University
Welcome to Leiden University
Welcome to Leiden University
Welcome to Leiden University
Welcome to Leiden University
Welcome to Leiden University
A scholarship to study abroad
Three Leiden students who have made their dreams of studying abroad come true this year with the aid of a VSBfonds scholarship talk about their experiences.
Maartje Janse
Faculty of Humanities
Ester van der Voet
CDL winner of NSE study associations competition
Education, Organisation