Does this study programme suit me? First study programmes start with matching modules
From the Open Days and Student for a Day events to the option of following Online Experience modules: the university tries to prepare prospective students for their new study programme as well as possible. In this context, the bachelor’s programmes Dutch Language and Culture and English Language and Culture have started online matching this semester.
Matching via the matching module goes one step further than the Online Experience days, which eleven Humanities bachelor's programmes currently use. Whereas during the Online Experience days, prospective students study follow a non-binding lecture of about an hour to find out if they are interested in a study programme, in the matching module they get to work themselves, for around three to five hours. Once they have registered, they are sent an online module with videos and texts about which they have to answer questions. In addition, they are asked questions about their motivation for the study programme.
Realistic taste of the study programme
‘Matching is in fact a more modern and efficient version of the Study Choice Check that already existed for prospective students,’ says Pien 't Hart, study advisor at Dutch Language and Culture. ‘At Dutch Language and Culture we use a module about travel stories. This gives the prospective students a taste of the programme that they might not expect: when you think of Dutch literature, you usually think of the literary canon. At the same time, it is a great way for us to show in how many different ways you can approach a text. In travel stories, old and modern literature come together, but you can also look at it through a language proficiency lens.'

No binding study advice
Ultimately, the matching process leads to an advice: does this study programme really suit the prospective student? Prospective students who did not get all the questions right don’t need to worry. The advice is not binding. Moreover, the motivation of the student is the most important factor. t Hart: 'We tried to make it clear in the tone of the module that students should view the matching process as a challenge, an extra opportunity to see if the study programme really suits them and if their expectations are realistic.’
So far, no one has received a negative advice. ‘We were curious about the responses we would get, but all participants have responded very enthusiastically and have strongly supported their choice of study programme. I expect that the matching will turn out well for them. They have thought about their choice of study programme even better than their predecessors and are therefore even more motivated when they start.’

Prospective students who register in Studielink before 1 May will receive an invitation to participate in the matching module as of 1 February. They must complete this module by mid-August at the latest. After participating, students will receive personal matching advice. Part of this advice may be to have an interview with the study adviser. This way, prospective students can decide for themselves whether they are adequately motivated and possess sufficient study skills to start in September. In this way we increase the chance that the right study choice is made. Matching is not binding: students decide for themselves whether they will start the programme.