2,291 search results for “specified force” in the Public website
Thomas Schmidt Lab - Single Molecule Microscopy
Intrigued by the way cells autonomously regulate their fate, we strive to understand and visualize cellular processes as the basis of Cell Signaling.
The Role of Linker DNA in Chromatin Fibers
The genetic information of all living organisms is contained in their DNA. Cells modify the degree of DNA compaction by epigenetics, which largely determines what genes are read out and which genes are transcriptionally silent.
Can traditional forest management protect and conserve ironwood (ulin) stands? An option and approach in East Kalimantan
Promotores: G.A. Persoon, H.H. de Iongh
Exploitation of host chemokine signalling by pathogenic mycobacteria
Promotores: A.H. Meijer, H.P. Spaink
Taking Up Space: Waste and Waste Labor in Developing South Korea
On 25 January 2024 H.J. Pak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Precarize and divide
Stella Morgana defended her thesis on 31 March 2021
Islam in North Africa
As Lila Abu Lughod pointed out in 1989, North Africa has been one of the geographical ‘zones of prestige’ for the development of canonical approaches and crucial theoretical debates regarding the comparative study of Islam.
Gendered Ritual and Performative Literacy: Yao Women, Goddesses of Fertility, and the Chinese Imperial State
Mei-Wen Chen defended her thesis on 29 June 2016
The Rome Hinterland Project
This project aims to integrate three of the largest survey databases in the Mediterranean to study the impact of the megalopolis Rome on its direct hinterland.
Who Owns the Hills? Ownership, Inequality, and Communal Sharing in the Borderlands of India
In his historical analysis of upland societies of the Zomia massif, James Scott (2009) emphasizes how the modern state strives to control and “make taxable” all of its subjects. For Tania Murray Li (2014), the development of neoliberal markets is the primary driver of change, as she shows based on long-term…
The anthropological signification of the ‘Man with No Breath’ in Visayas and Mindanao epics
This paper explores the long-term endurance of “breath” as a schema of personhood in the Austronesian-speaking world, from a comparative-ethnographic approach to the “Man with No Breath” figure featured in Philippine epics. This is one of two contributions from Myfel D. Paluga and Andrea Malaya M.…
Maintaining Order: Public Prosecutors in Post-Authoritarian Countries, the case of Indonesia
On 21 January 2021, Fachrizal Afandi defended his thesis 'Maintaining Order: Public Prosecutors in Post-Authoritarian Countries, the case of Indonesia'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.W. Bedner and Prof. J.H. Crijns.
Political Conversion to Islam Among the European Right
In this paper, Sibgatullina and Abbas aim to illuminate the complex connections between the European right-wing movements and Islam and discusses how the adoption of Muslim identity may function as a politically strategic opportunity for European conservative forces.
Privatisations and golden shares: Bridging the gap between the State and the market in the area of free movement of capital in the EU
On 3 September 2019, Ilektra Antonaki defended her thesis 'Privatisations and golden shares: Bridging the gap between the State and the market in the area of free movement of capital in the EU'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. S.C.G. Van den Bogaert.
Promoting Accountability for War Crimes: Should UN Peacekeepers be involved?
Tom Buitelaar is an Assistant Professor in the War, Peace & Justice programme of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. This paper discusses four important challenges to the involvement of UN peace operations in international criminal justice: its effects on host state relations, peace and justice…
Pluralism within Parameters : towards a mature evaluative historiography of science
Historiography of science is in its current self-image a non-evaluative discipline. Its main goal is to understand past processes of knowledge formation on their own terms. In the last few decades this approach has greatly improved our understanding of the phenomenon of science. Yet, something strange…
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy
This thesis studied in depth the energy use and CO2 emissions of the industrial sector in China.
Islam and the Limits of the State
Reconfigurations of Practice, Community and Authority in Contemporary Aceh
The Sociolinguistics of Rhotacization in the Beijing Speech Community
On 21 September 2022 H. Hu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Women in the 1970s
The Dutch women’s movement began around 1967 with the discussion of the disadvantages that women faced in daily life. In 1968 the MVM (Man-Vrouw-Maatschappij) was born and played an important role as a public voice demanding female education programs and inclusion in the workforce.
Theoretical Physics
In the spirit of 'unity in diversity', our objective is to promote insight into and appreciation for the wonder that the same physical laws and mathematical concepts apply to the whole of nature, from the largest to the smallest energy and length scales. We strive for the application of abstract theoretical…
Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order
On 11 February 2020, Clara van Dam defended her thesis 'Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. W. den Ouden and Prof. J.E. van den Brink (UvA).
Empire's Violent End. Comparing Dutch, British, and French Wars of Decolonization, 1945-1962
In the last two decades, there have been heated public and scholarly debates in France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands on the violent end of empire. Nevertheless, the broader comparative investigations into colonial counterinsurgency tend to leave atrocities such as torture, execution, and…
Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War: Agents, Activities, and Networks
How was anti-communism organized in the West? New volume edited by Giles Scott-Smith, Luc van Dongen and Stephanie Roulin on the aims, arguments and associations of a range of transnational anti-communist activists during the Cold War.
Mechanical metamaterials: nonlinear beams and excess zero modes
Mechanical metamaterials are man-made materials which derive their unusual properties from their structure rather than their composition.
About us
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is a centre of excellence for multidisciplinary research and education in computer science and artificial intelligence (AI).
State, Society, and Labour in Iran, 1906-1941: A Social History of Iranian Industrialization and Labour with Reference to the Textile Industry
Serhan Afacan defended his thesis on 23 June 2015
‘Being a slave’ Indian ocean slavery in local context
What did it mean to be enslaved in in the Indian Ocean world in the 18th and 19th centuries? Over the last decades, historians have mined French, British, Portuguese and Dutch records for quantitative data on the European slave trade. This project focuses on the experience of being a slave and seeks…
Jeu d'argile: céramique, indentité culturelle, créolisation
Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles de la période précoloniale à nos jours
The Merovingian cemeteries of Sittard-Kemperkoul, Obbicht-Oude Molen and Stein-Groote Bongerd
A number of scholars joint forces to analyse and re-analyse a number of Merovingian cemeteries and publish the results in the series Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries published by Habelt Verlag in Bonn (Germany). We call it the ANASTASIS project. This is the third volume in which the data…
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the management and administration of the entire University.
Science Friction (SciFri)
How is energy really dissipated on the atomic scale when sliding objects slip over a single lattice spacing?
Interpersonal effects of emotions in negotiations
How do different emotional expressions influence the behavior of other people in negotiations?
Assessor-Centered Translation Quality Assessment: A Theoretical Model and a Case Study
Behrouz Karoubi defended his thesis on 15 June 2016
Biophysical feedbacks between seagrasses and hydrodynamics in relation to grazing, water quality and spatial heterogeneity
Consequences for sediment stability and seston trapping
Resolving financial distress and insolvency
Restructuring and insolvency laws play a pivotal role in addressing the often conflicting interests of stakeholders of financially distressed companies. Whereas financial distress is an inherent risk of entrepreneurship in market-based economies, legal tools serve an important role to ensure an orderly…
Replicate yourself in the ‘Virtual Identity Lab’
How do humans construct their self?
Policy brief on 'Deepening G20-UN System Cooperation to Foster Socio-Economic Recovery from the Pandemic and Reduce Inequality Worldwide'
This Think20 (T20) policy brief recommends the introduction of a
Leiden Law School Green Team
LUGO is launching Green Teams throughout the University, starting with the Law Faculty.
Centre for Indigenous Americas Studies
The Centre for Indigenous America Studies (CIAS) at Leiden University is designed to coordinate and promote the teaching and research of Indigenous languages, literatures, cultures and cultural heritage.
eLaw Conferences
eLaw organises a range of impactful conferences bringing together experts from law, technology, and society to discuss major developments in the field.
Building Other forms of Communicating the Academy
The BOCA project explores new forms of communicating academic knowledge as a way to strengthen the connection between the university and society. The project was awarded a Kiem seed grant and is led by Daniela Vicherat Mattar (FGGA/LUC) and Nanne Timmer (FGw/LUCAS).
The Power of Empathy in International Development Work: Beyond Policies and Numbers
Discover the Realities of North Korea: An Evening with Defectors Lee Young-Hyeon and Lee Byung-Lim
Leiden and Cambridge help create a model course on EU law for Ukraine
Whilst resisting abhorrent Russian aggression, Ukraine has made a clear choice for a future in Europe. With an association agreement already in place, and Ukraine being a candidate for EU membership, Ukrainian lawyers need to be trained in EU law and Ukrainian Law Schools need to develop the capacity…
- About this minor
New insights into characteristics of Conduct Disorder with "limited prosocial emotions"
In a recent study, Dr. Moji Aghajani and colleagues show that adolescents with a severe form of Conduct Disorder (CD) -with limited prosocial emotions- require an unusually large amount of brain capacity to read emotional faces. These effects were found in comparison to CD youth without limited prosocial…
Professor Matthias Haentjens appointed member of European Commission’s Expert Group
Professor of Financial Law Matthias Haentjens is recently appointed member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Conflict of Law regarding Securities and Claims. The Group’s tasks shall be to assist the Commission with its work on conflict of laws on third-party effects of transactions in securities…
Citizenship: relationship between citizens and state
Leiden researchers study the extent to which Asian citizens can invoke the rights that they have on paper. This knowledge helps them advise the different levels of government and NGOs on how to improve the lot of poor citizens in particular.
Into the cold: The adaptive role of pyrotechnology among the earliest modern humans in Europe, ca. 45,000–20,000 years ago
The routine assumption that Upper Palaeolithic early modern humans in Europe were regular fire users who produced fire at will has never been tested against the archaeological record. Utilizing literature, database and microwear analytical approaches, this project seeks to establish the role and forms…