Results of the National Student Survey (NSE) 2023: more attention needed for career preparation
Every year the National Centre for Study Choice asks students to evaluate their degree programme via the NSE. Data from the survey helps improve programmes and prospective students can make a well-considered choice of which programme to follow. 2,892 students (38.4%) from the Faculty of Humanities took part in the survey. An overview of the results.
Level of lecturers, content of the programme and engagement are valued highly
Both for the bachelor’s and the master’s programmes, the findings of the survey showed satisfied students. On elements such as general satisfaction (4.0), lecturers (3.9), academic skills (3.8) and content (3.9) our programmes as usual scored very highly. The same applies for assessment and reflection, engagement, equal treatment and contact.
Career preparation remains a concern
In 2023 Humanities again scored lower on the theme of ‘career preparation’, although this year, students are rather more positive on this point than in previous years. A number of measures have been taken in the past year, including:
- Launch of the ‘What's Next?’ programme, focusing on personal development
- Development of practical courses in several bachelor’s programmes
- The ‘Awareness of Students’ Skills’ project for lecturers
- More teaching in digital humanities and the opening of the digital humanities lab
- Programme specific: the contribution of guest speakers in the Media Studies master’s programme, the Labour Day in the Russian Studies bachelor’s programme and the introduction of portfolios in the bachelor’s in Film and Literary Studies
View the results by programme
- Results of NSE 2023 by programme
- Results of NSE 2023 for Leiden University
- National results of NSE 2023

Humanities Career Service
Students who have questions about internships and work can contact the Career Service. The staff there can help you with individual internship and career advice, and offer guidance with the internship procedure. They also organise career choice tests and provide information about where students find employment in the job market. They also organise the annual Humanities Career Event, where students and the job market meet.