Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Kunst en vrije tijd - Schrijven

Dreaming of You: A Writing Course on Crushes

Monday from 19:00-21:00 h (plus homework)

Helena Grande

This course is given in English

For whom

Anyone interested in writing and reading.

This course explores writing from emotions such as infatuation, longing, heartbreak, obsession, and admiration. Crushes are often dismissed as frivolous, and yet they can inspire great pieces of writing. In this class we will consider crushes as muses and our writing as the vehicle to express our desires which, in turn, may help us understand who we are.

We'll pair readings with prompts and exercises to investigate how we can transform feelings that seem disempowering into creative writing. Readings will include authors such as Chris Kraus, Tommy Pico, Lorrie Moore, and Hanif Abdurraqib among others.

In this class participants can write poetry, essays, fiction or autofiction, no experience needed. We will center on the specific writing techniques that best help us express ourselves. This class aims to create a safe space for us to share and comment on the readings and the work of the participants.

Week 1 Muses and Crushes
Week 2 The Love Letter
Week 3 Talking to Our Past Selves
Week 4 Music in the Absence of Love
Week 5 Celebrating the Impermanence of Relationships
Week 6 Hope and Belonging

Max 8 participants

Helena Grande
is a writer, curator, and educator. She is the author of the flash fiction collection titled Speech Choke (2020). Her writing has appeared in Dostoyevsky Wannabe, Fictional Journal, nY, and diSONARE among others. helena holds an MFA in Creative Writing from The New School in New York and her work has received support from Het Cultuurfonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, The New School, and WriteOn NYC. She is currently working on a novel about belonging and loss. 

Please contact info@lakcursussen.nl if you have troubles registering for the courses. You can also give us a call at 071 527 2317 

Through registering you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the LAK.

Register on time! A course can only start with enough participants (this will be decided a week before the start).

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