4,020 zoekresultaten voor “then en culture van de world” in de Publieke website
Photon detection at subwavelength scales
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Eliel, Co-Promotor: M.J.A. de Dood
How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia
Op 23 juni 2020 verdedigde Santy Kouwagam haar proefschrift 'How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. A.W. Bedner en prof.dr. C.E. von Benda-Beckmann.
Robust rules for prediction and description.
In this work, we attempt to answer the question:
The impacts and challenges of water use of electric power production in China
This thesis examines the impacts and challenges of water use of electric power system. This thesis found that there are large differences in water use of electricity technologies, with hydropower and thermal power being two large water users.
Material Flows in the City of Amsterdam
An account of the total of material flows going in, out and through Amsterdam.
Social network and radical innovation: evidence from the U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
Innovation plays an essential role in firms' competitiveness and long-term success. It varies from different types, ranging from run-of-the-mill innovation that brings incremental changes to existing technologies to radical innovation that breaks from existing trajectories.
Algorithm design for mixed-integer black-box optimization problems with uncertainty
The increasing competition in the automotive industry requires the tailored, swift development of technologically sophisticated vehicles. Therefore, the computationally expensive state-of-the-art simulation technologies are combined with optimization algorithms. An example of a real-world optimization…
Computational modeling of cellular dynamics in tumor cell migration
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) and tumor cell migration play an important role in cancer progression, and an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying these concepts is essential for developing new targeted approaches.
Spin dynamics in general relativity
Promotor: J.W. van Holten
Split Jacobians and Lower Bounds on Heights
This thesis deals with properties of Jacobians of genus two curves that cover elliptic curves.
Visualizing strongly-correlated electrons with a novel scanning tunneling microscope
Materials with strongly correlated electrons show some of the most mysterious and exotic phases of quantum matter, such as unconventional superconductivity, quantum criticality and strange metal phase.
Biomimetic Copper Catalysts for the Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Human civilization consumes a huge amount of fossil fuels, which has resulted in an atmospheric CO2 level which has not been higher in over 800 millennia.
“This Path Is Full of Thorns”: Narrative, Subjunctivity, and HIV in Indonesia
In this article, Samuels focuses on the active fostering of subjunctivity in processes of narrative worldmaking. Drawing extensively from the narrative of an HIV‐positive woman in Indonesia, she shows that by subjunctively leaving open multiple narrative trajectories and future possibilities, individuals…
Electrocatalysis of CO2/CO interconversion and Hydrogen Evolution in Bicarbonate Buffers
Bicarbonate buffer is largely found in nature due to its ability to regulate pH variations around neutral values. As the pH changes, so does the speciation of the buffer.
Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
We explored how to morphologically classify well-resolved jetted radio-loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN) in the LOw Frequency Array (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) using machine learning.
Studying dark matter using weak gravitational lensing : from galaxies to the cosmic web
Of all the mass in our Universe, 80% is thought to consist of a hypothetical and invisible substance called dark matter (DM).
Visualization of Vitamin A Metabolism
Vitamin A or retinol is essential in embryonic development, the visual cycle and the immune system.
Reconstructing Magnetic Fields of Spiral Galaxies from Radiopolarimetric Observations
Promotor: H.J.A. Röttgering, Co-promotor: M. Haverkorn
Star formation and aging at cosmic noon: the spectral evolution of galaxies from z=2
Promotores: Prof.dr. M. Franx, Prof.dr. P.G. van Dokkum (Yale University)
Extension of Operators on Pre-Riesz Spaces
This thesis mainly extends the theory of positive operators on Riesz spaces to a setting of pre-Riesz spaces.
The tension between nature conservation and economic valuation of ecosystem services
Promotores: G.R. de Snoo, W.T. de Groot, Co-promotor: C.J.M. Musters
Spectral signatures of breaking of ensemble equivalence
This thesis explores Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence (BEE) in random graph models by examining the spectral properties of adjacency matrices. The goal is to identify spectral characteristics that differentiate random graph ensembles, enhancing the understanding of complex network structures and beh…
Politieke Wetenschap
Het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap blijft graag in contact met alumni. Van onze afstudeerders kunnen wij veel leren. En we helpen natuurlijk ook graag een handje om ‘onze’ politicologen in binnen- en buitenland met elkaar te verbinden.
Plasmonic enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence under one- and two-photon excitation
This thesis aims to improve the detection from ultra-weak single emitter by enhancing their emission properties with plasmonic nanostructures. We exploit the wet-chemically synthesized single crystalline gold nanorods (GNRs) as our basic frameworks in the whole studies, simply because of their unique…
Studying the Benefits of Using UML on Software Maintenance: an Evidence-Based Approach.
Including modelling as part of software development appears to have various benefits.
Geometry and Topology in Active and Driven Systems
The key characteristic of active matter is the motion of an emergent collection (such as a flock of birds), which is driven by the consumption of energy by its active components (i.e. individual birds).
The flux and flow of data: connecting large datasets with machine learning in a drug discovery envirionment
This thesis focuses on data found in the field of computational drug discovery. New insight can be obtained by applying machine learning in various ways and in a variety of domains. Two studies delved into the application of proteochemometrics (PCM), a machine learning technique that can be used to…
Beschadigd vertrouwen
Op 7 december 2021 verdedigde Georgina Kuipers het proefschrift 'Beschadigd vertrouwen'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.mr. W. den Ouden en prof.dr. M.A. van der Steen (EUR).
Fuzzy systems and unsupervised computing: exploration of applications in biology
In this thesis we will explore the use of fuzzy systems theory for applications in bioinformatics.
Electronic spectroscopy of molecules of astrophysical interest
This thesis revolves around the electronic spectroscopy of molecules in the laboratory and the search for the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs).
Ethics on the radar: exploring the relevance of ethics support in counterterrorism
What is the current relevance of the ethics of counterterrorism and what is the added value of ethics support within the practice of counterterrorism?
On Products of Linear Error Correcting Codes
In this thesis we study products of linear error correcting codes.
Hysterons and pathways in mechanical metamaterials
Mechanical metamaterials are carefully engineered materials whose properties are controlled by their structure, not by their composition, which allows using metamaterials to study and control physical effects in detail.
The noise of the hunt: effects of noise on predator-prey relationships in a marine ecosystem
The effects of anthropogenic noise on interactions between predators and their prey are still little understood.
Scattering and absorption in 2D optics
Scattering of light in the presence of nano-structured materials, i.e. with features in the order of the wavelength of the light or smaller, reveals details of how light interacts with matter at the nanoscale.
Plasmonic enhancement of one-photon- and two-photon-excited single-molecule fluorescence by single gold nanorods
This thesis is a collection of experimental attempts to enhance photoluminescence of fluorescent molecules and quantum dots with single gold nanorods (GNRs) and relevant applications.
Kaiser Lentelezingen: How photonics and sub-wavelength optics are shaping next-generation telescopes
Inhibitors and probes targeting PslG
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacterium which can form biofilms, increasing its resistance against antibiotics and the host immune system. Polysaccharides are an integral part of this biofilm, one of these polysaccharides is called Psl. PslG is a glycosidase, able to cleave this polysaccharide,…
Hoge Franse onderscheiding voor drs. Isabelle Van de Calseyde en dr. Sjef Houppermans
“Heel Frans en heel indrukwekkend.” Zo beschrijft drs. Isabelle Van de Calseyde de receptie op de Franse ambassadeursresidentie in Den Haag, op 2 juni 2015, waarbij zij en dr. Sjef Houppermans een onderscheiding gekregen hebben voor hun uitzonderlijke verdiensten voor de Franse taal en cultuur. Beiden…
Basic Program 2024-2025
The basic program comprises a total of twelve courses organized by the Research School, that have been purpose-developed for training and support of PhD students and Research MA students who specialize in Medieval Studies (history, art history, and literary history, in particular).
Archeoloog Annelou van Gijn in de media over het tot leven brengen van de steentijd
Hoe leefden mensen tijdens de nieuwe steentijd? Dankzij een NWO subsidie van 650.000 euro kan Annelou van Gijn en haar team daar de komende jaren in Vlaardingen uitgebreid onderzoek naar doen. Naar aanleiding van het nieuws over de subsidietoekenning schreven verschillende media over het onderzoek.
Seda Gürkan
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Ælfric’s Afterlives: Copying, Editing, Studying, Teaching and Remembering the Most Prolific Author of Old English
Doorstroomprogramma speciaal voor tweedegraadsbevoegde docenten Engels.
Doorstroomprogramma speciaal voor tweedegraadsbevoegde docenten Duits.
De vakken die het VVI aanbiedt zijn onderdeel van het bredere onderwijsprogramma van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, dat programma’s aanbiedt op bachelor- (LLB) en masterniveau (LLM, Advanced Studies, PhD). Het instituut geeft een in Europa uniek MSc programma Law and Society: Governance and Global…
Thijs de Boer
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Frank Pieke op NU.nl over positie Xi Jinping
Alle ogen waren gericht op China tijdens het congres van de Chinese Communistische Partij. Een goede gelegenheid voor president Xi Jinping om zich wereldwijd te profileren. Op NU.nl legt hoogleraar Frank Pieke uit hoe hij dit deed.
Azië en Europa hebben in toenemende mate met elkaar te maken. Om een duurzame samenwerking te bevorderen is het belangrijk elkaar op economisch, sociaal-cultureel, historisch, en juridisch gebied beter te begrijpen. Leidse wetenschappers leveren al decennia een belangrijke bijdrage aan de verwerving…
Externe onderzoekssamenwerking
Binnen het brede netwerk van de Universiteit Leiden neemt het instituut deel aan onderzoek binnen de volgende profileringsgebieden: