1,062 zoekresultaten voor “studies general” in de Publieke website
High-Contrast Imaging of Protoplanetary Disks
To study how planetary systems come into existence we study much younger systems still in formation.
Weighing the Dark: Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Promotor: K. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H. Hoekstra
In the CarbonCap project, consumption oriented technological options and policy measures are identified as an addition to the present EU and world climate policy.
Terrestrial field trials for side-effects of pesticides
The thesis describes terrestrial field trials aimed to detect side-effects of pesticides within the framework of pesticide registration procedures. Field trials were developed using vascular plants Brassica napus and Poa annua, caterpillars Pieris brassicae and effects on decomposition were studied…
Photocatalytic redox reactions at the surface of liposomes
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Bouwman, Co-promotor: S. Bonnet
Flexing the Slot Regime
Op 16 december 2021 verdedigde Lisanne van Houten het proefschrift 'Flexing the Slot Regime'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. P. Mendes de Leon en prof. L. Pierallini (Luiss University Of Rome).
On transport properties of Weyl semimetals
Promotor: C. W. J. Beenakker, Yu. V. Nazarov, Co-promotor: J. Tworzydlo
Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks
For many system in statistical physics the microcanonical and canonical ensemble are equivalent in the thermodynamic limit, but not for all.
Aspects of cosmic acceleration
The focus of the dissertation
Duality, bosonic particle systems and some exactly solvable models of non-equilibrium
Promotor: F.H.J. Redig, Co-Promotor: W.T.F. den Hollander
Selectivity and competition between the anodic evolution of oxygen and chlorine
Sustainable energy from wind and solar is most readily available near the sea.
The rhizomicrobiome of Sorghum ; impact on plant growth and stress tolerance
The overall objectives of my thesis are to investigate the dynamics of the sorghum root microbiome and to explore the beneficial effects of the root microbiome on sorghum growth and stress tolerance.
Steady-State Analysis of Large Scale Systems
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander Co-Promotor: F.M. Spieksma
Algebraic filters for filtered backprojection
Promotor: K.J. Batenburg, Co-promotor: A.W. van der Vaart, B. de Smit
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and the Spin Bath
There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, and ultimately experiments are needed to verify or falsify these interpretations.
Explicit Computation of the Height of a Gross-Schoen Cycle
Arithmetic geometry concerns the number-theoretic properties of geometric objects defined by polynomials. Mathematicians are interested in the rational solutions to these geometric objects.
From supernovae to galaxy clusters: observing the chemical enrichment in the hot intra-cluster medium
Promotor: Jelle S. Kaastra Co-promotor: Jelle de Plaa
eV-TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy with few-eV Electrons
Electron microscopy has become an extremely important techniquein a wide variety of elds.
Gibbs Processes and Applications
Gibbs measures, as used in Statistical Mechanics, have a definition that is remarkably similar to the definition ofg-measures, used in dynamical systems.
A fixed point approach towards stability of delay differential equations with applications to neural networks
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-Promotor: O.W. van Gaans
Counting problems for number rings
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
Clavis Aurea? Structure-enabled approaches of identifying and optimizing GPCR ligands
Promotores: A.P. IJzerman, H.W.T. van Vlijmen
Semigroups on Spaces of Measures
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: S.C. Hille
Metabolomic characteristics of Catharanthus roseus plants in time and space
Promotor: R. Verpoorte, Co-promotores: Y.H.Choi, N.R. Mustafa
Evaluation of the zebrafish embryo as an alternative model for hepatotoxicity testing
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water, Co-promotores: L.T.M. van der Ven, A.S. Kienhuis
Inverse problems for universal deformation rings of group representations
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen
Structure-reactivity relationships in glycosylation chemistry
In a typical glycosylation reaction, a donor is activated to form a (variety of) electrophilic species which can react with a nucleophilic acceptor, following a reaction mechanism having both SN1 and SN2 character.
Assemblage and functioning of bacterial communities in soil and rhizosphere
Promotores: J.A.van Veen, P.L.G.Klinkhamer. Co-promotor: E.E.Kuramae
Visualizing strongly-correlated electrons with a novel scanning tunneling microscope
Materials with strongly correlated electrons show some of the most mysterious and exotic phases of quantum matter, such as unconventional superconductivity, quantum criticality and strange metal phase.
The parabolic Anderson model on Galton-Watson trees
The parabolic Anderson model (PAM), which is the Cauchy problem for the heat equation with random potential. The PAM is a mathematical model that describes how mass (i.e. matter or energy) flows in a medium in the presence of a field of sources and sinks.
Visual Relation extraction Based on Deep Cross-media Transfer Network
Building a Deep Cross-media Transfer Network to extract visual relations that relieve the problem of insufficient training data for visual tasks.
Innovative sample preparation and handling strategies for automated and high-throughput metabolomics
Metabolomics has the potential to play a pivotal role in understanding disease onset and progression, and ultimately personalized treatments. One of its major challenges is its large-scale implementation, which is necessary to deal with the high variability of the metabolome. In this work we have developed…
Motivic invariants of character stacks
This thesis studies the geometry of representation varieties and character stacks. These are spaces parametrizing the representations of a finitely generated group, typically the fundamental group of a compact manifold, into an algebraic group G.
Studenten Urban Studies krijgen diploma: ‘Ik wil van steden betere plekken maken’
Collegezaal A0.06 in de Haagse Schouwburgstraat zat vrijdag 27 september bomvol ouders, vrienden en andere geliefden. Maar liefst 61 afgestudeerden kregen er hun diploma Urban Studies, het hoogste aantal in het vierjarig bestaan van de opleiding.
Studenten Security Studies sluiten Integrated Project af met succesvolle en inspirerende conferentie
Met een tweedaagse conferentie sloten derdejaars studenten van de bachelor Security Studies afgelopen week een intensief programma van zeven weken af. Ze presenteerden de resultaten voor een volle collegezaal en in de aanwezigheid van de client voor wie zij aan de slag waren gegaan met een complex security…
Pioniers van International Studies studeren af
142 studenten van de nieuwe bacheloropleiding International Studies van de Universiteit Leiden ontvangen op 28 augustus hun diploma. Ze hebben hun opleiding in drie jaar afgerond.
Open Dag: 'Welke studie past bij mij?'
Het was 14 oktober weer een drukte van jewelste in de zonovergoten binnenstad van Leiden. Enkele duizenden scholieren en hun ouders bezochten de Open Dag. Bij de informatiemarkt in de Pieterskerk spraken we enkele studiekiezers met elk hun eigen vragen, twijfels en overwegingen.
Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies
The Department of Humanities of the University of Pavia will host the Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies from 7 to 9 September 2022. Papers are invited on any aspect of Celtic Studies, including language, literature, history, archaeology and culture from any period. Deadline for submission:…
Lezingenreeks Radboud Ancient and Medieval Studies
Radboud Ancient and Medieval Studies organiseert ook dit jaar een lezingenreeks. Het programma voor het eerste semester is hieronder te vinden.
Call for papers: 2022 International Empirical Legal Studies Conference – deadline extended to 1 May
Abstract submission is now open for the international conference of the ELS Academy, in Amsterdam on September 1 and 2.
Leiden University Buddhist Studies Network opgericht
Sinds kort bestaat het Leiden University Buddhist Studies Network, opgericht bij het LIAS, het Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.
Open Dag: ‘De studie is het belangrijkst’
Ruim 10.000 scholieren en ouders bezochten op 25 februari de Open Dag van Universiteit Leiden. Op verschillende locaties in de stad kregen de studiekiezers informatie over de opleidingen in Leiden en Den Haag. ‘Ik ben benieuwd naar de ervaringen van studenten.’
Rens Tacoma wint Onderzoeksprijs Werkgroep Italië Studies
Universitair hoofddocent Rens Tacoma heeft de Onderzoeksprijs 2021 voor Historische Wetenschappen gewonnen. De prijs wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt door de Werkgroep Italië Studies voor de beste wetenschappelijke publicatie op het gebied van Italië Studies in de Nederlandse of Vlaamse academische wereld…
Students International Studies receive their diploma
More than 300 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 31 August 2018.
Spring School 'Historical Performance Studies' (Groningen)
This Spring School will pay attention to a wide range of performances in history, from political gatherings, religious rituals, and courtroom proceedings to theatre, concerts, and dance. It combines a focus on the medieval and early modern period with an interdisciplinary perspective, attending to the…
Future Directions in South East Asian Studies
Onder deze noemer vond op 8, 9 en 10 maart jl. in Hanoi (Vietnam) de slotconferentie van het ANRC programma plaats.
Kluitersprijs voor excellente studenten Minor Intelligence Studies
Negentien studenten die excellente resultaten behaalden tijdens de minor Intelligence Studies ontvingen dit jaar de Kluitersprijs.
Kluitersprijs voor excellente studenten Minor Intelligence Studies
Drieëntwintig studenten die excellente resultaten behaalden tijdens de minor Intelligence Studies ontvingen dit jaar de Kluitersprijs.
- Introduction to International Medieval Studies (5 ECTS)