3,405 zoekresultaten voor “nederlandse that en culture” in de Publieke website
Glucocerebrosidase and glycolipids: In and beyond the lysosome
The lysosomal β-glucosidase named glucocerebrosidase (GCase) is a retaining β-glucosidase that hydrolyzes the glycosphingolipid glucosylceramide (GlcCer) to ceramide and glucose at acid pH.
On hard real-time scheduling of cyclo-static dataflow and its application in system-level design
Promoter: Ed F. Deprettere, Co-promoter: Todor P. Stefanov
Cryo Electron Tomography Studies On Bacterial Chemosensory Arrays
Bacterial chemosensory arrays are protein assemblies that are the key structural and functional component for motile bacteria to sense their internal or environmental chemical signals.
Volatile compounds from Actinobacteria as mediators of microbial interactions
Streptomyces are bacteria abundant in soil that participate in diverse and complex interactions. These bacteria are the main producers of the antibiotics we currently use in the clinic.
Methods and Tools for Mining Multivariate Time Series
Mining time series is a machine learning subfield that focuses on a particular data structure, where variables are measured over (short or long) periods of time.
Deepening the uncertainty dimension of environmental Life Cycle Assessment: addressing choice, future and interpretation uncertainties.
LCA has become an important method to study environmental impacts of human activities. Still, there are several methodological issues in LCA that can adversely affect the results reliability.
In vitro investigation of the photoprotection mechanism of Light Harvesting Complex II
Solar energy is used by photosynthetic organisms to drive energy required cellular processes. Is absorbed by two groups of pigments, located in the LHCs.
Scheduled protocol programming
With the advent of multicore processors and data centers, computer hardware has become increasingly parallel, allowing one to run multiple pieces of software at the same time on different machines. Coordination of these pieces is best expressed in a coordination language as an explicit interaction protocol…
Multi-dimensional feature and data mining
In this thesis we explore machine and deep learning approaches that address keychallenges in high dimensional problem areas and also in improving accuracy in wellknown problems. In high dimensional contexts, we have focused on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.
Giant barrel sponges in diverse habitats: a story about the metabolome
Marine sponges are important members of reef ecosystems, as they play ecological roles that are essential for the health of the reef.
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: R.G. Boot
The spin evolution of accreting and radio pulsars in binary systems
Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 and since then the population has grown and expanded over several wavelengths.
Matching, entropy, holes and expansions
In this dissertation, matching, entropy, holes and expansions come together. The first chapter is an introduction to ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
Systems microscopy to unravel cellular stress response signalling in drug induced liver injury
Promotor: B. van de Water
Improved hard real-time scheduling and transformations for embedded Streaming Applications
This thesis addresses the problem of designing performance and energy efficient embedded streaming systems, that is, systems which process a stream of input data coming from the environment and generate a stream of output data going into the environment.
Unconditionally secure cryptographic protocols from coding-theoretic primitives
This dissertation presents new cryptographic protocols, which can be divided into two families.
Regulation of the arabidopsis AGC kinase PINOID by PDK1 and the microtubule cytoskeleton
Plants, are sessile organisms, have developed strategies to adapt to changes in their environment, in part by altering their growth and development.
Evaluation of the zebrafish embryo as an alternative model for hepatotoxicity testing
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water, Co-promotores: L.T.M. van der Ven, A.S. Kienhuis
Engineering of antigen-saving dissolving microneedles for intradermal vaccine delivery
The intradermal administration route is attractive for vaccine delivery, because of the highly populated antigen-presenting cells in the skin. However, the skin’s main physical barrier, the stratum corneum, prevents vaccines from entering the skin.
Dynamics of the Oort Cloud and Formation of Interstellar Comets Santiago Torres Rodriguez
The solar system was formed approximately 4.56 billion years ago. Despite the numerous theories that have been developed over the years, the formation and evolution of the solar system still remain unclear.
The origins of friction and the growth of graphene, investigated at the atomic scale
Promotor: J.W.M. Frenken
The formation of complex organic molecules in dense clouds-Sweet results from laboratory
Large areas of space are filled by molecular clouds that consist of gas and dust grains that are the remnants of dead stars. When these clouds start collapsing, the decreasing temperature and increasing density cause gas particles to start accreting onto dust grain surfaces.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (fixed term 2 years; 1,0 fte)
Geesteswetenschappen, Institute for Area Studies
Research Seminar Series
For questions and suggestions regarding the series, please contact prof. dr. Olaf van Vliet or dr. Max van Lent
Rebekah Tromblé
Students Practicing Citizen Journalism
Geometry and arithmetic of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1
This thesis contains results on the arithmetic and geometry of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1.In Chapter 1 we give the necessary background, assuming the reader is familiar with algebraic geometry.
Tentoonstellingen LeidenGlobal 'Crafting Cultures' en '3 Leidsche Mondialen'
Kunst en cultuur
Enumeration and Simulation of Lattice Polymers as Models for Compact Biological Macromolecules
Promotores: H. Schiessel, G.T. Barkema
Applications of graphene in nanotechnology : 1D diffusion, current drag and nanoelectrodes
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are used as a current carrying substrate in investigation of current-induced forces in a low-temperature STM (chapter 2).
Image-based phenotypic screening for breast cancer metastasis drug target discovery
The main aim of this thesis was to unravel the signaling and regulatory networks that drive tumor cell migration during breast cancer metastasis.
Circulating cells as biomarkers in cardiovascular disease : the difference between men and women
Promotor: J. Kuiper
“This Path Is Full of Thorns”: Narrative, Subjunctivity, and HIV in Indonesia
In this article, Samuels focuses on the active fostering of subjunctivity in processes of narrative worldmaking. Drawing extensively from the narrative of an HIV‐positive woman in Indonesia, she shows that by subjunctively leaving open multiple narrative trajectories and future possibilities, individuals…
Phylogenetic ecology of octocoral - gastropod associations
Promotor: E. Gittenberger, Co-promotores: L.P. van Ofwegen; B.W. Hoeksema
Off the wall: characterisation and exploitation of a cell wall deficient life style in filamentous actinomycetes
Almost all bacteria are enveloped by a cell wall that provides cellular protection.
Formulation of influenza T cell peptides: In search of a universal influenza vaccine
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.F.A. Kersten, W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: J-P. Amorij
Sterile neutrinos in the early Universe
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-promotor: A. Boyarsky
Effects of heavy fields on inflationary cosmology
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-Promotor: J.W. van Holten
Dyslipidemia at the crossroad of the skin barrier and the arterial wall
The research described in this thesis shows that hypercholesterolemia, a well-established risk factor for atherosclerosis, can impact skin lipid pool and barrier function already at young age. In the field of atherosclerosis, we showed that the small peptide Lyp-1 can be used as a targeting molecule…
Travelling waves on trees and square lattices
In this thesis we study bistable reaction-diffusion equations on lattice domains.
Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions and vector-valued integration
Promotor: W. T. F. den Hollander, F. H. J. Redig
Image analysis for gene expression based phenotype characterization in yeast cells
Promotores: T.H.W. Bäck, A. Plaat, Co-promotor: F.J. Verbeek
Arguably augmented reality : relationships between the virtual and the real
This thesis is about augmented reality (AR). AR is commonly considered a technology that integrates virtual images into a user’s view of the real world.
Chemical tools to study lipid signaling
Synthesis and application of chemical biology tools to study immunomodulatory signaling lipids.
Selective autophagy in host defense against mycobacterial infection
The effective treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remains a major challenge to global health.
On transport properties of Majorana fermions in superconductors: free & interacting
Majorana fermions in superconductors are the subgap quasiparticle excitations that are their own antiparticles.
Tangent fermions: massless fermions on a lattice
In some condensed matter systems, such as the surface of a 3D topological insulator, the electrons are effectively massless and we must necessarily use the massless Dirac equation to describe them.
Physics implications of shape on biological function
Shape and biological function are tightly connected. Physical descriptions are used to connect the shape of a biological system with its function.
Exploring charge transport properties and functionality of molecule-nanoparticle ensembles
Promotor: J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Co-Promotor: S.J. van der Molen
Network flow algorithms for discrete tomography
Promotor: R. Tijdeman, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Credible sets in nonparametric regression
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.W. van der Vaart