963 zoekresultaten voor “is a” in de Publieke website
Governance and Data Science Group
The extensive use of electronic communication channels and other devices has opened new possibilities for collecting data on human behavior. This information is sometimes openly accessible, but largely part of administrative registration systems that are not open to the broader public. The data provides…
Nonparametric Bayesian Methods in Robotic Vision
In this dissertation non-parametric Bayesian methods are used in the application of robotic vision.
An Institutional Perspective on the United Nations Criminal Tribunals: Governance, Independence and Impartiality
Op 18 september 2019 verdedigde Huw Llewellyn zijn proefschrift 'An Institutional Perspective on the United Nations Criminal Tribunals: Governance, Independence and Impartiality'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. N.M. Blokker en prof.dr. L.J. van den Herik.
Wild versus domestic prey in the diet of tigers
A recent study on reintroduced tigers in Panna Tiger Reserve in India reveals that risks from tigers increased more because of human behaviour and people's livestock husbandry practices.
MEMS Festival 2025
Join us in Canterbury and online on the 13th and 14th June for the eleventh annual MEMS Festival at the University of Kent. We welcome papers on a range of topics within medieval and early modern studies for this interdisciplinary conference. Deadline for abstracts, 4th of April.
Towards artificial photosynthesis on the lipid bilayer of liposomes
Artificial photosynthesis has recognised potential to produce green and sustainable fuels from earth-abundant resources such as water, carbon dioxide (CO2), and sunlight.
Generalized Strictly Periodic Scheduling Analysis, Resource Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptive Streaming Applications
This thesis focuses on addressing four research problems in designing embedded streaming systems.
Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad
Op 12 januari 2022 verdedigde Mirjam Franke het proefschrift 'Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.mr. A.G. Castermans en prof.mr. J.H. Crijns.
Biotic ligand models
Description of Biotic ligand models: making an inventory of available models & assessment of the variability of the predicted HC5 using the BLMs in different Dutch water types (2005 - 2007)
Trading Responsibility: navigating national burdens in a globalized world
International trade has played a major role in defining the modern global economy. Trade, however, entangles the environmental pressures of economic sectors, giving the illusion of environmental improvements, while the opposite may be occurring.
Public Reason Secularism: A Defense of Liberal Democracy
Op 25 oktober 2018 verdedigde Tu Zhang haar proefschrift 'Public Reason Secularism: A Defense of Liberal Democracy'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. P. Cliteur.
Electoral Systems and Turnout: Evidence From a Regression Discontinuity Design
Electoral Systems and Turnout: Evidence From a Regression Discontinuity Design. In dit artikel, gepubliceerd op de website SAGE research methods, bespreken auteurs Jaroslaw Kantorowicz en Tobias M. Hlobil hoe een Regression Discontinuity Design uitgevoerd kan worden.
EcoConnect: A Teaching Journey of Resilience and Climate Change Education
Hoe kunnen docenten in non-STEM-onderwijs klimaatveranderingonderwijs integreren om de kennis, vaardigheden en veerkracht van studenten te verbeteren?
Online Course Safety & Security Challenges in a Globalized World
Security and safety challenges rank among the most pressing issues of modern times. Challenges such as cyber-crime, terrorism, and environmental disasters impact the lives of millions across the globe. The course will introduce you to this broad theme in an increasingly complex world.
Mickler, Parliamentary Committees in a Party-Centred Context
Politicologische studie naar de opzet, samenstelling en het functioneren van parlementaire commissies.
The European Public Servant: A Shared Administrative Identity?
Sager, Overeem en anderen onderzoeken of het gedeelde idee van een ‘rijksambtenaar’ in Europa bestaat.
Expanding the chemical space of antibiotics produced by Paenibacillus and Streptomyces
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a major health threat. Addressing this challenge requires among others the development of new antibacterial compounds. The research described in this thesis focuses on discovering novel antibiotics from soil bacteria, specifically Streptomyces and Paenibacillus.Despite…
New Foundations for Separation Logic
The research presented in this thesis concerns one of the most important questions in software engineering of our time: how can we make sure that software is free from memory safety bugs?
Nascholingsdag World Teachers Programme 2024
World Teachers Festival 2024 - Celebrating and exploring language, culture, diversity and criticality in teaching and learning
EPCEM 2001: Differences in the authorization process of GMOs in the EU and the USA
This report investigates the different approaches in the authorization process of GMOs for commercial use in the European Union and the United States of America. Three main aspects are considered and analyzed as potential causes of differences in the authorization process of GMOs for commercial use.…
Learning from small samples
Learning from small data sets in machine learning is a crucial challenge, especially when dealing with data imbalances and anomaly detection. This thesis delves into the challenges and methodologies of learning from small datasets in machine learning, with a particular focus on addressing data imbalances…
Life Cycle Assessment of Nanomaterials and Risk Assessment.
What is the environmental impact, the human health impact and the life cycle and production costs of the lab, pilot and commercial diffusion of nanowires and nanowire-based photovoltaic technologies?
Towards Biosolar cells
BioSolar Cells is a five-year research project in which ten knowledge institutions and 45 private industries work together.
Uniform infinite and Gibbs causal triangulations
Promotor: Richard D. Gill
CML-IA Characterisation Factors
CML-IA is a database that contains characterisation factors for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and is easily read by the CMLCA software program.
African Activism at the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
EU Erasmus+ Curriculum Development in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
LIACS is a partner in the EU Erasmus+ Curriculum Development for the Asian education system. The knowledge available in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence education will be shared and adapted for the Asian market.
Picturing Scholasticide: The Future of Higher Education in Palestine
Hoe beïnvloedt de vernietiging van universiteiten in Gaza, ook wel 'scholasticide' genoemd, het wetenschappelijk leven en wat zijn de theoretische en juridische onderbouwingen van de term?
Photography beginners | English spoken (start 12 March)
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
Transnational Terrorism as a Threat: Cross-Border Threats
Dit artikel analyseert de transnationaliteit van terroristische organisaties, waaronder fondsenwerving, communicatie, alliantievorming en doelselectie.
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
The galaxy–dark matter connection: a KiDS study
In this thesis, the research focuses on the properties of dark matter and dark matter haloes and how they connect with the galaxies we can observe in the Universe.
Customary Authorities and Environmental Governance in Africa: A Systematic Review
Deze systematische review van 68 Engelstalige artikelen onderzoekt de rol van gewoonterechten in het milieubeheer in Afrika bezuiden de Sahara.
Public perception of terrorism attacks: A conjoint experiment
Dit artikel onderzoekt de publieke perceptie van terroristische aanslagen door het belang te meten dat het publiek toekent aan kenmerken van terroristische aanslagen.
Sovereignty as a Vocation in Hobbes's Leviathan
Hoye stelt dat het fundamentele fundament van Hobbes' Leviathan grootmoedige staatkunde belichaamt, waarin soevereinen natuurlijke rechtvaardigheid nastreven, die zich manifesteert als eminente
A Disobedient Diaspora: Living Hinduism in Osdorp, Amsterdam
Dit project onderzoekt het religieuze leven van een Surinaamse Hindoegemeenschap die in Amsterdam praktiseert in de Sri Radha Krishna Mandir vanuit een interdisciplinair perspectief.
Tom van der Meer e.v.a., ‘De kiezer’
Nederlandse politicologen laten hun licht schijnen over het veranderende electoraat.
A Multi-Level Leadership Spectrum for Collective Good
In dit artikel bespreken Ben S. Kuipers en Joanne Murphy recente kritieken op de theorie en praktijk van leiderschap.
A renewed awareness: Reinvigoratingpreparedness research for crisis and disastermanagement
IIn dit artikel blazen Jeroen Wolbers en Sanneke Kuipers het academische debat over rampenparaatheid nieuw leven in.
Addressing Environmental Concerns Through Trade: A Case for Extraterritoriality?,
Kunnen landen bij gebrek aan een sterk internationaal kader voor milieubescherming unilateraal optreden om het wereldwijde milieu te beschermen?
Supramolecular peptide amphiphile nanoparticles as a novel allergy vaccine
A novel supramolecular system for membrane fusion and biosensing
SFA of Chlorine in Europe: A MacTempo Case-Study
An overview is given of the flows of chlorine and chlorinated hydrocarbons through the Europian Union.
Old Age in Early Medieval England, A Cultural History
Hoe dachten de anglosaksen over de ervaring van het ouder worden? Was het echt een gouden tijd voor de ouderen zoals werd gesuggereerd?
Individual teacher learning in a context of collaboration in teams
In dit proefschrift staat het leren van ervaren docenten in een context van samenwerking in interdisciplinaire teams centraal.
Van Willigen, ‘A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping?’
Niels van Willigen (Instituut Politieke Wetenschap, Universiteit Leiden) plaatst de Nederlandse deelname aan VN vredesmissies in een historische context. Hij bekijkt de redenen voor een afname van de Nederlandse inbreng na 1990 en verkent de obstakels en mogelijkheden voor een ‘Nederlandse terugkeer’…
EJLS symposium editorial : is fairness in digital governance a trap?
In dit artikel onderzoeken Barrie Sander en zijn collega's of eerlijkheid in digitaal bestuur onbedoeld structurele ongelijkheden verankert.
Cost-utility of a guided Internet-based intervention in comparison with attention only for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled
We found that, next to the effectiveness of the intervention, it’s also very likely that the intervention is cost-effective compared to attention only.
A recipe for desert: analysis of an extended Klausmeier model
Promotores: Arjen Doelman, Jens Rademacher, Max Rietkerk
Children's Right to Health: a Living Reality?
Wereldwijd hebben miljoenen kinderen te maken met ziektes die relatief makkelijk te voorkomen zijn. Sarah Spronk onderzocht de vraag welke prioriteiten voortvloeien uit het recht op gezondheid van kinderen om vervolgens kindgerichte gezondheidszorg te kunnen vormgeven.