843 zoekresultaten voor “european since agency esa” in de Publieke website
Het miljard deeltjes probleem
Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Diagnosis and treatment of obese children with insulin resistance
Promotors: C.A.J. Knibbe, Anthonius de Boer, Co-promotor: M.M.J. van der Vorst
How Electrostatic Interactions Drive Nucleosome Binding of RNF168 & PSIP1
The studies presented in the work show the potential of the integrative use of biophysical data in defining the structural basis of protein interactions.
Unraveling the mechanism of multicopper oxidases: from ensemble to single molecule
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.W. Canters, Prof.dr. T.J. Aartsma
Replacing the needle and syringe for vaccine administration
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.F.A Kersten, Prof dr. J.A. Bouwstra
Inferno Worlds
A remarkable population of short period transiting rocky exoplanets with equilibrium temperatures on the order of 2,000 K has recently been discovered.
Empirical Legal Studies Leiden
Empirical Legal Studies in Leiden focust op het bouwen van een interdisciplinaire gemeenschap van rechtsgeleerden en sociale wetenschappers die samen juridische vraagstukken onderzoeken op het snijpunt van recht en gedrag, waarbij diverse soorten methoden worden gebruikt.
Telescopen bouwen doe je samen
Hoe ontstaan sterren en sterrenstelsels? Wat is donkere materie? Om deze en andere vragen te beantwoorden zijn steeds grotere telescopen nodig. Om die te realiseren is internationale samenwerking nodig. Deel uit een serie over de impact van samenwerking.
Zij maken binnenkort een paraboolvlucht (en jij kunt mee)
Altijd al eens gewichtloos willen zijn? Dit is je kans! Een Nederlands studententeam gaat in december 2017 experimenten doen tijdens een paraboolvlucht, en ze zoeken nog gezonde vrijwilligers. Je moet wel aan een aantal strenge eisen voldoen, zegt de Leidse teamleider.
Jorrit Rijpma bij jaarlijkse Odysseus Conferentie in Brussel
Op 26 en 27 februari organiseerde het Odysseus Netwerk zijn jaarlijkse conferentie met het zeer actuele onderwerp Solidariteit in het EU asiel- en grensbeleid.
Satellite remote sensing of plant functional diversity
Biodiversity enables ecosystems to thrive through the synergy of functional differences among organisms. While human well-being strongly depends on biodiversity-driven ecosystem services, human actions are also at the root of current unprecedented biodiversity declines.
Handboek Europees recht betreffende de rechten van het kind
Het samenstellen van het eerste handboek betreffende Europees recht op het gebied van kinderrechten, waarin de jurisprudentie van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens en het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie, alsmede beslissingen van de Europese Commissie Sociale Rechten (ECSR) behandeld…
Asia and the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
- Publicaties
International Studies
Benieuwd of de opleiding International Studies aan Universiteit Leiden bij je past? Bekijk de opleidingsvideo voor meer informatie.
Bernhard Brandl
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Christa Tobler over het systeem van dynamische aanpassing van het EER-recht
Op 29 oktober 2020 organiseerde het Europa-Institut Zürich een conferentie met als titel
ILS conferentie over de Europese Unie als Wereldwijde Actor in Maritieme Veiligheid
Op donderdag 25 en vrijdag 26 oktober 2018 organiseerde het Europa Instituut een conferentie in het kader van ‘Interaction between Legal Systems (ILS): Policing the High Seas’ en in samenwerking met vier belangengroepen van de European Society of International Law.
Europarlementariërs: wat doen ze eigenlijk?
Op donderdag 23 mei ging Nederland naar de stembus om te kiezen wie ons land gaan vertegenwoordigen in het Europees Parlement. En wij waren niet de enigen: 375 miljoen Europeanen mogen hun stem uitbrengen en zullen zo de 751 Europarlementariërs kiezen. Maar wat doen Europarlementariërs eigenlijk? Mendeltje…
Exploring future multi-messenger Galactic astronomy
For centuries astronomers studied the Universe by collecting light. Nowadays, we are living in times of great technological advancements, which allow us to explore our Universe in a new way - though gravitational wave radiation.
Playing dice with the Universe
The ultimate goal of cosmologists is to find a cosmological model able to explain the current observational data.
Nucleosome stacking in chromatin fibers probed with single-molecule force- and torque-spectroscopy
In human cells, a meter-long DNA is condensed inside a micrometer-sized cell nucleus. Simultaneously, the genetic code must remain accessible for its replication and transcription to functional proteins.
Flexing the Slot Regime
Op 16 december 2021 verdedigde Lisanne van Houten het proefschrift 'Flexing the Slot Regime'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. P. Mendes de Leon en prof. L. Pierallini (Luiss University Of Rome).
Imaging complex model catalysts in action
From surface science towards industrial practice using high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy.
Corporate venture management in SMEs: evidence from the German IT consulting industry
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. H.J. van den Herik, Prof.dr. G.H. Baltes (University of Applied Sciences Konstanz)
Constraint-Based Analysis of Business Process Models
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has become the standard for business processes diagrams.
Some case studies of random walks in dynamic random environments
Promotor: Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: V. Sidoravicius.
Patterns on Spatially Structured Domains
We consider the propagation of electrical signals through nerve fibres.
The activation mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptors: the case of the adenosine A2B and HCA2/3 receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
Impact of low-carbon electricity development on carbon emissions in China
Low-carbon (LE) technologies have a significant potential to reduce the total carbon emissions in China.
T-CYCLE EPR: Development at 275 GHz for the study of reaction kinetics & intermediates
A difficulty of studies on chemical kinetics are the reaction time scales and detection of their intermediates.
Thrips resistance in Gladiolus: an eco-metabolomic approach
Breeding for resistance becomes more and more important because we want to reduce the use of pesticides. A fast and cheap alternative can be to make use of morphological or chemical markers.
Microneedle-mediated vaccine delivery
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. A. Bouwstra, Prof.dr. W. Jiskoot
Flows of six heavy metals
Can we provide the Dutch government with an integrative framework, wherein the various policies can be placed and the need for further measures can be identified?
Linking the gene regulatory network with the functional physical structure of whole-genome engineered Arabidopsis mutants : an HR-MAS NMR-based
Climate change is a challenge for both current and future generations. New biological resources have to be developed in order to meet the demand for energy as well as the demand for food.
Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations on reactions of molecules with metal surfaces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.J. Kroes
Innovative strategies to clinically characterize the human tear proteome
Transplantation of labial salivary glands to the eyelids for patients with dry eye appears to give excellent results clinically.
It's just a phase: High-contrast imaging with patterned liquid-crystal phase plates to facilitate characterization of exoplanets
This thesis aims to demonstrate how the achromatic nature and design flexibility of liquid-crystal optics can be used to improve high-contrast imaging instruments to facilitate detailed exoplanet characterization.
Resolving the building blocks of galaxies in space and time
We investigate the buildup of galaxies from various vantage points. The first two chapters focus on the stellar content of galaxies, especially the distribution of stellar masses at birth and potential variations therein in various galactic environments.
Designing Ships using Constrained Multi-Objective Efficient Global Optimization
A modern ship design process is subject to a wide variety of constraints such as safety constraints, regulations, and physical constraints.
Attacks on hash functions and applications
Promotores: R. Cramer, A.K. Lenstra, Co-Promotor: B.M.M. de Weger
Understanding functional dynamics and conformational stability of beta-glycosidases
Due to their central physiological roles in living organisms, retaining beta-glycosidases have been the subject of tremendous research efforts to examine their structure/function relation using numerous biophysical and biochemical approaches.
Systems vaccinology: molecular signatures of immunity to Bordetella pertussis
Promotor: G.F.A. Kersten, W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: B. Metz
Interactions from lipid membrane deformations
Biological cells, the basic building blocks of all life forms, are surrounded by a lipid membrane. More than half of the membrane is occupied by membrane proteins, which can regulate the cell functionality through specific arrangements.
Corpora Non Agunt Nisi Fixata: Ligand Receptor Binding Kinetics in G Protein-Coupled Receptors
The present thesis focuses on the pharmacological concept of drug-target interaction, which dates back to the beginning of modern pharmacology.
Dynamics and regulation of the oxidative stress response upon chemical exposure
The focus of the described research in this thesis is on the oxidative stress response (Nrf2 pathway). The aim of the research presented in this thesis is to obtain more information concerning microRNAs which are involved in the Nrf2 pathway, to determine and evaluate the application of microRNAs for…
Artificial metallo-proteins for photocatalytic water splitting: stability and activity in artificial photosynthesis
Climate change is one of the largest challenges faced by humanity. To combat this research into alternatives to fossil fuels is ongoing. Dihydrogen is considered a good alternative fuel, since its burning only forms water.
Synthesis of Ribitol Phosphate based Wall Teichoic acids
Antibiotic resistance, caused by widespread use of antibiotics, leads to bacterial infections that are difficult, if not impossible, to treat and is a major worldwide health concern.
Fertility and fontanels: women’s knowledge of medicinal plants for reproductive health and childcare in western Africa
Promotor: E.F. Smets, Co-promotor: T.R. van Andel
Abstract Behavioral Specification: unifying modeling and programming
We strive to address the challenge of constructing a modeling language to write software which can take advantage of recent hardware developments (multicore, cloud) without compromising in its abstraction levels.