1,043 zoekresultaten voor “synthesis he molecular” in de Publieke website
Stereoelectronic and conformational effects in oxocarbenium, iminium and iminosugar ammonium ions
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel, M. van Heel
Glycosyl Cations in Glycosylation Reactions
This thesis describes the use of a combined approach of computational and experimental techniques to gain novel insights to understand the glycosylation reaction and its reactive intermediates.
New polymyxin antibiotics for old problems: addressing nephrotoxicity and resistance
Polymyxins are clinically used antibiotics, discovered in mid-20th century. Once abandoned due to excessive nephrotoxicity, they are now used increasingly to address infections caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria.In this thesis, we describe the development and synthesis of analogues…
NMR Faciliteit
Met de NMR faciliteit doen we onderzoek naar de synthese van paramagnetische moleculen om kennis te vergaren over de structuur en dynamiek van eiwitten. Deze kennis kan dienen als basis voor een medicijn dat zich hecht aan een eiwit of voor de ontwikkeling van vaccins. Medicijnontwikkeling is één van…
Computational and experimental studies of reactive intermediates in glycosylation reactions
Carbohydrates, or sugars, are the most diverse and most abundant biomolecules known. However, the isolation of carbohydrate samples in sufficient amounts and purity is often impractical or even impossible, so the chemical synthesis of glycosides becomes relevant. The glycosylation reaction, in which…
Inhibitors and probes targeting PslG
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacterium which can form biofilms, increasing its resistance against antibiotics and the host immune system. Polysaccharides are an integral part of this biofilm, one of these polysaccharides is called Psl. PslG is a glycosidase, able to cleave this polysaccharide,…
Innovative (electro-driven) sample preparation tools for metabolomics study of muscle aging
This thesis focuses on the development of sample-preparation methods for small amounts of samples and applying the developed methods to muscle tissues to investigate the mechanisms involved in sarcopenia.
Evolutionary Molecular Dynamics
Towards artificial photosynthesis: resolving supramolecular packing of artificial antennae chromophores through a hybrid approach
Promotor: H.J.M. de Groot
Check de volgende toelatingseisen voordat jij je aanmeldt voor de opleiding Molecular Science and Technology.
Towards Optical Detection of a Single Electron
Single-molecule spectroscopy has become a powerful method for using organic fluorescent molecules in numerous applications.
Unveiling the third dimension: vertical structure as a probe of planet formation conditions
Protoplanetary disks are the gas and dust environments where planetary systems form around young stars. Using observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) this thesis analyses the gaseous molecular reservoir, using multiple tracers to resolve the 3D structure of protoplanetary…
Bridging the gap between physics and chemistry in early stages of star formation
A dense region of a gaseous and dusty cloud collapses to form a protostar surrounded by a disk and an envelope. This thesis uses both observations and models to study physical and chemical conditions of these protostellar systems which are likely where planets start to form.
Unveiling protostellar disk formation around low-mass stars
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck
Towards in-cell structural study of light-harvesting complexes : an investigation with MAS-NMR
Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) is responsible for light absorption and excitation energy transfer in plants and photosynthetic algae, while in high light it undergoes conformational changes by which it quenches excitations to prevent photodamage.
Orchid mycorrhizal interactions: evolutionary trajectories and ecological variations
The mycorrhizal symbiosis is among the most widespread species interactions on Earth. This thesis focuses on orchid mycorrhiza, a unique mycorrhizal type that has caught scientists’ attention for centuries.
Anthe Janssen wint Unilever Research Prijs 2014
Anthe Janssen studeerde ‘summa cum laude’ af voor de masteropleiding Chemistry. Hij gebruikte NMR methoden om inzicht te krijgen in de synthese en het gedrag van bio suiker.
TOP-PUNT subsidie voor chemicus Gijs van der Marel
NWO Chemische Wetenschappen heeft een TOP-PUNT subsidie toegekend aan een onderzoeksproject van chemicus prof.dr. Gijs van der Marel van de Universiteit Leiden en prof. dr. ir. A.J. Minnaard van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Leiden Institute of Chemistry sleept vier NWO ECHO subsidies binnen
Naast de 2 TOP grants heeft het LIC ook nog 4 ECHO’s binnengehaald voor dr. Francesco Buda, professor Gijs van der Marel met Jeroen Codée, dr. Dmitri Filippov en professor Gilles van Wezel.
Synthesis of chemical tools to study the immune system
Synthesis of D-alanylated wall teichoic acids from Staphylococcus aureus
Chemical Protein Synthesis: from Nanobodies to Activity-Based Probes
Toelating en Aanmelding
Is MST de studie die bij je past? Dan kun je je inschrijvenaan de hand van onderstaand stappenplan. Je schrijft je in bij de Universiteit Leiden. De Universiteit Leiden zorgt voor je inschrijving bij de TU Delft.
Precision modeling of breast cancer in the CRISPR era
The molecular mechanisms that instigate a healthy cell to become malignant are fueled by (epi)genetic alterations in so-called driver genes.
Mass Spectrometry-Based Degradomics Analysis of Toxoid Vaccines
The chemical and structural heterogeneity of toxoid vaccines makes their analysis challenging. However, detailed insights on a molecular level can be obtained by mass spectrometry.
Zebrafish as vertebrate model of Gaucher disease
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a group of orphan diseases characterized by lysosomal dysfunction or impaired lysosomal catabolism and affect collectively about 1 in 5000 live births.
Orion's Dragon and Other Stories
Stellar feedback is a crucial ingredient in the evolution of galaxies.
Protoplanetary disk anatomy: examining the structure and chemistry of planetary birthplaces with simple molecules
This thesis examines the link between simple molecules and the underlying structure and chemistry within protoplanetary disks - the birthplaces of planets.
Role of integrin adhesions in cellular mechanotransduction
Promotor: B. vd Water, T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: E.H.J. Danen
From molecules to monitoring: Integrating genetic tools into freshwater quality assessments
Freshwater is an important resource, but at a great risk of species decline due to habitat loss, pollution and over-exploitation, and invasive alien species.
Single-molecule fluorescence in sequence space
The sequence-dependence of biomolecular interactions involving nucleic acids and proteins is essential for numerous processes inside the cell. Insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms have been obtained using various biochemical and biophysical methods on two different levels — bulk and sin…
Bioorthogonal Antigens as Tool for Investigation of Antigen Processing and Presentation
In order to be able to develop effective medicine and treatments to prevent or cure autoimmune diseases or cancer we need to understand the mechanisms how they arise and what drives their course.Unravelling the fundamental molecular mechanisms influencing the onset and course of diseases such as allergies,…
Biomimetic models of [NiFe] hydrogenase for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The growing demand of energy indicates that global energy resources in the form of fossil fuels will not be sufficient in the future. In order to solve potential future energy problems development of a sustainable hydrogen economy is highly desirable.
Exploring chemical space in covalent and competitive glycosidase inhibitor design
Glycoside hydrolases (glycosidases/GHs) are widely abundant enzymes in all kingdoms of life and are important biocatalysts that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic linkages in oligo/polysaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids with tremendous efficiency
Potential interference of fungal endophytes in Vanilla planifolia on vanilla flavor compounds biosynthesis
Natural vanilla flavor is one of the most important in the world. However, the cost of this flavor is expensive. Production of this flavor by alternative methods, could reduce the cost.
Social Dimensions of Crane and Wetland Conservation in African Rural Landscapes: Insights from Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe
This thesis focuses on the social dimensions of crane and wetland conservation in rural landscapes in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
From data to models: reducing uncertainty in benefit risk assessment: application to chronic iron overload in children
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-promotor: O.E. Della Pasqua
Direct and two-step activity-based profiling of proteases and glycosidases
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel
Understanding functional dynamics and conformational stability of beta-glycosidases
Due to their central physiological roles in living organisms, retaining beta-glycosidases have been the subject of tremendous research efforts to examine their structure/function relation using numerous biophysical and biochemical approaches.
Heme biosynthesis and regulation in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
Promotors: Prof.dr. P.J. Punt, Prof.dr. C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel
Development of kinase inhibitors and activity-based probes
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, J. Neefjes, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Design and development of conformational inhibitors and activity-based probes for retaining glycosidases
Glycosidases are essential in fundamental biological processes and are responsible for the degradation of most (oligo)saccharides, glycolipids and glycoproteins.
Microscopy and Spectroscopy on Model Catalysts in Gas Environments
In surface science there is great effort to move from studying simple, flat model surfaces in vacuum to investigating more complex model catalysts in gas environments (in situ). This thesis gives three examples of such studies using microscopy and spectroscopy.
Postdoc / research associate - bioinformatics in advanced therapy medicinal products
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
Accelerating the Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Catalyst−Dye Complexes
As a virtually inexhaustible source, solar energy plays a major role in future global energy scenarios.
mRNA and drug delivery with lipid-based nanoparticles
This thesis focuses on the application of lipid-based nanomedicine in drug delivery, including small molecular antitumor drugs and biomacromolecules including mRNA, and evaluates their biological performance.
Morphogenesis and protein production in Aspergillus niger
Promotores: C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel, V. Meyer, Co-promotor: A.F.J. Ram
Identification of Therapeutic Targets and Antisense Oligonucleotide Mediated Exon Skipping Based Therapies in Arthritis
Promotor: G.J.B. van Ommen
The Chara plasma membrane system : an ancestral model for plasma membrane transport in plant cells
Multicellular giant algae Chara species have been widely used in physiological studies for decades.
A bioorthogonal chemistry approach to the study of biomolecules in their ultrastructural cellular context
In this thesis the combinatorial use of bioorthogonal labelling and Electron Microscopy (EM)-based imaging techniques is explored to enable observations of specific molecular targets in their ultrastructural context within the cell.