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- Diversiteit in onderzoek en onderwijs
Diesfestival voor alumni
Het Leids Universiteits Fonds viert 450 jaar Universiteit Leiden en dat pakken we groots aan!
Hoe uitzaaiende tumoren hun omgeving naar hun hand zetten
Tumoren gedragen zich als mini-orgaantjes, manipuleren hun omgeving en gebruiken lichaamseigen processen om te overleven en uit te zaaien. Door onderzoek van Erik Danen en zijn collega’s komen we steeds meer te weten over de complexe aard van tumorcellen. In het NRC vertellen de wetenschappers over…
Ahmed Mahfouz: 'Het mysterie van hersenziekten, cel voor cel uitgezocht'
Welke hersencel doet wát als bijvoorbeeld de ziekte van Parkinson ontstaat? Het duurt niet lang meer voordat die puzzel stukje voor stukje gelegd kan worden. Computationeel bioloog Ahmed Mahfouz combineert Leidse bio-kennis met Delftse algoritmen en komt steeds dichterbij de sleutel.
Image analysis for gene expression based phenotype characterization in yeast cells
Promotores: T.H.W. Bäck, A. Plaat, Co-promotor: F.J. Verbeek
Cholesterol metabolism and hematopoiesis interaction in atherothrombosis
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
Mesoporous silica nanoparticle-based protein delivery systems for biomedical applications
Promotor: A. Kros
Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy
Promotor: T. Schmidt
Unraveling the auxin mechanism in 2,4-D induced somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Promotor: P. J. J. Hooykaas, Co-promotor: R. Offringa
The architects of crenarchaeal chromatin: A biophysical characterization of chromatin proteins from Sulfolobus solfataricus
Promotor: Jaap Brouwer, Co-promotor: Remus Th. Dame
Design, synthesis and application of paramagnetic probes for protein structure studies
The main subject of this thesis is the design and synthesis of paramagnetic molecules for protein studies with NMR and EPR spectroscopy.
Toll-like receptor signaling in the innate immune system of zebrafish larvae
Promotor: H.P. Spaink, A.H. Meijer Co-promotor: R. Marin-Juez
Synthesis of chemical tools to study the immune system
This thesis describes the synthesis and biological evaluation of TLR2/6, TLR4, TLR7/8 and TLR9 ligands, of which the activity can be conditionally controlled.
Understanding the uptake and internal distribution of metallic nanoparticles in Danio rerio larvae
The aim is to discover where differently shaped metal nanoparticles distributes in Danio rerio, linking the distribution with genomic responses and so come up with a Mode of Action.
Thiosugars: reactivity, methodology and applications
Carbohydrates, alongside proteins and nucleic acids, constitute a crucial and versatile family of biomolecules present in all life forms. They manifest as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides, covalently bonded to proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are integral to plant and arthropod…
The ecological relevance of chemical diversity in plants
Promotor: P.G.L. Klinkhamer, Co-Promotores: K. Vrieling, P.P.J. Mulder
Chemical Tools to Illuminate N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine Biosynthesis
This thesis describes the development and optimization of the first molecular tools to study the enzyme PLA2G4E.
Enumeration and Simulation of Lattice Polymers as Models for Compact Biological Macromolecules
Promotores: H. Schiessel, G.T. Barkema
In vitro and in vivo delivery of functionalized nanoparticles via coiled-coil interactions
Promotor: A. Kros, Co-promotor: R.R.C.L. Olsthoorn
The diverse roles of integrin α3β1 in cancer: Lessons learned from skin and breast carcinogenesis
In this thesis, we aim to shed light on the diverse and often opposing roles of integrin α3β1 in cancer.
Development of automatic image analysis methods for high-throughput and high-content screening
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water
The interplay between lipids and the immune system in atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular diseases are among the most frequent causes of death in the world. The main underlying pathology of cardiovascular diseases is the development of atherosclerosis in the medium and large-sized arteries.
Visualization of Vitamin A Metabolism
Vitamin A or retinol is essential in embryonic development, the visual cycle and the immune system.
The advantages and disadvantages of bioorthogonal proteins
This thesis describes the use of bioorthogonal proteins in immunological settings. It provides an introduction towards the field of protein modification, which was used throughout the thesis for the expression of proteins containing unnatural amino acids.
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
Platinum electrochemistry through a magnifying glass
In most applications, electrocatalysts exhibit a large surface area to volume ratio, for example using nanoparticles.
Development of an in vitro vascular network using zebrafish embryonic cells
One of the major limitations in culturing complex tissues or organs is the lack of vascularization in the cultured tissue. Development of a functional capillary bed could overcome this problem.
Functional analysis of agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence protein VirD5
Supervisor: P.J.J. Hooykaas
Activity-based protein profiling of glucosidases, fucosidases and glucuronidases
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: B.I. Florea
Carcinogenicity of insulin analogues
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water
Immunity in atherosclerosis: novel assays, biomarkers and therapeutic approaches
Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease resulting in the formation of an arterial plaque. Despite lipid lowering, recurrent cardiovascular events remain a risk. While atherosclerosis is primarily lipid-driven, the immune system plays a critical role in the pathophysiology.
The dynamic organization of prokaryotic genomes: DNA bridging and wrapping proteins across the tree of life
Every organisms in the tree of life faces the same challenge: the length of its DNA exceeds the volume of the cell it needs to fit in. Several strategies have evolved to solve this problem, one of them being the expression of proteins that bind and organize the DNA.
Donor T-cell responses and interaction with graft versus host target tissue after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Targeting tumors using T-cell receptor gene transfer
Improving care for red blood cell alloimmunized pregnant women
T-cell gene therapy for low mutational burden cancer
Perspectives on decision making in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Deciphering myeloid (progenitor) cell function and communication in (tumor) tissues
In dit interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma werken onderzoekers uit vijf verschillende disciplines met elkaar samen. Zij stellen zich hieronder (in het Engels) aan u voor.
Aan de hand van het lesmateriaal van het Wetenschapsknooppunt Leiden leren de kinderen over wetenschap en onderzoek doen.
Activity-based protein profiling in drug discovery
In the last decades, activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) has emerged as a powerful chemical tool that may aid the ever-challenging drug discovery process.
Towards a mechanistic understanding of nanoparticle behavior using zebrafish
The work described in this dissertation contributes to a better mechanistic understanding of nanoparticles in vivo. To achieve that goal, we used the zebrafish as a highly predictive pre-screening model of nanoparticles.
Caging ruthenium complexes with non-toxic ligands for photoactivated chemotherapy
The main goal of the research described in this thesis was the development of new photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) ruthenium(II) complexes bearing a non-toxic photolabile ligand.
Synthesis of Ribitol Phosphate based Wall Teichoic acids
Antibiotic resistance, caused by widespread use of antibiotics, leads to bacterial infections that are difficult, if not impossible, to treat and is a major worldwide health concern.
Piecewise deterministic Markov processes: an analytic approach
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-Promotores: S.C.Hille, O.W. van Gaans
The structure of a working catalyst: from flat surfaces to nanoparticles
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.W.M. Frenken
Development of kinase inhibitors and activity-based probes
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, J. Neefjes, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Structural characterization of bacterial proteins involved in antibiotic resistance and peptidoglycan biosynthesis
This thesis describes the structural and biochemical characterization of the β-lactamase BlaC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), and the Alr and YlmE proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).Mtb is the main cause of tuberculosis.
Key innate immune components controlling intracellular infection
Promotor: H.P. Spaink, Co-Promotor: A.H. Meijer