1,206 zoekresultaten voor “is a” in de Publieke website
Quantitative modelling of the response of earthworms to metals
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg
Identification and characterization of developmental genes in streptomyces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences provides a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living and non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental…
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
Diagnosis and treatment of obese children with insulin resistance
Promotors: C.A.J. Knibbe, Anthonius de Boer, Co-promotor: M.M.J. van der Vorst
The unit residue group
The unit residue group, to which the present thesis is devoted, is defined using the norm-residue symbol, which Hilbert introduced into algebraic number theory in 1897.
Do selenium nanoparticles in fish food cause subtle alterations in behavior of fish: effect of particles size and concentration?
The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South - INVISIHIST
The main aim of this project is to reveal and unravel the invisible histories of the UN, transcending the dominant Western perspective to recover the historical agency of Global South actors. The research will investigate how the UN has both facilitated and limited their role in shaping global order…
Material Flows in the City of Amsterdam
An account of the total of material flows going in, out and through Amsterdam.
Long term dynamics of stochastic evolution equations
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O. van Gaans
A monodromy criterion for existence of Neron models and a result on semi-factoriality
In the first part, we introduce a new condition, called toric-additivity, on a family of abelian varieties degenerating to a semi-abelian scheme over a normal crossing divisor.
Quantum dot microcavity control of photon statistics
During my PhD research, I studied the photon statistics of light emitted by a microcavity that contains a single quantum dot (QD) on resonance.
Cholesterol metabolism and hematopoiesis interaction in atherothrombosis
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy
Promotor: T. Schmidt
Algorithm selection and configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum methods for industrial applications
Quantum hardware comes with a different computing paradigm and new ways to tackle applications. Much effort has to be put into understanding how to leverage this technology to give real-world advantages in areas of interest for industries such as combinatorial optimization or machine learning.
Granular Flows: Fluidization and Anisotropy
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.L. van Hecke
Machine learning and computer vision for urban drainage inspections
Sewer pipes are an essential infrastructure in modern society and their proper operation is important for public health. To keep sewer pipes operational as much as possible, periodical inspections for defects are performed.
- Religion in a Changing World
Visual Relation extraction Based on Deep Cross-media Transfer Network
Building a Deep Cross-media Transfer Network to extract visual relations that relieve the problem of insufficient training data for visual tasks.
Targeting the adenosinergic system
Adenosine is an endogenous ligand which exerts its action by activating adenosine receptors (ARs), while its circulating levels are controlled via a variety of mechanism and proteins, amongst others the equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs).
Error bounds for discrete tomography
Promotores: K.J. Batenburg, B. Koren
The Sand Motor - Building with Nature to optimise coastal protection and other ecosystem services
How can mega sand nourishments, such as the Sand Motor, be designed and managed for optimal ecosystem services provision ?
Image and Identity in Chinese Historic Houses
How and to what extent the historic house (re-)constructs identity through image-making in China.
Nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy at millikelvin temperatures
Promotor: T.H. Oosterkamp
Counting problems for number rings
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
Kearifan Kesehatan Lokal: indigenous medical knowledge and practice for integrated nursing of the elderly with cardiovascular disease in Sumedang
The different kinds of cultural perspectives on health and disease of the participants are related to their knowledge, beliefs, values and practices manifested in various forms of lifestyle in Indonesia. The cultural diversity of the population is also related to differences in health behaviour.
Selective autophagy in host defense against mycobacterial infection
The effective treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remains a major challenge to global health.
Southeast Asia in Transition (SEAtrans)
SEAtrans: an interdisciplinary research project that aims at studying the dynamics and processes of transitions in society-nature interactions in Southeast Asian societies.
Pesticides and health – challenges and opportunities for exposure assessment
The aim is to develop methods to assess environmental and occupational exposure to (individual) pesticides, to be applied in epidemiological studies investigating pesticide exposure and human health. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential association between exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s…
Footprint family: Concepts, classification, integration, and benchmarking against planetary boundaries
How to bring together different footprints into an integrated family and what are the synergies? What are the roles of inventory analysis and characterization in measuring individual footprints and how these affect a footprint family? How to benchmark environmental footprints against related planetary…
Human skin equivalents for atopic dermatitis: investigating the role of filaggrin in the skin barrier
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.A. Bouwstra, Co-promotor: A. El Ghalbzouri
Frontiers of Nanoscience (NanoFront)
Kunnen we van quantum-verrassingen quantum toepassingen maken? Kunnen we het leven onderzoeken en opbouwen vanuit de nano-schaal?
Op deze pagina vindt u de opnames van de online This Week's Discoveries vanaf 12 mei 2020 en een lijst sprekers vanaf oktober 2015.
Got a friend in me?
Mapping the neural mechanisms underlying social motivations of adolescents and adults
L.A.D. F. Kaiser
Het Leids Astronomisch Dispuut Frederik Kaiser is een vereniging die zich inzet voor de studenten die in Leiden sterrenkunde studeren. Daarnaast zijn ze ook erg betrokken bij de publieksactiviteiten in de Oude Sterrewacht en helpen ze bij de ontwikkeling en uitvoering van andere projecten in het geb…
Pair configurations to molecular activity coefficients: PAC-MAC
This thesis provides an overview of the development of the Pair Configuration to Molecular Activity Coefficient (PAC-MAC) model.
Modular curves, Arakelov theory, algorithmic applications
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: R.S. de Jong
Functional analysis of Dof transcription factors controlling heading date and PPDK gene expression in rice
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotores: P.B.F. Ouwerkerk, M. Wang
Single-electrolyte isotachophoresis: on-chip analyte focusing and separation
Promotor: Thomas Hankemeier, Co-promotores: Heiko van der Linden, Paul Vulto
Tales of Orion: the interplay of gas, dust, and stars in the interstellar medium
Promotores: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens, Prof.dr. L. Kaper (UvA)
The distribution of stellar mass in galaxy clusters over cosmic time
Promotor: Prof.dr. K.H. Kuijken, Co-Promotor: H.Hoekstra
Deciphering fermionic matter: from holography to field theory
Promotor: K.E. Schalm, Co-promotor: S.S. Lee
Breeding birds on organic and conventional arable farms
Promotor: G.R. de Snoo
Grip on software: understanding development progress of SCRUM sprints and backlogs
Software development is a complex process. It is important that software products become stable and maintainable assets.
Logarithmic approach to the double ramification cycle
This thesis discusses several questions regarding the double ramification cycle as a Chow class on the moduli space of stable n-pointed genus g curves using tools from so-called logarithmic geometry.
On some classes of modules and their endomorphism rings
Promotores: Prof.dr. H Lenstra, Prof.dr. A Facchini (Padova University)
Mechanisms of Ewing sarcoma metastasis
Promotor: T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: B.E. Snaar-Jagalska
Exploration on and of Networks
This dissertation consists of two parts, with the common theme
Matchmaking for open innovation: perspectives on multi-sided markets
Promotores: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. K. Sailer (Munich University)
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
De Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) richt zicht op onderzoek naar maatschappelijke en governancevraagstukken zoals terrorisme, organisatie van het openbaar bestuur, klimaatverandering en economische crises. Hedendaagse onderwerpen worden zowel vanuit een bestuurskundig, politicologisch,…