1,423 zoekresultaten voor “i am competition” in de Publieke website
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Prijzen en Subsidies 2022
Een overzicht van awards en prijzen die in 2022 zijn toegekend aan onze medewerkers en studenten, maar ook bijzondere benoemingen aan de Universiteit Leiden en andere instellingen.
Time is of the essence: investigating kinetic interactions between drug, endogenous neuropeptides and receptor
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman Co-promotor: L.H. Heitman
Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-promotor: A.J. Knobbe
Quantum dot microcavity control of photon statistics
During my PhD research, I studied the photon statistics of light emitted by a microcavity that contains a single quantum dot (QD) on resonance.
The rhizomicrobiome of Sorghum ; impact on plant growth and stress tolerance
The overall objectives of my thesis are to investigate the dynamics of the sorghum root microbiome and to explore the beneficial effects of the root microbiome on sorghum growth and stress tolerance.
In vitro investigation of the photoprotection mechanism of Light Harvesting Complex II
Solar energy is used by photosynthetic organisms to drive energy required cellular processes. Is absorbed by two groups of pigments, located in the LHCs.
Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way
The high velocity tail of the total velocity distribution of stars provides essential insight into fundamental properties of the Galaxy.
From midplane to planets : the chemical fingerprint of a disk
This thesis addresses the chemical processes that determine the compositions of giant planet atmospheres.
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
Developmental effects of polystyrene nanoparticles in the chicken embryo
There is concern about the threat that nanoplastics (NPs) may pose to both wildlife and humans. This thesis explores the mechanisms of toxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) in chicken embryo.
The shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of Malaysian Borneo
The thesis is about the study of shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of the genus Georissa. This thesis started with a general overview on the evolutionary process of animals due to ecological changes.
Technology & Innovation
De onderzoeksgroep Business, Technology & Public Policy van de afdeling Bedrijfswetenschappen van Universiteit leiden houdt zich bezig met het onderzoeken van de dynamische wisselwerking tussen ‘nieuwe’ technologieën en de verschillende belanghebbenden die hiermee interacteren, waaronder consumenten,…
VLOED I: Zee-filosofie
Lezing, Studium Generale
The Skandapurāṇa Project
Uniting an international consortium of scholars, the Skandapurāṇa Project comprises a team of researchers working in fields across the Humanities. We are creating a critical edition of a foundational work of purāṇic literature and, in doing so, tracing the dynamics of a textual tradition to better understand…
Onderwijsaanbod per opleiding
Overzicht van economische vakken per opleiding, zoals aangeboden door de Afdeling Economie.
De Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen heeft twee adviesgroepen voor D&I: een voor medewerkers en voor studenten.
De voorgestelde beleidsmaatregelen zijn het resultaat van een interactief proces tussen medewerkers, studenten, de D&I adviesgroepen, externe experts en het Expertisebureau D&I.
Charge transport properties of Ru-complex molecules: the influence of humidity
I will give a general introduction to the field of molecular electronics, its history, methods and challenges. I will also introduce the subject of my investigation and provide a brief outlook to the remainder of our thesis.
Overzicht van de voornaamste onderzoeksprojecten van het Leids Papyrologisch Instituut.
Ecology of the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis Rüppell 1835) in a changing landscape: Human carnivore interactions in Afroalpine ecosystems of
Ethiopian wolves are endangered diurnal Afroalpine rodent hunters. I investigated the interaction between wolves, rodents and human land use in Borena Sayint National Park (BSNP), Abune Yosef and Aboi Gara in Ethiopia.
Development and application of cryo-EM tools to study the ultrastructure of microbes in changing environments
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique used to visualize the inside of cells and to study specific protein complexes. Within this thesis, I describe the use of various cryo-EM techniques to gain insight into the structural changes of the human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, as it…
Isotopes and the characterization of extrasolar planets
Diverse types of exoplanets such as gas giants on close-in orbits (hot Jupiters) and young massive giants on wide orbits (super Jupiters), with no analogs in the Solar System, pose challenges but also opportunities to our understanding of planet formation and evolution.
Een Perzisch liefdesverhaal en het ontstaan van een rockclassic
Wat doet de naam van de middeleeuwse Perzische dichter Nezami (✞ ca. 1209) op de cover van een rockalbum van Eric Clapton? Asghar Seyed Gohrab, universitair hoofddocent aan het Instituut voor Area Studies, vertelt erover in een nieuwe blog voor het Leiden Medievalists Blog.
Causing a stir: Radiative and mechanical feedback in starburst galaxies
Promotores: Prof.dr. F.P. Israel, Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
Anyonic, cosmic, and chaotic: three faces of Majorana fermions
In my thesis I study Majorana fermions from three different perspectives. The first one corresponds to non-interacting Majorana fermions that, however, pose non-trivial topological properties. The second one corresponds to strongly interacting Majoranas and the third to relic neutrinos. No one knows…
Bestuursbureau en expertisecentra
Het Bestuursbureau ondersteunt het College van Bestuur en draagt zorg voor de beleids- en besluitvorming.
In het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) word je klaargestoomd voor de wereld van morgen. We brengen op een unieke manier onderzoek en patiëntenzorg samen in ons onderwijs.
Ewan McKendrick benoemd tot hoogleraar Anglo-American Private Law in Leiden
Per 1 november 2018 zal professor Ewan McKendrick QC aantreden als de nieuwe hoogleraar Anglo-Amerikaans Privaatrecht en verbonden zijn aan het Instituut voor Privaatrecht van de rechtenfaculteit van de Universiteit Leiden.
Management of small-scale -African fisheries: The Case of Elephant Marsh in Malawi
How does the management of Elephant Marsh Fishery in Malawi relate to wider contexts of policies, theories and regions? And how can the current management system be adapted to achieve long-term sustainability of the fishery?
Statistical modelling of time-varying covariates for survival data
This dissertation focuses on developing new mathematical and statistical methods to properly represent time-varying covariates and model them within the context of time-to-event analysis.
Het miljard deeltjes probleem
Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
The noisy underwater world: the effect of sound on behaviour of captive zebrafish
Promotor: Carel J. ten Cate, Co-Promotor: Hans W. Slabbekoorn
Zebrafish xenograft model: identification of novel mechanisms driving prostate cancer metastasis
Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most prevalent cancer in males.
Chemical Similarity: Structuring Risk and Hazard Assessment
At the moment, over 350.000 chemicals are registered worldwide for production and use. Their application, however, may harm human health and the environment.
High-Contrast Imaging of Protoplanetary Disks
To study how planetary systems come into existence we study much younger systems still in formation.
Cheating belowground interactions
Mycoheterotrophy is a particular mode of life in which plants obtain carbohydrates from their associated fungal partners, instead of by using photosynthesis.
Automata-theoretic protocol programming
Promotor: F. Arbab
The effects of burying beetle social behaviours on interspecific interactions
This ecological community has long been known to affect host biology, and their diverse roles have been further clarified in recent years following numerous studies of animal:microbiota interactions in diverse systems.
Het Europaeum
Het Europaeum is een netwerk van 17 vooraanstaande Europese universiteiten, met als doel om talentvolle studenten en docenten met elkaar in contract te brengen en door samenwerking en academische mobiliteit een 'Europees gevoel' te bevorderen.
Exploring charge transport properties and functionality of molecule-nanoparticle ensembles
Promotor: J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Co-Promotor: S.J. van der Molen
Innate immunity, developmental speed and their trade-offs in two hexapod models
This thesis focuses on important life history traits and their trade-offs using two hexapod models. Particularly, the trade-off between immune defense and embryonic developmental speed is a central theme of this study.
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Promotor: T. Schmidt, Co-promotor: S. J.T. van Noort
Cosmic particle acceleration by shocks and turbulence in merging galaxy clusters
In this thesis, I study the formation of large-scale structure and the physics of particle acceleration at large scales (~Mpc).
The puzzle of protoplanetary disk masses
My work focuses on a class of astronomical objects called protoplanetary disks.
De master Management van de Publieke Sector vindt volledig plaats in Den Haag, internationale stad van vrede en recht. Het onderwijs wordt verzorgd op de Campus Den Haag midden in het centrums. De nabijheid van het openbaar bestuur zorgt voor een vanzelfsprekende verbinding met de publieke organisa…
Oratie prof.dr.ir. I.M. Staring
Oratie prof.dr. I.B. van Vulpen
SMALL Savannah : an information system for the integrated analysis of land use change in the Far North of Cameroon
Promotores: W.T. de Groot, M. Tchuenté, Co-promotor: J.P. Cheylan
A meta-analysis of wetland plant traits in relation to the strategies of wetland plants and the impacts on ecosystem functioning
What are trait-trait relationships in wetlands? To what extent the so-called leaf economics traits deviate from terrestrial ecosystems? How traits specific to wetland plant relate to plant strategies? What’s the relationship between wetland plant traits to the ecosystem functioning (e.g. productivity,…