1,359 zoekresultaten voor “binding study advice bsa” in de Publieke website
Omgaan met contrasterende eisen door professionals in de openbare dienst
Dubbele binding. Het omgaan met contrasterende eisen door professionals in de openbare dienst. Hoe kunnen openbare dienst professionals hun PSM afstemmen met de contrasterende eisen die door de organisatorische en sociale context waarin zij werken gesteld worden?
Over ons onderwijs
Aandacht voor de individuele student, contact met diverse culturen en vernieuwende leermethodes kenmerken ons onderwijs. Persoonlijke begeleiding en bindend studieadvies dragen bij aan studiesucces. Ons onderwijs is nauw verweven met ons onderzoek.
Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling
Op 10 juni 2020 verdedigde Gitta Veldt haar proefschrift 'Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.mr. H.J. Snijders.
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of Streptomyces
Actinobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that have a complex multicellular life cycle and are well known for their ability to produce a wide range of bioactive natural products (NPs).
Gintingan in Subang: An Indigenous Institution for Sustainable Community-Based Development in the Sunda Region of West Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to understand how indigenous community institutions pose an important role in sustainable community-based development, including the integration between local culture and development.
Interstellar Catalysts and the PAH universe
Organic molecules in interstellar space are important as they influence the structure of galaxies and star formations. Studying catalytic processes in space allows us to understand how molecular species are formed and chemically evolved in the interstellar medium and solar system objects.
Pesticides and health – challenges and opportunities for exposure assessment
The aim is to develop methods to assess environmental and occupational exposure to (individual) pesticides, to be applied in epidemiological studies investigating pesticide exposure and human health. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential association between exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s…
Exploration on and of Networks
This dissertation consists of two parts, with the common theme
Groups and fields in arithmetic
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.W. Lenstra
Into the Darkness: Forging a Stable Path Through the Gravitational Landscape
In this thesis we study the landscape of gravitational models which modify GR by introducing an additional scalar degree of freedom (d.o.f.) to source Cosmic Acceleration.
The origins of friction and the growth of graphene, investigated at the atomic scale
Promotor: J.W.M. Frenken
Cosmic particle acceleration by shocks and turbulence in merging galaxy clusters
In this thesis, I study the formation of large-scale structure and the physics of particle acceleration at large scales (~Mpc).
The endocannabinoid system in zebrafish larvae
In this thesis, we have studied the potential of the zebrafish larval model in studying the ECS, as a complementary model to the existing rodent models.
Feestelijke uitreiking Propedeusediploma’s
De faculteit vindt ‘P-in-1’ iets om trots op te zijn en staat daar graag bij stil. Op vrijdag 18 oktober kregen 230 studenten hun Propedeusediploma’s uitgereikt, onder toeziend oog van familie en vrienden. De studenten hebben hun Propedeuse allemaal in één jaar gehaald. Een prachtige prestatie.
Een oplossing voor het probleem CO2 uitstoot. Hoe draagt fundamenteel Leids onderzoek daar aan bij?
De stijging van de CO2 concentratie in de lucht neemt gestaag toe, met alle gevolgen van dien. Naast alle organisaties die zich bezig houden met het verminderen van de CO2 concentratie werkt de Universiteit Leiden op drie verschillende manieren aan het vergaren van fundamentele kennis met betrekking…
Laura Heitman genomineerd voor Prix Galien
Laura Heitman van het Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) is genomineerd voor de Prix Galien Research Award. Deze belangrijke farmaceutische prijs bekroont jonge, vooraanstaande onderzoekers wiens wetenschappelijk onderzoek van grote betekenis is voor fundamenteel of klinisch geneesmidd…
On Products of Linear Error Correcting Codes
In this thesis we study products of linear error correcting codes.
Kummer theory for commutative algebraic groups
This dissertation is a collection of four research articles devoted to the study of Kummer theory for commutative algebraic groups.
Counting curves and their rational points
n this thesis we study curves. In the first half, we study moduli spaces of curves and Gromov-Witten invariants, certain kinds of curves counts. We employ logarithmic geometry for this.
De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak
Op 17 oktober 2018 verdedigde Henriëtte Weststrate haar proefschrift 'De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. H.J. van der Herik en prof. mr. G.J. Meijer.
Theater en film
Waarom ontroeren, verontrusten, fascineren of irriteren bewegende beelden ons? Bij de minor Theater en film verwerf je kennis van de geschiedenis, conventies en vertelstrategieën van de belangrijkste Westerse dramatische media, met name film en theater
Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes
Evaluating the environmental consequences of diet changes in the European Union.
Exposure and health Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) at e-waste recycling site among workers in the informal sector in Nigeria
Do e-waste workers display enhanced effects of adverse health effects due to informal e-waste processing in Nigeria? Is there a difference between the health outcomes of the exposed and the control groups? Are there difference in health effects within and between job groups (collectors, dismantlers,…
Refined tautological relations on moduli spaces of curves
The key purpose of this project is to study tautological relations on the level of closed differential forms or even integral cochains (i.e. we don't take classes in cohomology).
Distant star formation in the faint radio sky
One of the key quests in astronomy is to study the growth and evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. Radio observations provide a powerful means of studying the formation of stars and subsequent buildup of distant galaxies, in a way that is unbiased by the presence of dust.
The assembly history of the milky way nuclear star cluster
Promotor: P. T. de Zeeuw, Co-promotor: N. Neumayer; G. van de Ven
LCA of Printed and E-paper Documents
Comparing the global warming potential (GWP) of the service provided by an iRex Digital Reader to the same service provided by an office printer using a scanning LCA.
Student for a day African Studies
Ubar Kampung
The Sundanese people, the largest ethnic group in West Java, have been using traditional medicine for a long time. Known as ubar kampung, Sundanese indigenous knowledge, beliefs and practices of traditional medicine are based on local people’s knowledge and use of Medicinal, Aromatic, and Cosmetic (MAC)…
Zheng Li, Promoting Harmony with Conflicts?
In dit proefschrift wordt gekeken naar de produktie en consumptie van het reality-tv-programma ‘Nieuwe Wijze Oom’. Deze show, uitgezonden op het entertainmentkanaal van de provincie Shanghai, draait om mediation in conflicten tussen burgers. ‘Nieuwe Wijze Oom’ is geliefd bij het publiek én bij de autoriteiten.…
Single-molecule microscopy in zebrafish embryos
Single-Molecule Microscopy (SMM) techniques constitute a group of powerful imaging tools that enable researchers to study the dynamic behavior of individual molecules.
Wireless Random-Access Networks and Spectra of Random Graph
This thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I we study metastability properties of queue-based random-access protocols for wireless networks. The network is modeledas a bipartite graph whose edges represent interference constraints. In Part II we study spectra of inhomogeneous Erdős-Rényi random…
Tautological differential forms on moduli spaces of curves
In this thesis we study the moduli space of genus g curves, and the differential forms that occur naturally on this moduli space.
SFA of PVC in Sweden
In this study the flows of PVC and its additives through the Swedish Society were followed from the cradle to the grave (from production to waste treatment).
Binnen dit instituut wordt veel gevangenisonderzoek verricht. Detentie is de strengste sanctie die in de strafrechtstelsels van de Europese landen wordt toegepast.
Management of small-scale -African fisheries: The Case of Elephant Marsh in Malawi
How does the management of Elephant Marsh Fishery in Malawi relate to wider contexts of policies, theories and regions? And how can the current management system be adapted to achieve long-term sustainability of the fishery?
Origami metamaterials : design, symmetries, and combinatorics
In the first part of this thesis we study the geometry of folding patterns.
Yiatrosofia yia ton Anthropo: Indigenous Knowledge of Medicinal, Aromatic and Cosmetic (MAC) Plants in the Utilisation of the Plural Medical
Promotor: Prof.dr. L.J. Slikkerveer
Disentangling a complex genus: systematics, biogeography and bioactivity of the genus Phyllanthus L. and related genera of tribe Phyllantheae
The largest genus within the Phyllanthaceae family is a group called Phyllanthus L. Recent studies have shown, that Phyllanthus is paraphyletic with the genera Glochidion, Breynia and Synostemon nested within it.
Bugs and birds and landscape complexity
What invertebrates are available to feed nestlings in an agricultural landscape of varied complexity?
Lipid signaling and inflammation: metabolomics for better diagnosis and treatment strategy
Lipid signaling is an essential biological event/process in a plethora of pathophysiological conditions. The underlying idea of this thesis is that many of the roles and the complex interplay of the individual signaling lipids in inflammatory processes and related conditions in health and disease is…
Leukemia treatment & cognitive development
Hysterons and pathways in mechanical metamaterials
Mechanical metamaterials are carefully engineered materials whose properties are controlled by their structure, not by their composition, which allows using metamaterials to study and control physical effects in detail.
Governance of Innovation Project Management: Necessary and Neglected
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. J. de Vries
Higgs dynamics in the early universe
In the early universe, the dynamics of the Higgs field can give rise to many interesting phenomena.
Studies of dust and gas in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens
Laser-generated toroidal helium plasmas
This dissertation is an experimental study of laser-generated, atmospheric pressure, transient toroidal helium plasmas.
Aspects of cosmic acceleration
The focus of the dissertation
Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and the Spin Bath
There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, and ultimately experiments are needed to verify or falsify these interpretations.
Explicit Computation of the Height of a Gross-Schoen Cycle
Arithmetic geometry concerns the number-theoretic properties of geometric objects defined by polynomials. Mathematicians are interested in the rational solutions to these geometric objects.