1,043 zoekresultaten voor “synthesis he molecular” in de Publieke website
Phylogeny and species delimitation within the moss genus Dicranum Hedw.
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Smets, M. Stech
The Miliuseae revisited: phylogenetic, taxonomic, and palynological studies in a major clade of Annonaceae
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets, Co-Promotor: L.W. Chatrou
Functionalized two-dimensional membranes and materials for solar-to-fuel devices: a multiscale computational approach
In the current global context, there is a pressing need to address sustainable energy supplies to safeguard our Planet and its ecosystems. The choices made by human society have a significant impact on genetic evolution and climate.
Functions of P38 and ERK kinases in zebrafish early development
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Dr. B.E. Snaar
The formation of complex organic molecules in dense clouds-Sweet results from laboratory
Large areas of space are filled by molecular clouds that consist of gas and dust grains that are the remnants of dead stars. When these clouds start collapsing, the decreasing temperature and increasing density cause gas particles to start accreting onto dust grain surfaces.
Sam Boerlijst
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Meiru Wang
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Murad Bozik
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
18-jarige Molecular Science & Technology afstudeerder wil iets betekenen voor de chemie
Op 11 november organiseerde de bacheloropleiding Molecular Science and Technology een corona-proof diploma-uitreiking met een bijzondere afstudeerder: de 18-jarige Ruard van Workum. Al van jongs af aan ontwikkelde Ruard een passie voor scheikunde. Hij begon op 15-jarige leeftijd met de opleiding Molecular…
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
Infrared spectroscopy of astrophysically relevant hydrocarbons
This thesis is about the study of hydrocarbons via infrared spectroscopy.
Twee NWO ECHO subsidies voor de Leidse Chemie
Twee jonge excellente chemici, Jeroen Codée en Sander van Kasteren, hebben een ECHO subsidie van € 260.000 euro toegekend gekregen door de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Hiermee kunnen hun onderzoeksprojecten van start gaan.
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
Synthetic carbohydrate ligands for immune receptors
One of the main challenges in the development of an effective anti-cancer vaccine is the generation of an adequate and directed cellular immune response.
Supramolecular polymer materials for biomedical applications and diagnostics
Self-assembly is an abundant process in nature and is vital to many processes in living organisms.
Allosteric modulation by sodium ions and amilorides of G protein- coupled receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
Allosteric modulation by sodium ions and amilorides of G protein-coupled receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
Diagnostics for mechanical heating in star-forming galaxies
Promotor: F.P. Israel, Co-Promoter: R. Meijerink
Growth-induced self-organization in bacterial colonies
Mechanical forces are known to play an important role in bacterial colonies. In this dissertation, we study the self-organization at various stages of growing bacterial colonies, and focus on the mechanical effects of cell growth.
Illuminating N-acylethanolamine biosynthesis with new chemical tools
In this thesis, the discovery and optimization is described of chemical tools to study the N-acylethanolamine (NAE) biosynthetic pathway.
Inhibitor Selectivity: Profiling and Prediction
Less than 1 in 10 drug candidates that enter phase 1 clinical trials actually gets approved for human use.
Systems diagnosis of chronic diseases, explored by metabolomics and ultra-weak photon emission
Promotor: J. van der Greef; Co-promotor: E. van Wijk, M. Wang
CO2 reduction on post-transition metals and their alloys: an industrial approach
This thesis focuses on the synthesis, characterization and performance towards CO2 electroreduction of mono and bi-metallic particles based on p-block metals
Highly Accurate Simulations and Benchmarking of Molecule-Surface Reactions
Heterogeneous catalyzed processes are highly significant to the chemical industry. Dissociative chemisorption (DC) of molecules on surfaces is always considered as a step with a high degree of rate control for heterogeneous catalysis.
Flow: A study of electron transport through networks of interconnected nanoparticles
This thesis describes a study from both a theoreticaL and an experimental point of view.
Shining Light on Interstellar Matter
Promotor: H.V.J. Linnartz
Hybrid zone dynamics in amphibians
Hybrid zones occur where two species meet and produce offspring (hybrids). Typically, hybrids show a considerable reduction in fitness. In this thesis two hybrid zones are treated.
Cold gas in distant galaxies
The formation and evolution of galaxies is fundamentally driven by the formation of new stars out of cold gas.
Structure-reactivity relationships in glycosylation chemistry
In a typical glycosylation reaction, a donor is activated to form a (variety of) electrophilic species which can react with a nucleophilic acceptor, following a reaction mechanism having both SN1 and SN2 character.
Chemical tools to modulate endocannabinoid biosynthesis
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Chemical reactivity of O2, CO and CO2 on Cu surfaces
Despite the history of studies on methanol formation from CO2, the dominant elementary reaction steps that constitute the chemical mechanism for this catalyzed process are not determined.
Mononuclear spin-transition materials based on the bapbpy scaffold
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Bouwman, Co-Promotor: S. Bonnet
The Diving Dutchman: het marien-gravimetrisch onderzoek van F.A. Vening Meinesz (1887-1966)
Promotores: Prof.dr. F. van Lunteren, Prof.dr. F.S. Gaastra
Inhibitors and probes targeting mannanases
This thesis describes the synthesis and biochemical evaluation of a variety of cyclophellitol based activity-based probes and inhibitors targeting various endo- and exo-acting retaining glycosidases. In the last two decades a variety of probes and inhibitors for (hemi)cellulose degrading enzymes have…
Kevin Groen
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Development of homogeneous catalysts for the selective conversion of levulinic acid to caprolactam
Promotors: Prof.dr. E. Bouwman, Prof.dr. E. Drent
Molecules during stellar formation and death
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. F. van Dishoeck
Triblock polypept(o)ides for siRNA delivery: unique polymeric designs for versatile carrier systems
Utilizing the polymeric platform of polypept(o)ides, this thesis describes synthesis and investigation of novel triblock copolymers to obtain carrier systems with multiple compartments for efficient siRNA delivery. Although the individual microstructure of nanoparticles differs depending on the polymeric…
Niels van der Windt
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Paul Scholten. Book chapter in Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries
Timo Slootweg, associate professor at he department Philosophy of Law, published a chapter about Paul Scholten in
Understanding the Surface Structure of Catalysts and 2D Materials at the Atomic Scale
The work in this thesis demonstrates how to obtain an atomic-scale picture of a diverse set of complex surface structures observed using STM, under disparate conditions.
Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Static Surface Model for Molecule- Surface Reactions
Several techniques are explored for going beyond the born-oppenheimer static surface model for molecule-surface reactions.
Jeroen Codee
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: R.G. Boot
De verzamelwoede van Martinus van Marum (1750-1837) en de ouderdom van de aarde
Promotor: F.J. van Lunteren, E. Jorin
Meeloopdag Molecular Science & Technology
Discovery and development of inhibitors selective for human constitutive proteasome and immunoproteasome active sites
This thesis describes the design and development of subunit‐selective inhibitors of particular catalytically active subunits of human constitutive proteasomes and immunoproteasomes.
Chemical tools to study lipid signaling
Synthesis and application of chemical biology tools to study immunomodulatory signaling lipids.
Next generation lipopeptide antibiotics
This thesis describes the evaluation of novel natural products with antibacterial activity enabled by total chemical synthesis.
Inhibitors and probes targeting endo-glycosidases
The chemical synthesis of inhibitors and probes targeting endo-glycosidases.