551 zoekresultaten voor “sara cell differentiatie” in de Publieke website
Risk perception and interpersonal discussion on risk: A systematic literature review
Dit artikel wil een coherente basis bieden voor empirische studies naar interpersoonlijke discussies over risico's.
Gold nanoparticle-peptide conjugates for biomedical applications
Despite the fact that gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are one of the most studied nanoparticles, there is still a necessity for new approaches allowing for effective protective coating to enable wider use of GNPs in biomedical applications.
Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumours
The SpeakTeach method
Naar zelfregulerend leren bij spreek- en gespreksvaardigheid in moderne vreemde talen in het voortgezet onderwijs: een adaptieve en praktische aanpak.
RNA splicing in breast cancer progression
In this thesis, we aimed to better understand the underlying mechanisms involved in TNBC progression and metastasis formation and discover new targets to reduce breast cancer related deaths.
Physics implications of shape on biological function
Shape and biological function are tightly connected. Physical descriptions are used to connect the shape of a biological system with its function.
Zes nieuwe leden voor de YAL
Met trots kondigen we aan dat vanaf september 2022, zes nieuwe leden onze huidige groep van 23 leden komen versterken. Met genoegen verwelkomen we:
Targeted Therapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
The research described in this thesis focused on identifying novel drug targets and synergistic combinations for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a virulent subtype of breast cancer with a dismal prognosis and limited therapeutic options.
Growth-induced self-organization in bacterial colonies
Mechanical forces are known to play an important role in bacterial colonies. In this dissertation, we study the self-organization at various stages of growing bacterial colonies, and focus on the mechanical effects of cell growth.
Sensing Transport
Solute carrier (SLC) transporters are a large and diverse class of relatively understudied transmembrane proteins.
Begeleiding en beoordeling praktijk
De studieonderdelen die betrekking hebben op het functioneren van studenten in de onderwijspraktijk zijn Praktijk 1 (eerste deel van de opleiding) en Praktijk 2 (tweede deel van de opleiding).
Inclusief onderwijs (BKO-module)
Data-geïnformeerd werken in het voortgezet onderwijs
Dit onderzoek richt zich op het proces waarmee docenten eigen lespraktijk stapsgewijs kunnen aanpassen in de richting van activerende didactiek en gedifferentieerd onderwijs.
The role of AGC3 kinases and calmodulins in plant growth responses to abiotic signals
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Hooykaas, Co-promotor: R. Offringa
Systems microscopy to unravel cellular stress response signalling in drug induced liver injury
Promotor: B. van de Water
De uiterlijke verschijningsvorm in het strafrecht
Op 25 november 2020 verdedigde Sara Arendse haar proefschrift 'De uiterlijke verschijningsvorm in het strafrecht'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. C.P.M. Cleiren en prof.mr. J.M. ten Voorde.
Composition and function of integrin adhesions
Integrins play an essential role in multicellular life by connecting cells to the extracellular matrix.
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Phase separation in lipid-based nanoparticles: exploring the nano-bio interface
This doctoral thesis is an effort to understand how lipid phase-separation induced by diacylglycerol analogues in lipid-based nanoparticles affects their in vivo behavior, leading to specific nanoparticle-protein communications and selective cell targeting.
Analysis of sub-visible particles in complex injectable formulations
Promotors: W. Jiskoot; G.J. Witkamp, Co-promotor: M.R. Nejadnik
Spatio-temporal aspects of antigen cross-presentation in dendritic cells: with click-to-release chemistry
The first steps are made in personalised cancer vaccination strategies, which aim to induce a more specific immune response with fewer side effects. The activation of cytotoxic T cells is crucial for an effective immune response.
Dies natalis 2024
De Universiteit Leiden vierde op 8 februari 2024 haar 449ste stichtingsdag.
The role of autophagy during carbon starvation in Aspergillus niger
Autopaghy is an intracellular degradation system which targets cytosolic components to lytic compartments for degradation and recycling of the building blocks of the cell.
Investigations on the role of impaired lysosomes of macrophages in disease
The research described in this thesis combines the latest insights in lysosomal function with lysosome centred cell signalling.
Imaging of alkyne-functionalized ruthenium complexes for photoactivated chemotherapy
In photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT), a biologically active compound is caged by a light-cleavable protecting group.
CO2 reduction on post-transition metals and their alloys: an industrial approach
This thesis focuses on the synthesis, characterization and performance towards CO2 electroreduction of mono and bi-metallic particles based on p-block metals
- Onderzoeksfaciliteiten
Less is more: reduced mycelial heterogeneity for improved production of enzymes and antibiotics
Hoe kan de techniek van cell wall engineering worden ingezet zodat de industrie streptomyceten beter kunnen verwerken tot nieuwe antibiotica?
- Contact
Nucleosome stacking in chromatin fibers probed with single-molecule force- and torque-spectroscopy
In human cells, a meter-long DNA is condensed inside a micrometer-sized cell nucleus. Simultaneously, the genetic code must remain accessible for its replication and transcription to functional proteins.
High throughput microscopy of mechanism-based reporters in druginduced liver injury
Promotor: B. van de Water
More is alive: emergent multi-scale order & collective flows in tissues
The overarching goal of this thesis is to set the foundations, but also make the first essential steps towards establishing a comprehensive, mesoscopic, hydrodynamic theory of epithelial tissues. The stage is set by an exhaustive study of topological defects in passive p-atic liquid crystals, singularities…
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: R.G. Boot
Private international law and finance
Zojuist verschenen: Nederlands internationaal privaatrecht Special issue: Private international law and finance
- Is iedere stamcel een stamcel?
Enhancing Performance and Motivation in Lower Secondary Education
Stimuleren van Prestaties en Motivatie in de Eerste Jaren van het Voortgezet Onderwijs
Un-solvable crises? Differential implementation and transboundary crisis management in the EU
In dit artikel analyseren Lydie Cabane en Martin Lodge analyseren de invloed van institutionele keuzes op het aanpassen van beleidsintegratie in grensoverschrijdende crisisbeheersing.
Het Dagelijks Bestuur van de sectie bestaat uit:
Assist or accuse? Identifying trends in crisis communication through a bibliometric literature review
Dit artikel onderzoekt de clusters van crisiscommunicatieonderzoek in de literatuur, waarbij overlappingen en raakvlakken tussen verschillende vakgebieden worden onderzocht.
Veetaal: de taal van kleur onder Oost-Afrikaanse herders
Welke categorieën bestaan er in de talen van herders? Reflecteren deze semantische concepten universele of taalspecifieke tendensen? Wat (omgeving? cultuur?) bepaalt de overeenkomsten (of de verschillen) die crosslinguïstisch worden aangetroffen in veekleursystemen?
Genetic-Tracing of CD8+ T cell fate decisions
Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells
In this project innovative technology for photovoltaics cells is developed and analysis of ecological and health related risks are explicitly accounted for.
What are the life-cycle environmental impacts and risks to human health and ecosystems of a III-V/Si PV system? How can these be expected to change when the system is deployed at industrial scale? What are the most favourable recycling scenarios?
Development of an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) for metallic nanoparticles
What is the mechanism of action preceding a physiological effects induced by metallic nanoparticles?
Antibiotic Discovery: From mechanistic studies to target ID
The investigations described in this thesis lay out strategies aimed at advancing antibiotic research and development. The examples presented revolve around two main approaches: understanding drug-target interactions and target identification.
Ecological functioning of bacterial chitinases in soil
Promotores: Prof.dr. H. van Veen & Prof.dr. W. de Boer (Wageningen University)
Coiled-coils on lipid membranes: a new perspective on membrane fusion
Promotor: J.G.E.M. Fraaije, Co-Promotor: A. Kros
Circulating cells as biomarkers in cardiovascular disease : the difference between men and women
Promotor: J. Kuiper
Trans-kingdom DNA transfer
The type-IV secretion system (T4SS) is a machinery able to transfer DNA and proteins between bacteria and in certain cases also to eukaryotic cells.
The role of the interleukin 12 family in atherosclerosis
Promotor: Johan Kuiper, Co-promotor: Saskia C.A. de Jager