1,206 zoekresultaten voor “is a” in de Publieke website
Reactivity and Selectivity in Glycosylation Reactions
The glycosylation reaction is a pivotal reaction in creating new and complex oligosaccharides.
In vivo modelling of Ewing sarcoma in zebrafish
Promotores: Prof.dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn & Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink Co-promotor: Dr. B.E. Snaar-Jagalska
Quality-driven multi-objective optimization of software architecture design: method, tool, and application
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron, Co-Promotor: M.T.M. Emmerich
Orion's Dragon and Other Stories
Stellar feedback is a crucial ingredient in the evolution of galaxies.
The dust and molecular gas in the torus of NGC 1068
An Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is a highly luminous region at the center of a galaxy, powered by the accretion into a supermassive black hole and emitting energy from radio waves to gamma rays, often outshining the host galaxy.
Synthesis of oligosaccharide libraries from GBS capsular polysaccharides for structure-based selection of vaccine candidates
Glycoconjugate vaccines are composed of microbial poly- or oligosaccharides covalently linked to a carrier protein.
Automated machine learning for dynamic energy management using time-series data
Time-series forecasting through modelling sequences of temporally dependent observations has many industrial and scientific applications. While machine learning models have been widely used to create time-series forecasting models, creating efficient and performant time-series forecasting models is…
The use of computational toxicology in hazard assessment of engineered nanomaterials
Assessing the risks of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) solely on the basis of experimental assays is time-consuming, resource intensive, and constrained by ethical considerations (such as the principles of the 3Rs of animal testing). The adoption of computational toxicology in this field is a high p…
Understanding disease suppressive soils
Soil is a home for an unbelievable diversity and abundance of microbial life that is essential for supporting life on our planet.
Statistical physics and information theory for systems with local constraints
Systems with local constraints is a new finding in recent researches on complex systems. The heterogeneous spatial interactions and the temporal dependencies among those numerous units make it difficult to describe by traditional statistical physics.
Does it still hurt?
The last decades it is increasingly recognized that acute as well as chronic postoperative pain is an important problem. Treatment and prevention of postoperative pain is a challenge, especially in special patient populations where there is only limited guidance on how to optimally use opioids.
Nairobi National Park: Lion Population Structure, Diet, and Movement in a Semi-Fenced Park.
What is the population size and social structure in time and space? What is the lion diet and food preference in time and space? What is the home range (MCP and Kernel) and movement in time and space? What are human – lion conflict and responses of lions to traditional herding in time and space? What…
Identification of Therapeutic Targets and Antisense Oligonucleotide Mediated Exon Skipping Based Therapies in Arthritis
Promotor: G.J.B. van Ommen
- Terrorism and counter-terrorism in society
Public Administration
Public Administration is a major refereed journal publishing articles on public administration, public policy and public management.
Quantitative pharmacology approaches to inform treatment strategies against tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is associated with 1.5 million deaths annually. There is a need exists to optimize both current as well as novel antibiotic combination treatment strategies to improve the effectiveness and safety of treatments against TB.
Boundary extensions of symmetric spaces in equivariant KK-theory
In this thesis we construct an extension associated with the Furstenberg compactification of symmetric space of noncompact type. From this extension we get a cycle in equivariant KK-theory representing the extension. The construction of the extension and the corresponding cycle is a generalization of…
Business Administration
The Minor in Business Administration teaches business knowledge and skills that are important for your future career.
W.C.A. Wigke Capri Arti Sukmana Putri
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Visualization of Vitamin A Metabolism
Vitamin A or retinol is essential in embryonic development, the visual cycle and the immune system.
Hybrid Josephson junctions and their qubit applications
A Josephson junction is a device where a thin insulating barrier or a nanostructure is placed between two superconducting leads. Such a junction is essential to superconducting qubits that store quantum information due to its anharmonic spectrum.
Responding to environmental cues: the adaptive qualities of chromatin compaction proteins
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-Promotor: R. T. Dame
Amerikaans buitenlands beleid en liberalisme
The NWO-funded Vidi project “American foreign policy and liberalism” challenges the idea that the United States has created and sustained a “liberal international order” since World War II. It instead explores the ways in which illiberal ideologies – such as those underpinning racial hierarchy at home…
Searching by Learning: Exploring Artificial General Intelligence on Small Board Games by Deep Reinforcement Learning
In deep reinforcement learning, searching and learning techniques are two important components. They can be used independently and in combination to deal with different problems in AI, and have achieved impressive results in game playing and robotics. These results have inspired research into artificial…
CONSENT (Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy) is a research project funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The question central to this research is whether recent changes to consumer and commercial practices developed…
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
Special edition Information Polity
In this special edition of Information Polity there is a focus on the transparency challenges of using algorithms in government in decision-making procedures at the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels.
Waste Collection Systems Assessed and Good Practices Identified (COLLECTORS)
What is the environmental impact of different waste collection systems across Europe? How can the collection be improved when considering collection, sorting, and treatment, as well as use options for secondary materials?
EuDEco report on the analysis of framework conditions (D1.2)
D1.2 reports on the findings of an analysis of framework conditions relevant in the context of the data economy from a legal, a socio-economic and a technological perspective. The analysis is a key foundation for the creation of an initial, heuristic model of the European data economy. The deliverable…
EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-regional Environmentally Extended Supply and Use / Input Output (MR EE SUT/IOT) database. It was developed by harmonizing and detailing SUT for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry, linking the country EE SUT via…
Imaging polarimetry for the characterisation of exoplanets and protoplanetary discs. Scientific and technical challenges
Promotor: Prof.dr. C.U. Keller
From intracluster medium dynamics to particle acceleration
The intracluster medium (ICM) is a hot, tenuous and X-ray emitting gas that pervades galaxy clusters.
Chasing cosmic tau neutrinos in the abyss
In this work the reconstruction of a tau neutrino signal in the KM3NeT detector is discussed.
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
On Multifield Inflation, Adiabaticity and the Speed of Sound of the Curvature Perturbations
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-Promotor: G.A. Palma
Radio galaxies at low frequencies: high spatial and spectral resolution studies with LOFAR
Promotor: H.J.A. Röttgering, Co-promotor: G.K. Miley
Learning class-imbalanced problems from the perspective of data intrinsic characteristics
The class-imbalance problem is a challenging classification task and is frequently encountered in real-world applications. Various techniques have been developed to improve the imbalanced classification performance theoretically and practically.
Where photons meet phonons
We investigate how radiation pressure can be used to influence the mechanical motion of a micro-mirror suspended from springs.
The role and analysis of molecular systems in electrocatalysis
Molecular complexes can be used as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction, water oxidation, and/or hydrogen peroxide production.
Algorithm for Structural Variant Detection
Structural variants (SVs) are the hidden architecture of the human genome, and are critical for us to understand diseases, evolution, and so on.
Selectieroutes (A en B)
Er zijn voor jou, als kandidaat van de selectie, twee routes die je kunt bewandelen. Afhankelijk van de route (A of B) wordt naar een aantal criteria gekeken. Voor route A kandidaten tellen de 5vwo-overgangscijfers mee; voor kandidaten uit route B niet. Welke route je moet volgen en of je een toelatingsverzoek…
Selectieroutes (A en B)
Er zijn voor jou, als kandidaat van de selectie, twee routes die je kunt bewandelen. Afhankelijk van de route (A of B) wordt naar een aantal criteria gekeken. Voor route A kandidaten tellen de 5vwo-overgangscijfers mee; voor kandidaten uit route B niet. Welke route je moet volgen en of je een toelatingsverzoek…
A multilateral tax treaty
Dirk Broekhuijsen is op donderdag 16 november 2017 gepromoveerd op zijn proefschrift ‘A multilateral tax treaty: designing an instrument to modernise international tax law’. Zijn promotoren zijn prof. mr. F.A. Engelen en prof. mr. S.C.W. Douma.
Psychology: a comprehensive introduction
Deze minor biedt een overzicht van het vakgebied Psychologie.
How to write a thesis
Dit boek neemt je stapsgewijs mee in het schrijven van een scriptie, met (voornamelijk) een focus op experimenteel onderzoek, dat het meest veel voorkomt. Door de stappen van experimenteel onderzoek in chronologische volgorde op te splitsen en bij elke stap tips te geven, hopen de auteurs enig houvast…
Random walks and the contact process
Promotores: W. Th. F. den Hollander, M.O. Heydenreich
Over Studeren à la carte
Bij Studeren à la carte of toehoorderschap is er sprake van aanschuifonderwijs: u schuift aan bij een reguliere collegereeks, zonder dat u tentamen aflegt. Na afloop ontvangt u een certificaat van deelname. Hierop staan geen studieresultaten (er is immers geen tentamen afgelegd).
Efficient tuning of automated machine learning pipelines
Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) is widely used to automatically build a suitable practical Machine Learning (ML) model for an arbitrary real-world problem, reducing the effort of practitioners in the ML development cycle for real-world applications. Optimization is a key part of a typical AutoML…
Global Challenges
What are the pressing issues of our time, and how can different disciplines come together to address them? Studium Generale and Leiden University College (LUC) present the Global Challenges series: events that bring together a researcher from LUC and an expert from another discipline to tackle a shared…
Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-promotor: A.J. Knobbe