765 zoekresultaten voor “policy evolution” in de Publieke website
Robust Estimation using Aggregated Data for Urban policy making (READ-URBAN)
Read-Urban was een eerste project om te onderzoeken of beleidsaanbevelingen gedaan kunnen worden met behulp van linked dataverzamelingen en data science en om ervaring op te doen met de succesfactoren voor een dergelijk proces.
The niche of think tanks in a consensus – seeking and neo-corporatist policy advisory system
In dit artikel leveren Bert Fraussen en Valérie Pattyn een theoretische bijdrage aan de bestaande literatuur over beleidsadvies door zich te laten inspireren door de nichetheorie.
Repackaging in South–North Policy Learning: The Chilean Model of Pension Reform as a Lopsided Exportschlager
In dit artikel vatten Kristin Makszin en Achim Kemmerling bewijs samen over hoe het VK en de VS leren van het Chileense pensioenmodel, maar beide landen slagen er niet in krediet toe te kennen of de lessen te vervormen.
Technology integration in education: policy plans, teacher practices, and student outcomes
De integratie van technologie in scholen wordt gezien als cruciaal voor het bereiken van digitale gelijkheid in het onderwijs, evenals voor schoolverbetering, en de kwaliteit van onderwijs en leren. We zien echter nog steeds onvoldoende of ineffectief gebruik van technologie in lesgeven en leren.
Unpacking the effects of burdensome state actions on citizens' policy perceptions
In dit artikel onderzochten Martin Sievert en Jonas Bruder of en hoe administratieve lasten van invloed zijn op de perceptie van burgers van het welzijnsbeleid en hun houding tegenover uitkeringsgerechtigden.
Temporalities of energy justice: Changing justice conceptions in Dutch energy policy between 1974 and 2022
Dit artikel beschrijft dat het gebruik van het concept van energierechtvaardigheid nieuw is, hoewel interpretaties al lang deel uitmaken van het energiebeleid.
OFAC, Famine, and the Sanctioning of Afghanistan: A Catastrophic Policy Success
Matthew Hoye pleit voor een regulerend analytisch perspectief om de sancties tegen Afghanistan te bekijken.
Designing 'context-specific' regional innovation policy: a study on the role of regional government in six European regions
Whilst government’s ability to design ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy is generally assumed to depend on the region’s decision-making power, the aim of this study is to investigate how regional government matters. In order to open up the black box of policy design, the study develops a…
Emotions in EU foreign policy - when and how do they matter?
Emoties in uitspraken van politici beïnvloeden vaak de publieke perceptie. Dit onderzoek onderzoekt hun rol in EU-beleid en impact op besluitvorming.
Parallel evolution in an invasive plant species: evolutionary changes in allocation to growth, defense, competitive ability and regrowth of invasive
Promotor: Prof.dr. P.G.L Klinkhamer, Co-promotor: K. Vrieling
Regulatory Management Policies and a Universal Model for Public Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Managing Stocks of Legislation
Op 6 juni 2019 verdedigde Edward Donelan zijn proefschrift 'Regulatory Management Policies and a Universal Model for Public Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Managing Stocks of Legislation'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. W.J.M. Voermans.
drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy
This thesis studied in depth the energy use and CO2 emissions of the industrial sector in China.
Rule of Law to a Culture of Justice: a Practitioner’s Challenge to Policy Thinkers
Irene Khan, expert op het gebied van mensenrechten, werpt een aantal vragen op: Wat kan men verstaan onder een ‘Culture of Justice’? Wie bepaalt wat 'Justice' is? Hoe realistisch is de bevordering van ‘Rule of Law’ en ‘Justice’ in landen waar sprake is van ernstige conflictsituaties en armoede?
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
Population size fails to explain the evolution of complex culture
The logic seems inescapable indeed. The bigger the population, the higher the probability it contains an Einstein. Hence, bigger populations are more likely to develop complex culture.
Phylogenetic ecology of octocoral - gastropod associations
Promotor: E. Gittenberger, Co-promotores: L.P. van Ofwegen; B.W. Hoeksema
The role of water in hydrogen electrocatalysis
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotor: L. Juurlink
A well-established harmony in chaos: from isolated galaxies to galaxy clusters
The origin and evolution of galaxies are closely linked to many different physical phenomena.
interaction between the European Council and the European Commission in the policy domain of organized crime
The European Council and the European Commission have a similar role in agenda setting. Both place issues on the EU agenda. However, these institutions have distinct designs. They have different political attributes (the European Council has considerably more political authority) and information-processing…
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Bitterling Fish
We developed the bitterling as a unique, well-studied model organism in the area of the evolutionary ecology of brood parasitism. The bitterling-mussel relationship, interspecific mussel host preference, and mussel gill structure are studied in detail, to help understand the developmental adaptation…
Probing cosmic monsters: confronting hydrodynamic simulations with new observations of high-density environments
Galaxies in the Universe are distributed along the intricate framework of the Cosmic Web. Groups and clusters of galaxies comprise the densest regions in this network, and therefore, are excellent cosmic laboratories to study different aspects of galaxy evolution in extreme environments.
Resolving gas-phase metallicity in galaxies
Galaxies are environments where gas coalesces, cools, and is converted into stars. However, it remains unclear the exact mechanisms through which galaxies acquire, redistribute and lose their gas.
Universiteit Leiden en Naturalis lanceren samen nieuwe MOOC 'Evolution Today'
Evolutie is elke dag om je heen. Dat is de boodschap van de nieuwe Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) van de Universiteit Leiden en Naturalis die 19 september van start gaat.
Catalysis of the electrochemical water oxidation to oxygen
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.T.M. Koper, Co-Promotor: F. Calle-Vallejo
Gus Greenstein
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Prestigieuze Journal of European Public Policy selecteert Leids onderzoek voor Special Issue
Het Journal of European Public Policy heeft de Special Issue dit jaar gewijd aan het thema European Union Enlargement and Integration Capacity, op voordracht van dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova, universitair hoofddocent van het instituut Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Leiden. In de Special Issue zijn bovendien…
Metals in the diffuse gas around high-redshift galaxies
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Schaye & Prof.dr. C. Steidel (California Institute of Technology)
Resolving a bioindicator diatom species complex using genomic approaches for freshwater biomonitoring
This thesis pioneers diatom molecular identification and quantification through genome-scale methods, with four key aims: (i) reviewing DNA/RNA sequencing methods in aquatic biomonitoring to highlight their strengths and limitations;
The Miliuseae revisited: phylogenetic, taxonomic, and palynological studies in a major clade of Annonaceae
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets, Co-Promotor: L.W. Chatrou
The characteristics of galaxies with powerful radio jets
Radio jets are important to the evoultion of galaxies. However, it is still not fully understood how a radio jet can be triggered.
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures
This article 'Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures: an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership' assesses the role, influence and core aspects of the EU High Representatives’ (HR/VPs) “political leadership” in the context…
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
Withstanding the cold: energy feedback in simulations of galaxies that include a cold interstellar medium
Understanding how galaxies form, interact, and evolve comes largely from comparing theory predictions with observational data. Numerical simulations of galaxies provide the most accurate approach to testing the theory, as they follow the non-linear evolution of gas and dark matter in great detail and…
Integrative taxonomy of araneomorph spiders: Breathing new life into an old science
Taxonomy as a science has accumulated data and knowledge for more than 250 years.
Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Models
This dissertation studies the Asymptotics of Bayesian nonparametric inference for Gaussian linear models.
Mechanistic studies of the water oxidation reaction with molecular iron catalysts
In this dissertation iron-based homogeneous catalysts were synthesized, characterized and investigated for water oxidation activity.
Artificial metallo-proteins for photocatalytic water splitting: stability and activity in artificial photosynthesis
Climate change is one of the largest challenges faced by humanity. To combat this research into alternatives to fossil fuels is ongoing. Dihydrogen is considered a good alternative fuel, since its burning only forms water.
Hybrid zone dynamics in amphibians
Hybrid zones occur where two species meet and produce offspring (hybrids). Typically, hybrids show a considerable reduction in fitness. In this thesis two hybrid zones are treated.
Mind the gap: gas and dust in planet-forming disks
Promotores: Prof.dr. E.F. van Dishoeck, Prof.dr. C.P. Dullemond
Ben Wielstra
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Anagnostis Theodoropoulos
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Design of homogeneous water oxidation catalysts
To design the ideal water oxidation catalyst, understanding of the catalytic mechanism and decomposition pathways is essential.
Monsters in the Deep: Using simulations to understand the excess baryonic mass in the centres of high-mass, early-type galaxies
This thesis aims to enhance our understanding of galaxies by testing theoretical models of galaxy formation against observations, particularly in the cases of extreme systems which have been found to have an excess of baryonic mass in their central regions, in the form of either supermassive black holes…
Early death of massive galaxies in the distant universe
Promotor: M. Franx, Co-Promotor: I.F. Labbé
The colours of the extreme universe
This thesis presents pioneering work on the panchromatic emission of some of the most luminous galaxies in the early Universe: star forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei.
Distant star formation in the faint radio sky
One of the key quests in astronomy is to study the growth and evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. Radio observations provide a powerful means of studying the formation of stars and subsequent buildup of distant galaxies, in a way that is unbiased by the presence of dust.
Star-Forming Galaxies at the Cosmic Dawn
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Franx, Co-Promotor: Rychard Bouwens
Nikki Ikani
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Neutral outflows in high-redshift dusty galaxies
Outflows are crucially important for the gas budget and evolution of luminous star-forming galaxies and AGNs, with observed mass outflow rates of the same order as the star formation rate. Greater star formation and black hole growth lead to more intense feedback and outflows, resulting in self-regulated…
Cold gas in distant galaxies
The formation and evolution of galaxies is fundamentally driven by the formation of new stars out of cold gas.