191 zoekresultaten voor “haar a” in de Studentenwebsite
New minor Sustainability, Climate Change and Food ‘A full spectrum analysis of global society’
In September 2023 the new minor Sustainability, Climate Change and Food starts. This minor critically examines the complexities of food sustainability through ecological, socio-economic, political, and cultural systems.
'Level Up' to reconnect European society for a higher level of democracy
Level Up is a non-profit project led by a multi-disciplinary team of doctoral researchers in the framework of the Europaeum Network was founded by the University of Oxford University. Sophie Veriter explains the importance of Level Up, the development of the ‘Level Up Toolkit’, and why this project…
Metals, energy and geopolitics, a complex mix
Lezing, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Career College: Working as a Data Scientist
Loopbaan en solliciteren
Surprising vacuum forces in a superconductor
Lezing, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Student for a day International Relations (Engelstalig)
Jooyoung Hwang
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Jacqueline Vel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
My garden of a thousand bees
Lezing, Studium Generale
Workshop Finding a job that fits
Loopbaan en solliciteren
Workshop Finding a job that fits
Loopbaan en solliciteren
Online Q&A: Master of Public Administration
- Workshop Using ChatGPT as a Career Coach
Workshop Finding a Compass on Purpose
Loopbaan en solliciteren
Career College: Working as a Consultant - Faculty of LUMC / Science
Loopbaan en solliciteren
Ethics of Political Commemoration: Applying a New Paradigm to Remembrance
Ethics of Political Commemoration: Applying a New Paradigm to Remembrance
Do we have a standard model of cosmology?
Lezing, Oort lecture
Insurgent Communities: How Protests Create a Filipino Diaspora
Guest lecture
Workshop How to find a job that suits me?
Loopbaan en solliciteren
Modes of Human Becoming: Towards a Process Archaeology of Mind
Lezing, Faculty Lecture
Moonshots Q&A: Stel je vraag aan een echte astronaut
Q&A met minister Van Gennip en decaan Caminada
Online Q&A: Management van de Publieke Sector
Isabel Nunez Santiago
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Joanna Greenland
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Lara Weiss
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Clara van Dam
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Yoram Stein
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Vera Wheni Setijawati
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. War and Peace Studies
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. War and Peace Studies
Neutrino: documentaire en Q&A met de regisseurs
Studium Generale
Karahantepe: A New Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site in Şanlıurfa, Turkey
Lezing, Faculty Lecture
What a glow in the dark squid tells us about the human gut microbiome
Lezing, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Crisis
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Crisis
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Radicalism, Extremism, and Terrorism
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Radicalism, Extremism, and Terrorism
Intergenerational Justice and Human Rights in a time of Planetary Crises in Africa
Museum Talk met Ina Klaassen (Boijmans van Beuningen): 'The depot: a public private endeavour'
Alumni-activiteit, Lezing
ReCNTR Screening: A Grain of Sand in the Mountain’s Belly
Kunst en cultuur
Boekpresentatie - The Picnic: A Dream of Freedom and the Collapse of the Iron Curtain
ASCL Seminar: Hope and uncertainty in African migration - a case study of involuntary return to Ghana
Future Museum: Digital Replicas, Virtual Reality and Storytelling for a New Audience
Workshop Building Bridges: How to address sensitive topics in a construtive way
- Toogdag: The Concept of Justice in a War Era: The Cases of Gaza, South-Sudan, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
hopes and broken promises of a large-scale land deal in Senegal: “The company promised an elephant but finally gave us a hen”
A Conversation with Kevin Lewis O'Neill on the craft of ethnographic book writing and publishing
Tegengif: vertoning documentaire en Q&A met prof.dr. Casper van Eijck
Studium Generale