2,892 zoekresultaten voor “de from state” in de Publieke website
Structural Properties of Single Server Queueing Systems: Efficient Methods via Lumping and Dynamic Programming
This thesis consists of two main parts. The first part (Chapters 2 and 3) deals with a class of Markov process called Quasi-Skipfree (QSF) processes.
Growth and Transport properties of (Rare Earth)TiO3 / SrTiO3 interfaces
This thesis presents the results of a study on the interfaces of insulating oxides with and without the insertion of a magnetic layer.
Quantumnetwerken en quantumsensing
Binnen Quantum Leiden doen verschillende groepen onderzoek naar quantumnetwerken en quantumsensing.
Prediction of brain target site concentrations on the basis of CSF PK: impact of mechanisms of blood-to-brain transport and within brain distribution
Promotor: M. Danhof, Co-promotor: E.C.M. de Lange
Genetic and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
Fungal food spoilage often starts with a contamination with spores. Experimental data strongly indicate the existence of subpopulations of spores with different levels of resistance to preservation methods.
Cryo Electron Tomography Studies On Bacterial Chemosensory Arrays
Bacterial chemosensory arrays are protein assemblies that are the key structural and functional component for motile bacteria to sense their internal or environmental chemical signals.
Rembrandt portretteerde meer Leidse alumni
In de universitaire RembrandtRoute zijn uitvergrote schilderijen te zien van twee Leidse alumni: Marten Soolmans en Nicolaes Tulp. Rembrandt portretteerde meer mannen die in Leiden hadden gestudeerd. Wie waren zij?
Vertrouwen in Amerikaans Hooggerechtshof is historisch laag
Terwijl de eerste stemmen van de Amerikaanse verkiezingen geteld werden, was promovendus Tessa van Buchem te gast bij Radio 1. Hier gaf zij in de radio-uitzending uitleg over de Supreme Court, het Amerikaanse hooggerechtshof. ‘De rechters worden gezien als politici in toga’s.’
Online Radicalisation: The Use of the Internet by Islamic State Terrorists in the US (2012-2018)
Wat kunnen we verwachten van de nucleaire top in Singapore?
De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump is al aangekomen in Singapore waar de nucleaire top plaatsvindt. Hij zal in gesprek gaan met de Noord-Koreaanse leider Kim Jong-un. Maar wat kunnen we eigenlijk verwachten van deze historische gebeurtenis? RTL Nieuws sprak met Remco Breuker, hoogleraar Koreastudies…
Publicaties die verschijnen in het kader van het onderzoeksproject Zelfredzaamheid en sociale bescherming over de levenscyclus.
Postdoctoral Researcher on the Horizon Europe project ''#DEMOCRACYINACTION''
Geesteswetenschappen, Centre for the Arts in Society
Staging cerebral amyloid angiopathy: From marker to model
Remco Breuker bij NOS over schimmige adopties uit Zuid-Korea
Waarschijnlijk zijn in de vorige eeuw kinderen geadopteerd uit Zuid-Korea, zonder dat hun biologische ouders daar toestemming voor hebben gegeven. Het land start daarom een onderzoek. Hoogleraar Remco Breuker duidt de situatie voor de NOS.
Column Rob Visser: Kabinetsformatie ‘mislukt’? Geef het de tijd
Direct na de vorige fase in de kabinetsformatie werd het wijd en zijd geroepen: het is mislukt, wij zijn weer terug bij af. Voor de partijen die niet bij die formatiefase waren betrokken, is dat een begrijpelijke debat-truc. Door dat zo te zeggen, wordt geïmpliceerd dat de onderhandelende partijen onverantwoordelijk…
Column: Crisis, Kiezen en Formeren
De verkiezingen komen er weer aan. Het gevolg van een kabinetscrisis. Politici en media wijzen uitgebreid op 'de issue' waar het om ging. De oorzaak van de breuk wordt breed uitgemeten. Maar is dat wel de oorzaak?
Ustadh Mau Digital Archive (UMADA)
Hifadhi ya Dijiti ya Ustadh Mau
PhD Candidate in the field of Palaeolithic Archaeology
Archeologie, World Archaeology
Publication monograph Frank den Hollander and Anton Bovier
The monograph
Ph.D. candidate in biochemistry / cell glycobiology / targeted protein degradation
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Aleydis Nissen wint de Andrés Bello-prijs (Institut de Droit International)
Tijdens de 80e sessie van het in Genève gevestigde Institut de Droit International kreeg Aleydis Nissen de Andrés Bello Prijs. De wedstrijd werd in 1931 opgericht door James Brown Scott en wordt sindsdien uitgevoerd onder auspiciën van het Institut.
Redactie Common Market Law Review kritisch over Brexit-referendumcampagne
Verklaring van de redactie van de Common Market Law Review over de Brexit-referendumcampagne:
Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process
Dr. Helen Pluut heeft een artikel gepubliceerd in het gerenommeerde tijdschrift Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP). Dit in samenwerking met Remus Ilies (National University of Singapore), Petru Curşeu (Open Universiteit en Babeş-Bolyai University) en Yukun Liu (University of…
ENIGMA-Anxiety Werkgroep
Samen met wetenschappers van over de hele wereld streeft de ENIGMA-Anxiety Werkgroep ernaar om meer inzicht te krijgen in de neurobiologische karakteristieken van angststoornissen.
Development of novel anti-cancer strategies utilizing the zebrafish xenograft model
In this thesis, we will utilize embryonic zebrafish tumour models to understand the interaction between engrafted human cancer cells and macrophages from the host, test drug administration modalities and anti-cancer efficacies of newly-developed PDT and PACT compounds, and test a light-triggered liposomal…
Generalized Strictly Periodic Scheduling Analysis, Resource Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptive Streaming Applications
This thesis focuses on addressing four research problems in designing embedded streaming systems.
Evaluating Asian aquaculture using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Are there significant differences among the environmental impacts resulting form the production of Asian aquaculture commodities and what are the main causes for these?
A meta-analysis of wetland plant traits in relation to the strategies of wetland plants and the impacts on ecosystem functioning
What are trait-trait relationships in wetlands? To what extent the so-called leaf economics traits deviate from terrestrial ecosystems? How traits specific to wetland plant relate to plant strategies? What’s the relationship between wetland plant traits to the ecosystem functioning (e.g. productivity,…
Dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions: a study via coupling and large deviations
Promotores: F.H.J. Redig, W.T.F. den Hollander
Student Information
When you have decided to participate in a Summer School of Leiden University, there are some matters you need to know before arrival. Please take a few minutes to read through the information here to find out what you can do from your side to smooth the process.
The Metals Programme
Accumulation of metals in economy and environment and its associated risks, within the Netherlands and the EU.
Co-benefits & Co-damages of environmental policies related to climate change and long-range transboundary air pollution
Using the principles of Industrial Ecology in Environmental Policy making in two cases: transition to a hydrogen economy and chlorinated compounds.
Macro-level assessment of environmental implications of changes to circularity
How to ensure the environmental and economic benefits of circularity transition at macro-scale?
The Silk Road Language Web
A linguistic prehistory of the Tarim Basin in Northwest China
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Dematerialisation for Urban Waste Reduction
Effectiveness and Side-effects.
Development of an in vitro vascular network using zebrafish embryonic cells
One of the major limitations in culturing complex tissues or organs is the lack of vascularization in the cultured tissue. Development of a functional capillary bed could overcome this problem.
Towards improved drug action : target binding kinetics and functional efficacy at the mGlu2 receptor
During the course of drug discovery translational steps are made.
Exploring deep learning for multimodal understanding
This thesis mainly focuses on multimodal understanding and Visual Question Answering (VQA) via deep learning methods. For technical contributions, this thesis first focuses on improving multimodal fusion schemes via multi-stage vision-language interactions.
Coherent dynamics in solar energy transduction
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Children’s Rights in International Commercial Surrogacy
Op 26 juni 2018 verdedigde Claire Achmad haar proefschrift 'Children’s Rights in International Commercial Surrogacy: Exploring the Challenges from a Child Rights, Public International Law Perspective'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. mr. drs. M.R. Bruning.
Computational aspects of class group actions and applications to post-quantum cryptography
Most of current public-key cryptography is considered insecure against attacks from sufficiently powerful quantum computers. Post-quantum cryptography studies methods to secure information resistant against such attacks. One proposal is isogeny-based cryptography, which bases its security on computational…
The power of biotic ligand models : site-specific impact of metals on aquatic communities
Promotor: G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotores: M.G. Vijver, J.P.M. Vink
On quantum transport in flat-band materials
The studies in this thesis are focused on the physical effects in the flat band materials. The results contain the discovery of strong enhancement of RKKY spin-spin interactions with specific geometric arrangement and dynamical generation of excitonic order parameter with high magnitude.
IIMIGRATI: Ireland and Italy’s migration experiences since 1945 compared
Hoe heeft migratie de Ierse en Italiaanse samenleving sinds 1945 beïnvloed?
Fundamental research in the ALgebra, Geometry And Number Theory
System-level design for efficient execution of CNNs at the edge
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a biologically inspired algorithm, highly capable at processing images and videos.
On Multifield Inflation, Adiabaticity and the Speed of Sound of the Curvature Perturbations
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-Promotor: G.A. Palma