1,527 zoekresultaten voor “level cycle analysis” in de Publieke website
molecular mechanisms of ubiquitin-like signal transduction in cell cycle progression
Life cycle assessment of emerging chemical technology systems: challenges and future needs
Expanding the coverage of ecosystem service impacts in Life Cycle Assessment
CERA - Certification of Raw Materials
CERA (CErtification of RAw Materials) is a four-year project that will develop a standardized certification scheme ensuring environmental, social and economic sustainability in extraction, processing, trading and manufacturing of all mineral raw materials. It will guarantee traceability of certified…
Between Canon and Coincidence: using data-driven approaches to understand Art Worlds (BECACO)
Indigenous Latin American artifacts have attracted the interest of Europeans since the earliest moment of contact between Europeans and the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The ERC-funded BECACO project uses an innovative multidisciplinary framework to investigate the provenance of ethnographic and…
- Foundations of Research - 1: Sources & Methods of Source Analysis (3 ECTS)
- Foundations of Research – 1: Sources & Methods of Source Analysis (3 ECTS)
- Foundations of Research - 1: Sources & Methods of Source Analysis (3 ECTS)
- Foundations of Research – 1: Sources & Methods of Source Analysis (3/5 ECTS)
Spectroscopic characterization of exoplanets: From LOUPE to SINFONI
Over the past years it has been discovered that the population of extra-solar planets is large and diverse.
Optimal decision-making under constraints and uncertainty
We present an extensive study of methods for exactly solving stochastic constraint (optimisation) problems (SCPs) in network analysis. These problems are prevalent in science, governance and industry.
The structure of the cytochrome P450cam-putidaredoxin complex determined by paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy and crystallography
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink
Development of a Dynamic Substance Stock Model
Making a dynamic substance stock model in order to conduct scenario analyses and make forecasts.
Design and synthesis of metal-based chemotherapeutic agents for targeted DNA interactions or DNA repair pathway modulation
The research presented in this thesis explores the chemotherapeutic potential of metal-based compounds as chemotherapy agents, with an initial focus on the synthesis and DNA interaction studies of platinum and palladium compounds utilizing the [Pt(bapbpy)]2+ scaffold. The study identifies intercalation…
Towards automated identification of metabolites using mass spectral trees
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: Theo Reijmers
Quantitative live cell imaging of glucocorticoid receptor dynamics in the nucleus
In this thesis, the focus lies on studying glucocorticoid receptor dynamics in living cells with the aim of understanding how this transcription factor finds its DNA target sites to regulate transcription.
Applications of AdS/CFT to strongly correlated matter: from numerics to experiments
What physics controls the properties of quantum matter, such as how electrons flow inside high-temperature superconductors? This question has captivated the physics community and industry for decades, in part due to the great technological potential such materials have, but also because they have resisted…
Electroextraction approaches for preconcentration of metabolites
In this thesis, we developed new ways to use a technique called electroextraction (EE) to extract charged molecules from one liquid into another using an electric field.
Statistical learning for complex data to enable precision medicine strategies
Explaining treatment response variability between and within patients can support treatment and dosing optimization, to improve treatment of individual patients.
Ingredients of the planet-formation puzzle
High-angular-resolution observations of the circumstellar material have uncovered numerous and very diverse substructures in protoplanetary discs, raising the question of whether they are caused by forming planets or other mechanisms.
Exploring Open-World Visual Understanding with Deep Learning
We are living in an information era where the amount of image and video data increases exponentially.
Random walks and the contact process
Promotores: W. Th. F. den Hollander, M.O. Heydenreich
Quantum dot microcavity control of photon statistics
During my PhD research, I studied the photon statistics of light emitted by a microcavity that contains a single quantum dot (QD) on resonance.
Contributions to the phylogeny of the haplolepideous mosses
The haplolepideous mosses (Dicranidae) comprise about 4000 species distributed over a wide range of habitats, with great gametophytic and sporophytic morphological variation. Their monophyly is well supported by the results of several molecular phylogenetic studies, which shed light on their relationships…
De programmagroep Leer- en Gedragsproblemen in het Onderwijs doet onderzoek naar stagnaties die kunnen optreden in de cognitieve ontwikkeling.
Low-Energy Electron Microscopy on Two-Dimensional Systems: Growth, Potentiometry and Band Structure Mapping
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Prof.dr. R.M. Tromp
Principal algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.T.F. den Hollander
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
Wil je een volledige academische opleiding? Dan ga je na je bachelor door met een masteropleiding. Met een masterdiploma op zak heb je meer kans op een baan op academisch niveau. Na afronding krijg je de titel Master of Arts (MA).
Diversity in the globally intertwined giant barrel sponge species complex
This thesis describes the genetic and prokaryotic diversity of giant barrel sponges.
Spectral signatures of breaking of ensemble equivalence
This thesis explores Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence (BEE) in random graph models by examining the spectral properties of adjacency matrices. The goal is to identify spectral characteristics that differentiate random graph ensembles, enhancing the understanding of complex network structures and beh…
Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences provides a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living and non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental…
Imperfect information variants of combinatorial games
Combinatorial games are games for two competing players, moving in a turn-by-turn fashion, in which there is no chance nor hidden information. Chess, checkers and the simpler tic tac toe are well-known examples of this class of games, as well as game of go.
Lasers, lenses and light curves: adaptive optics microscopy and peculiar transiting exoplanets
Promotores: Prof.dr. C.U. Keller, Prof.dr. H.C. Gerritsen
Identification and characterization of viral Xrn1-resistant RNAs
Several single-stranded RNA viruses make use of Xrn1-resistant RNAs in their 3’ untranslated regions of their genome RNAs in order to increase their pathogenicity.
Het onderzoek van de afdeling Economie is ondergebracht bij meerdere facultaire programma's. Het onderzoek van de afdeling richt zich thans met name op sociaal-economische vraagstukken, rechtseconomie en fiscale economie.
Studies of dust and gas in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens
Modulation of the immune system for treatment of atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular diseases are the primary cause of death in the world with atherosclerosis as primary underlying cause.
Discovery of Reversible Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors
Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is the principal enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). MAGL inhibition provides several potential therapeutic opportunities, including anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity.
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
Nucleosome stacking in chromatin fibers probed with single-molecule force- and torque-spectroscopy
In human cells, a meter-long DNA is condensed inside a micrometer-sized cell nucleus. Simultaneously, the genetic code must remain accessible for its replication and transcription to functional proteins.
From molecules to monitoring: Integrating genetic tools into freshwater quality assessments
Freshwater is an important resource, but at a great risk of species decline due to habitat loss, pollution and over-exploitation, and invasive alien species.
Non-target effects of GM potato: an eco-metabolomics approach
Promotores: P.G.L. Klinkhamer, P.M. Brakefield, Co-Promotor: M. Bruinsma
Harmful Tax Competition in the East African Community
Op 13 januari 2022 verdedigde Pie Habimana het proefschrift 'Harmful Tax Competition in the East African Community'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. H. Vording en prof.dr. S.C.W. Douma (UvA).
Systems vaccinology: molecular signatures of immunity to Bordetella pertussis
Promotor: G.F.A. Kersten, W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: B. Metz
Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice
Op 23 februari 2022 verdedigde Cale Davis het proefschrift 'Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Justice'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. C. Stahn en dr. J.C. Powderly.
Adaptive responses to environmental changes in Lake Victoria cichlids
Promotor: M.K. Richardson, Co-Promotor: F. Witte
Chemical reactivity of O2, CO and CO2 on Cu surfaces
Despite the history of studies on methanol formation from CO2, the dominant elementary reaction steps that constitute the chemical mechanism for this catalyzed process are not determined.
An Online Corpus of UML design models: Construction and empirical studies
Promotores: J. Kok, M. Chaudron (Chalmers University)
Cell-autonomous and host-dependent CXCR4 signaling in cancer metastasis: insights from a zebrafish xenograft model
Promotor: A.H. Meijer, Co-promotor: B.E. Snaar-Jagalska