3 zoekresultaten voor “polarisation” in de Publieke website
Sociale oorzaken van radicalisering: Inzichten uit Europa’s grootste extremismeonderzoek
De opkomst van extremisme in Europa heeft de polarisatie vergroot. Het door de EU gefinancierde DRIVE-project, onder leiding van Tahir Abbas, hoogleraar Radicaliseringsstudies aan het Institute of Security and Global Affairs van de Universiteit Leiden, onderzoekt hoe sociale, structurele en individuele…
Focal-plane wavefront sensors for direct exoplanet imaging: Theory, simulations and on-sky demonstrations
One of the key limitations of the direct imaging of exoplanets at small angular separations are quasi-static speckles that originate from evolving non-common path aberrations (NCPA) to which the primary adaptive optics system is inherently blind. The main focus of this thesis is the development and…
Accessible remote sensing of water
Water is all around us and is vital for all aspects of life. Studying the various compounds and life forms that inhabit natural waters lets us better understand the world around us.