102 zoekresultaten voor “soil” in de Publieke website
Understanding disease suppressive soils
Soil is a home for an unbelievable diversity and abundance of microbial life that is essential for supporting life on our planet.
Using soil inoculations for ecological restorations
How soil microbial composition impacts structure and composition of the aboveground plant and animal communities?
Soil and crop management options to improve nitrogen cycling on dairy farms on peat soil
The main research question of this thesis was: Can nitrogen cycling on dairy farms on peat soil in the Dutch Green Heart area be improved by adapting management to the nitrogen supply from soil and by using other grassland species and crops without affecting milk production?
Microbial communities in Pampa soils; impact of land use changes, soil type and climatic conditions
Promotor: J.A. van Veen, Co-promotor: E.E. Kuramae
Soil legacy effects on aboveground plant-insect interactions
In this thesis, the role of plant-mediated soil legacy effects in shaping aboveground plant-insect interactions was investigated.
Ecological functioning of bacterial chitinases in soil
Promotores: Prof.dr. H. van Veen & Prof.dr. W. de Boer (Wageningen University)
Plant-soil interactions determine ecosystem aboveground and belowground processes in primary dune ecosystems
Soil biodiversity is of great importance for the maintenance of multifunctionality in terrestrial ecosystems.
Assemblage and functioning of bacterial communities in soil and rhizosphere
Promotores: J.A.van Veen, P.L.G.Klinkhamer. Co-promotor: E.E.Kuramae
impact of defense hormones on the interaction between plants and the soil microbial community
The soil ecosystem consists of the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth.
the root of variation: A metabolomics perspective to plant soil-feedback
By growing in a soil plants change the biotic and abiotic properties of the soil in which they grow.
differ? Understanding the mechanisms of mycorrhizal fungal impacts on soil C sequestration
How presence, abundance and enzymatic activities of AM and EM fungi differently affect soil carbon sequestration processes?
Learning from nature: using plant-soil feedback principles to improve growth and health of a horticultural crop
Plants and soils from natural ecosystems harbor great diversity of soil microorganisms, which could potentially contribute to the sustainability of horticulture. The knowledge about using wild plant species and soil from natural ecosystem to improve the crop health will advance the application of ecological…
interactions in Jacobaea vulgaris: zooming in and zooming out from a plant-soil feedback perspective
In this thesis, I focused on studying the above- and belowground interactions of J. vulgaris from a plant-soil feedback (hereafter, PSF) perspective. I investigated the temporal variation of negative PSF and examined the effects of root-associated bacteria on plant performance and aboveground herbiv…
Impact of nitrogen fertilization on the soil microbiome and greenhouse gas emission
The use of N fertilizers has increased worldwide in the past century. While this increased input of N has increased food productivity, it has also contributed to decreases in biodiversity, soil quality and environmental health, including increases in greenhouse gas emissions.
Linking soil microbial community dynamics to N2O emission after bioenergy residue amendments
Vinasse is a major by-product generated by the sugarcane biofuel industry. It is a source of microbes, nutrients and organic matter and often it is recycled as fertilizer.
Modelling the role of mycorrhizal associations in soil carbon cycling: insights from global analyses of mycorrhizal vegetation
In this PhD study, I aim to deepen our understanding of the influence of major mycorrhizal types, namely arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) and ectomycorrhizae (EM), on the global soil carbon cycle and their potential distribution changes under future environmental shifts.
Breaking the witches' spell: towards steering the soil microbiome for volatile-mediated control of the root parasitic weed Striga
Striga hermonthica, commonly known as witchweed, infests major cereal crops in Sub-Saharan Africa causing severe yield losses and threatening the livelihood of millions of resource poor farmers.
of Human Mobility and Farming Systems and Impacts on Biodiversity and Soil Quality in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Promotors: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Prof.dr.ir. H.H. de Iongh
Best Spaans proefschrift in Soil Science in 2015 voor CML onderzoeker Daniel Arenas Lago
Bacteriën stunten met gevestigde plant-soil feedback theorie
‘Wat ik aantrekkelijk vind aan het bodemleven, is dat het stuurbaar is,’ verklapt onderzoeker Martijn Bezemer van het Instituut Biologie Leiden (IBL). ‘Dat je kan zeggen: wat wil je? En dat ik de bodem dan kan omtoveren tot iets wat jij nodig hebt. Ten minste, dat dachten we.’
Global distribution patterns of distinct mycorrhizal types and ecological drivers of these patterns
What are the global relationships between environmental conditions and abundance of distinct types of mycorrhizal fungi in soil and plant roots?
Isabel Siles Asaff
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Wetenschap en missie: Jan Willem Erisman in de Europese Soil Mission Board
Jan Willem Erisman wilde als kind al dingen beter maken. Als hoogleraar Duurzaamheid en Milieu is hij daarom ook buiten de universiteit actief. Hij staat bekend als de stikstofprofessor: in de media, maar ookin de Tweede Kamer legt hij het stikstofprobleem uit. Recent trad hij toe tot de Europese Soil…
Quantitative modelling of the response of earthworms to metals
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg
Fate, accumulation and impact of metallic nanomaterials in the terrestrial environment
The rapidly increasing commercial application of metallic nanoparticles within products will inevitably enhance the amount of NPs being released into soil.
Effect of Nanoparticles on Microbial Catabolism and Community Structure using Biolog techniques
1. To what extent do metallic NPs added to soil extractions change the activity, abundance, or community composition of microbes? 2. How do the effects of metallic NPs on soil microbes differ from the effects of the ions shedding from corresponding NPs?
Understanding the role of mycorrhizas in global carbon cycle processes
How the global distribution of vegetation stands dominated by arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal plants relate to principle aspects of belowground carbon accumulation processes?
Sophie Planchenault
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Impact of plant domestication on spermosphere and rhizosphere microbiome composition
Microbiome composition of the spermosphere and the rhizosphere of wild and modern bean accessions grown in an agricultural and a native soil from Colombia was characterized by metagenomics and cultivation-dependent approaches.
Volatile compounds from Actinobacteria as mediators of microbial interactions
Streptomyces are bacteria abundant in soil that participate in diverse and complex interactions. These bacteria are the main producers of the antibiotics we currently use in the clinic.
Fungi of the greening Arctic: compositional and functional shifts in response to climatic changes
Promotor: E.F. Smets Co-promotor: J. Geml
Peeking into the future: Fungi in the greening Arctic
Promotor: E.F. Smets, Co-promotor: J. Geml
The Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Warfare in Streptomyces
The soil-dwelling, filamentous bacteria of the genus Streptomyces are renowned for their production of useful secondary metabolites including antibiotics. The work described in this thesis provides new insights on the role and regulation of antibiotic production and resistance in these bacteria.
Nano shapes micro : Impacts of metallic nanoparticles on microbial communities
This thesis aimed to investigate the impact of exposure dynamics, relative contributions of ENPs(particle) and ENPs(ion), and dosing regimens on the toxicity of ENPs varying in different physico-chemical properties, on the composition and functioning of soil microbial communities.
Soil and Crop Management Options to Improve N Cycling on Dairy Farms on Peat Soil
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Promotores: Prof.dr.G.R. de Snoo and Dr. R. Heijungs
Morphogenesis and heterogeneity in liquid-grown streptomyces cultures
The filamentous bacteria Streptomyces are widespread inhabitants of terrestrial soils.
Hazal Kandemir
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Modelling the role of mycorrhizal associations in soil carbon cycling
Soil Organic Amendments for Climate-Smart Agriculture
Centrum voor milieuwetenschappen: beste instituut voor kwantitatieve milieuvraagstukken
Een leefbare aarde. Meer biodiversiteit. En verstandig omgaan met resources. Bij het CML willen we impact maken met ons onderzoek én onderwijs. Op deze website lees je hoe we dat doen.
Environmental and metabolomic study of antibiotic production by actinomycetes
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Een artistieke kijk op verborgen bodemschimmels
Muziek van een composteerbare cello, foto’s en geurtjes van schimmels en een geweven wandkleed. Het zijn een aantal voorbeelden uit Super Organism, het kunstproject van Suzette Bousema waarin je de ondergrondse schimmelwereld met al je zintuigen kunt beleven. Leids milieuwetenschapper Nadia Soudzolovskaia…
Ook planten hebben wel eens burenruzie
Herstel van de natuur op uitgeputte landbouwgrond en in natuurgebieden verloopt moeizaam. ‘Bodemtransplantatie’ kan mogelijk uitkomst bieden. Dat betoogt Martijn Bezemer, hoogleraar Ecologie van Plant-Microbe-Insect interacties. Oratie op 18 december.
Metagenomics for community ecology; a next generation of eDNA monitoring tool for biomass studies in freshwater environments
How can we quantify the density of species within a community through environmental DNA concentrations?
Functional analysis of agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence protein VirD5
Supervisor: P.J.J. Hooykaas
Monitoring drought and salinity stress in agriculture by remote sensing for a sustainable future
Food security is challenged by a growing global population and by climate change. Drought and soil salinity are considered the most important ones that inhibit crop yield and distribution. Worryingly, climate change is predicted to increase not only their frequency and severity, but also their co-occurrence,…
Global distribution patterns of mycorrhizal associations
Mycorrhizas are symbiotic associations between soil fungi and most plant species.
Molecular characterization of copper-dependent enzymes involved in Streptomyces morphology
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-promotor: D. Claessen
Terrestrial field trials for side-effects of pesticides
The thesis describes terrestrial field trials aimed to detect side-effects of pesticides within the framework of pesticide registration procedures. Field trials were developed using vascular plants Brassica napus and Poa annua, caterpillars Pieris brassicae and effects on decomposition were studied…