2,022 zoekresultaten voor “leiden university centre for linguistics” in de Publieke website
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Beijing Normal University bezoekt Leiden for Astronomie Summer School
Op 8 juli verwelkomde de Leidse Sterrewacht acht bachelor studenten van de Beijing Normal University voor de BNU Astronomie Summer School. In twee weken tijd volgenden de Summer School-studenten een interactief programma over computationele astrofysica. ‘Het verbaast me hoeveel je kunt leren in twee…
Ingrid Leijten spreekt bij Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Neurenberg
Op 21 juni gaf Ingrid Leijten een lezing bij het Centre for Human Rights van de Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN) in Duitsland. Bij het interdisciplinaire CHREN hoort een Masterprogramma in Human Rights waar studenten uit de hele wereld aan deelnemen.
Barbara Cooreman spreekt op conferentie bij Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Het Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK) organiseerde van 6 tot april een conferentie over uitdaging rond klimaatverandering.
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Universiteit Leiden en LUMC treden toe tot Netherlands Centre for One Health
Het Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH) is uitgebreid met de Universiteit Leiden en het LUMC. De komst van de Leidse instellingen versterkt het academische netwerk waarin onder andere het probleem van antimicrobiële resistentie wordt onderzocht.
2012 Onderzoekers Geesteswetenschappen ontvangen Veni-subsidies
De veelbelovende, pas gepromoveerde onderzoekers kunnen de komende drie jaar hun wetenschappelijke ideeën verder uitwerken dankzij een Veni van NWO. Een Veni-financiering bedraagt maximaal 250.000 euro en is één van de persoonsgebonden financieringsvormen van NWO om wetenschappelijk talent te stimul…
Liposome-based synthetic long peptide vaccines for cancer immunotherapy
Promotores: Wim Jiskoot; Ferry Ossendorp
Dosing considerations for preterm neonates: from pharmacometrics to clinical practice
Prematurely born neonates require, amongst others, pharmaceutical therapy. Dosing guidelines for these therapies are often based on data from term born neonates or older infants, while these are not necessarily similar to prematurely born neonates.
Structured Parallel Programming for Monte Carlo Tree Search
The thesis is part of a bigger project, the HEPGAME (High Energy Physics Game). The main objective for HEPGAME is the utilization of AI solutions, particularly by using MCTS for simplification of HEP calculations.
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
Radiography is an important technique to inspect objects, with applications in airports and hospitals. X-ray imaging is also essential in industry, for instance in food safety checks for the presence of foreign objects.
Chainet - European network on chain analysis for environmental decision support
Analytical tools for environmental design and management in a systems perspective. The combined use of analytical tools.
Thermostable Nanodiscs for the development of novel biopharmaceuticals
Nanodiscs are small, disc-shaped structures designed to mimic biological cell membranes, composed of a lipid bilayer stabilized by scaffold proteins. Membrane proteins play crucial roles in essential processes such as nutrient and waste transport, molecular recognition, and cell signalling, making them…
Incubation and latency time estimation for SARS-CoV-2
De incubatietijd (van infectie tot de eerste symptomen) en latente periode (van infectie tot de start van besmettelijkheid) zijn cruciaal voor het informeren van controle maatregelen aan het begin van een infectieziektenuitbraak. Een voorbeeld is de duur van quarantaine voor potentieel geïnfecteerden,…
Magnetic resonance force microscopy for condensed matter
In this thesis, we show how MRFM can usefully contribute to the field of condensed-matter.
Student for a day Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
Personalised medicine for multiple outcomes: methods and application
The main objective of this thesis was to develop clinically relevant survival models for patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities, in particular the development and validation of prediction models for use in clinical practice.
Student for a day English Language and Culture
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
Machine learning and computer vision for urban drainage inspections
Sewer pipes are an essential infrastructure in modern society and their proper operation is important for public health. To keep sewer pipes operational as much as possible, periodical inspections for defects are performed.
Metagenomics for community ecology; a next generation of eDNA monitoring tool for biomass studies in freshwater environments
How can we quantify the density of species within a community through environmental DNA concentrations?
Patrick Gouw
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Anita Keizers
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Shaping the pharmacokinetic landscape for renally cleared antibiotics in obesity
The prevalence of obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2) has increased rapidly over the recent years, not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents.
C-SCAPE - Sandy strategies for sustainable coastal climate change adaptation
What is the optimal design of sandy solutions for sustainable climate change adaption, from an ecological, biophysical and societal point of view?
Mathematics Leiden University awarded for ‘Top Rated Programmes’ in the Keuzegids Universiteiten 2015!
The Keuzegids Universiteiten 2015 (Guide for Study Choice Universities) has awarded Leiden University with five ‘Top Rated Programmes’: Mathematics, Biomedical Sciences, Greek and Latin Language and Culture, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges and Philosophy.
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Spatiotemporal building stock modeling for residential decarbonization in the Netherlands
Decarbonizing the building stock is critical for realizing the climate-neutral target for the Netherlands.
Gold nanoparticle-peptide conjugates for biomedical applications
Despite the fact that gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are one of the most studied nanoparticles, there is still a necessity for new approaches allowing for effective protective coating to enable wider use of GNPs in biomedical applications.
Microengineered Human Blood Vessels For Next Generation Drug Discovery
Heart failure is a major health care problem with high mortality.
Biomimetic models of [NiFe] hydrogenase for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The growing demand of energy indicates that global energy resources in the form of fossil fuels will not be sufficient in the future. In order to solve potential future energy problems development of a sustainable hydrogen economy is highly desirable.
Tailoring x-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research
Visualizing the internal structure is a crucial step in acquiring knowledge about the origin, state, and composition of cultural heritage artifacts. Among the most powerful techniques for exposing the interior of cultural heritage objects is computed tomography (CT), a technique that computationally…
Matchmaking for open innovation: perspectives on multi-sided markets
Promotores: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. K. Sailer (Munich University)
Aggravating matters: accounting for baryons in cosmological analyses
Three major cosmology-focused missions are planned for the next decade: the Euclid space telescope, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile, and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
Discovery of BUB1 kinase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer
The spindle-assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a safety mechanism which secures accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis.
Replacing the needle and syringe for vaccine administration
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.F.A Kersten, Prof dr. J.A. Bouwstra
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
Veel aandacht voor nieuwe database corruptieschandalen van Centre for Public Values & Ethics
Op 16 juni 2015 lanceerde Bestuurskundigen Toon Kerkhoff en Patrick Overeem hun database ’Corruption & Integrity in the Netherlands (1945 - present)'.
FAIRDOM – FAIR Sharing for Systems and Synthetic Biology
Het FAIRDOM-consortium is een open initiatief van verschillende partners, waaronder financieringsprogramma's, grote consortia, instituten, kleine groepen en individuen.
Solution for Critical Raw Materials - an European Export Network (SCRREEN)
Where and how are critical materials currently used and how can this information be used to develop scenarios about their future demand.
Biomimetic Copper Complexes for Energy Conversion Reactions
On metrics and models for multiplex networks
In this thesis, we extend the concept of null models as canonical ensembles of multi-graphs with given constraints and present new metrics able to characterize real-world layered systems based on their correlation patterns.
Class invariants for tame Galois algebras
Promotores: B. Erez, P. Stevenhagen, Co-Promotor: B. de Smit
Uncovering the ingredients for planet formation
This thesis discusses the physical and chemical processes than influence the composition of forming planets.
Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterisation from High-throughput Imaging
We have studied shape with a particular focus on the zebrafish model system. The shape is an essential appearance of the phenotype of a biological specimen and it can be used to read out a current state or response or to study gene expression.
Cyclophellitol analogues for profiling of exo- and endo-glycosidases
To this day, all cyclophellitol-based inhibitors and ABPs have been close analogues of their natural substrate counterparts. As a result, these probes showed high selectivity towards their target glycosidases.
Microfluidic 3D cell culture for high throughput screening
There is an urgent need for more physiologically relevant cell culture methods to guide compound selection in pre-clinical stages of the drug development pipeline.