1,245 zoekresultaten voor “centre for innovation” in de Publieke website
Universiteit Leiden betrokken bij nieuw VN-instituut
De Verenigde Naties hebben Den Haag uitgekozen als standplaats van een belangrijk nieuw datacentrum voor humanitaire noodhulp. De Universiteit Leiden is medeontwikkelaar van de digitale kennis die hierbij gebruikt wordt.
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Wat zijn de belangrijkste thema's in het uitvoeren van systemen voor bio-energie ?
Ondernemende studenten met hart voor de maatschappij
Studenten van de minor Innovation, Cocreation and Global Impact presenteren hun idealistische projecten. Bekijk de film!
Development of an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) for metallic nanoparticles
What is the mechanism of action preceding a physiological effects induced by metallic nanoparticles?
Wat mobiele telefoons betekenen voor vluchtelingen
Waarvoor gebruiken vluchtelingen hun mobiele telefoons? En wat betekent dat voor hulpverleners in opvangkampen? Het Leiden Centre for Innovation bestudeerde dit onderwerp samen met onderzoekers van Harvard Humanitarian Initiative en Data & Society.
Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way
Op 29 april 2020 verdedigde Beth Van Schaack haar proefschrift 'Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. C. Stahn.
Network analysis methods for smart inspection in the transport domain
Transport inspectorates are looking for novel methods to identify dangerous behavior, ultimately to reduce risks associated to the movements of people and goods. We explore a data-driven approach to arrive at smart inspections of vehicles.
Mechanism-based inhibitors and probes for neuraminidases
Neuraminidases are enzymes that cleave glycosidic linkages of sialic acid. These enzymes are involved in influenza infections as well as in many cellular processes in mammals and micro-organisms.
Novel Immune Cell-Based Therapies for Atherosclerosis
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper
Predicting the future: Predictive control for astronomical adaptive optics
The field of exoplanet research is rapidly advancing through the development of new technology, observing techniques, and post-processing methods.
Targeted Therapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
The research described in this thesis focused on identifying novel drug targets and synergistic combinations for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a virulent subtype of breast cancer with a dismal prognosis and limited therapeutic options.
Supramolecular polymer materials for biomedical applications and diagnostics
Self-assembly is an abundant process in nature and is vital to many processes in living organisms.
Methods and Tools for Mining Multivariate Time Series
Mining time series is a machine learning subfield that focuses on a particular data structure, where variables are measured over (short or long) periods of time.
Vier korte films over vier eeuwen vrijheid aan de Universiteit Leiden
Vier video’s vertellen het verhaal van de geschiedenis van de Universiteit Leiden. Op 2 november gingen de films in première tijdens het Leidse Filmfestival.
- Elastin-like polypeptide micelles for vaccine delivery
Pesticides and health – challenges and opportunities for exposure assessment
The aim is to develop methods to assess environmental and occupational exposure to (individual) pesticides, to be applied in epidemiological studies investigating pesticide exposure and human health. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential association between exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s…
Diagnostics for mechanical heating in star-forming galaxies
Promotor: F.P. Israel, Co-Promoter: R. Meijerink
Statistical learning for complex data to enable precision medicine strategies
Explaining treatment response variability between and within patients can support treatment and dosing optimization, to improve treatment of individual patients.
Terrestrial field trials for side-effects of pesticides
The thesis describes terrestrial field trials aimed to detect side-effects of pesticides within the framework of pesticide registration procedures. Field trials were developed using vascular plants Brassica napus and Poa annua, caterpillars Pieris brassicae and effects on decomposition were studied…
Civil Liability for Damage caused by Global Navigation Satellite System
Op 17 december 2018 verdedigde Dejian Kong zijn proefschrift 'Civil Liability for Damage caused by Global Navigation Satellite System'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. dr. P.M.J. Mendes de Leon.
Biomimetic Copper Catalysts for the Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Human civilization consumes a huge amount of fossil fuels, which has resulted in an atmospheric CO2 level which has not been higher in over 800 millennia.
Chemistry in embedded disks: setting the stage for planet formation
To address the fundamental questions of how life on Earth emerged and how common life may be in the Universe, it is crucial to know the chemical composition of the planet-forming material.
Meta-heuristics for vehicle routing and inventory routing problems
Promotores: T.H.W. Bäck, Y. Tan, Co-promotor: M.T.M. Emmerich
Onderzoeksgroep Governance of Crises
De onderzoeksgroep ‘Governance of Crises’ bestudeert verschijnselen, dynamiek en spelers als het gaat om crisisbeheersing. Het Crisis Research Center (CRC) van de Universiteit Leiden maakt deel uit van deze onderzoekgroep.
Private lessons for guitar and ukelele | English spoken
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
Benefit for all – Een ecosysteem voor een gezonde levensstijl
Het BENEFIT-programma is een publiek-privaat ecosysteem in een nationaal consortium, met als doel patiënten met cardiovasculaire aandoeningen langdurig in hun eigen thuissituatie te ondersteunen bij een gezonde leefstijl.
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Non-take-up of social support and the implications for social policies
This dissertation takes an important step in understanding the phenomenon of non-take-up of social support and what it means for contemporary social policies.
Modulation of the immune system for treatment of atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular diseases are the primary cause of death in the world with atherosclerosis as primary underlying cause.
Lipids as therapeutic targets for barrier repair in skin diseases
The skin is our natural barrier and lipids are a key part of this barrier. In the outer skin layer, the stratum corneum (SC), lipids form a densely organized structure dependent on the composition of these lipids.
Strategies for the improvement of genome editing in Arabidopsis thaliana
Increasing the efficiency of gene targeting (GT) as a genome editing tool in plants has been an important goal in plant biotechnology.
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Promotores: Prof.dr.G.R. de Snoo and Dr. R. Heijungs
An Algebra for Interaction of Cyber-Physical Components
Modeling and analysis of cyber-physical systems are still challenging. One reason is that cyber-physical systems involve many different parts (cyber or physical), of different nature (discrete or continuous), and in constant interaction via sensing and actuating.
Minor Creative Strategies for a Society in Change
De minor Creative Strategies for a Society in Change (CSSC) legt een verbinding tussen het verkrijgen van inzicht in creatieve maakprocessen en het verkennen van maatschappelijke problematieken die kenmerkend zijn voor onze tijd.
Succesvolle PhD Workshop Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law: Beyond Bank Resolution: Resolution and its Frontiers
Op donderdag 7 en vrijdag 8 december 2017 organiseerden het Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law van de Leidse rechtenfaculteit en het European University Institute in Florence een PhD workshop in Leiden.
Cytochrome C Oxidase mimics for use in catalytic water oxidation
Novel target engagement biomarkers for better drug candidates
M van der Stelt
A renewed awareness: Reinvigoratingpreparedness research for crisis and disastermanagement
IIn dit artikel blazen Jeroen Wolbers en Sanneke Kuipers het academische debat over rampenparaatheid nieuw leven in.
Novel chemical tools for target validation in neuroinflammation
A Multi-Level Leadership Spectrum for Collective Good
In dit artikel bespreken Ben S. Kuipers en Joanne Murphy recente kritieken op de theorie en praktijk van leiderschap.
'MOOCs worden volwassen'
Docenten, universiteitsbestuurders en online-onderwijsspecialisten maakten van 20 tot 22 maart in Den Haag plannen voor beter onderwijs met behulp van technologie. Universiteit Leiden was organisator en lanceerde een succesvol nieuw conferentieonderdeel: de research track.
industrial waste gases (mixed CO/CO2 streams) into intermediates for polyurethane plastics for rigid foams/building insulation and coatings
What would be the environmental performance of the Carbon4PUR technology at industrial scale in the future?
Volg het Governance and Global Affairs blog!
Blijf op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen van de faculteit!
Deep: Using simulations to understand the excess baryonic mass in the centres of high-mass, early-type galaxies
This thesis aims to enhance our understanding of galaxies by testing theoretical models of galaxy formation against observations, particularly in the cases of extreme systems which have been found to have an excess of baryonic mass in their central regions, in the form of either supermassive black holes…
The synthesis of chemical tools for studying sphingolipid metabolism
Sphingolipids are important membrane compounds with a variety of functions. In mammalian cells, different enzymes are involved in the metabolism of sphingolipids, but interruption of this metabolism process leads to different diseases.
Addressing Environmental Concerns Through Trade: A Case for Extraterritoriality?,
Kunnen landen bij gebrek aan een sterk internationaal kader voor milieubescherming unilateraal optreden om het wereldwijde milieu te beschermen?
Hunting for new physics in the primordial Universe
This thesis contributes to studying primordial cosmology theories and their detectability in future observations.
High-throughput quantification and unambiguous identification for metabolomics
The challenge of achieving fast quantification in metabolomics is the presence of severe matrix effects during the MS analysis of complex samples.
A novel supramolecular system for membrane fusion and biosensing
T-cell gene therapy for low mutational burden cancer