1,727 zoekresultaten voor “working from home” in de Publieke website
Data-Driven Machine Learning and Optimization Pipelines for Real- World Applications
Machine Learning is becoming a more and more substantial technology for industry.
Nieuw artikel van Helen Pluut in European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Een nieuw artikel van Dr. Helen Pluut zal verschijnen in European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. Het artikel, dat samen met Marion Büttgen en Jan Ullrich van de Universiteit van Hohenheim is geschreven, heeft implicaties voor organisaties die een duaal laddersysteem hanteren. Zulke systemen…
Weidong Zhang over het bereiken van 'decent work' in China
Op 23 maart 2023 verdedigde Weidong Zhang in Leiden zijn proefschrift over het bereiken van 'decent work' in China. Dit onderzoek analyseert in hoeverre China fatsoenlijk werk bereikt aan de hand van een casestudy over fatsoenlijke werktijden. Het woord 'bereiken' benadrukt dat China nog bezig is dit…
Jorrit Rijpma bij Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny, Europees Parlement
Op vrijdag 23 april verscheen Jorrit Rijpma voor de Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny van het Europees Parlement. Deze werkgroep is opgericht door de Commissie burgerlijke vrijheden, justitie en binnenlandse zaken (LIBE) van het Europees Parlement, als reactie op de beschuldigingen van serieuze schendingen…
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
The puzzle of protoplanetary disk masses
My work focuses on a class of astronomical objects called protoplanetary disks.
Self-Adjusting Surrogate-Assisted Optimization Techniques for Expensive Constrained Black Box ProblemsBagheri, S.
Optimization tasks in practice have multifaceted challenges as they are often black box, subject to multiple equality and inequality constraints and expensive to evaluate.
Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way
The high velocity tail of the total velocity distribution of stars provides essential insight into fundamental properties of the Galaxy.
Post-Doc: Manifesting Mandates: Navigating Ambiguity in UN Special Political Missions
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Publicatie dr. Helen Pluut
In het tijdschrift Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes wordt deze maand een artikel gepubliceerd van dr. Helen Pluut in samenwerking met Katrina Jia Lin en Remus Ilies van de National University of Singapore, waar Helen voorheen werkzaam was, en met Su-Ying Pan van de Macau University…
PhD Position (0.8 FTE) in Clinical Psychology
Sociale Wetenschappen, Psychologie
Een gedreven buitenstaander: J.H. van 't Hoff de eerste Nobelprijswinnaar voor Scheikunde
This dissertation presents a new perspective on the life, work and character of the Dutch physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff, first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and one of the most important and colourful scientists in Dutch history. The image of Van ’t Hoff that emerges from…
Giant unilamellar vesicles: An efficient membrane biophysical tool and its application in drug delivery studies
Promotor: A. Kros
The Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Warfare in Streptomyces
The soil-dwelling, filamentous bacteria of the genus Streptomyces are renowned for their production of useful secondary metabolites including antibiotics. The work described in this thesis provides new insights on the role and regulation of antibiotic production and resistance in these bacteria.
Sustaining Ethical Aquatic Trade (SEAT)
Creating a framework to assess the sustainability of fish farms which will set sustainability standards and give consumers information about the the sustainability and safety of their seafood.
ENIGMA-Anxiety Werkgroep
Samen met wetenschappers van over de hele wereld streeft de ENIGMA-Anxiety Werkgroep ernaar om meer inzicht te krijgen in de neurobiologische karakteristieken van angststoornissen.
PhD Position: Computational Modeling of Auger Capture Rates
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Chemisch Onderzoek (LIC)
Chasing cosmic tau neutrinos in the abyss
In this work the reconstruction of a tau neutrino signal in the KM3NeT detector is discussed.
Sinds 2009 behaalden 84 kandidaten hun doctoraat in Creative en Performing Arts. Op deze pagina een overzicht van ACPA's alumni.
Post-doctoral researcher in empirical approaches to rule of law
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Data-driven donation strategies: understanding and predicting blood donor deferral
The research in this dissertation aims to optimise blood donation processes in the framework of the Dutch national blood bank Sanquin. The primary health risk for blood donors is iron deficiency, which is evaluated based on donors' hemoglobin and ferritin levels.
In dit interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma werken onderzoekers uit vijf verschillende disciplines met elkaar samen. Zij stellen zich hieronder (in het Engels) aan u voor.
Resource Panel
Contributions to the UNEP international panel for sustainable resource management
Dawn of the red and dead: stellar kinematics of massive quiescent galaxies out to z = 2
Promotores: Prof.dr. M. Franx, Prof.dr. M. Kriek (Univ. of California at Berkeley)
High-contrast imaging polarimetry of exoplanets and circumstellar disks
Understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems is one of the most fundamental challenges in astronomy. To directly image and study young exoplanets and the circumstellar disks they form from, dedicated high-contrast imaging instruments are built.
Canonical Cultures network
Religion, Philosophy, and the Pre-modern World
Ecology of the Ethiopian wolf in a changing landscape: Human carnivore interactions in Afroalpine ecosystems of Ethiopia
Do Ethiopian wolves change their diet and foraging strategy in the landscape under different land uses? How land use affect Afro-alpine rodent Communities? How important are Afro-alpine natural resources utilisation for local livelihoods? What is the human perception of conflict in the Afro-alpine a…
Novel analytical approaches to characterize particles in biopharmaceuticals
Particles are omnipresent in biopharmaceutical products. In protein-based therapeutics such particles are generally associated with impurities, either derived from the drug product itself (e.g. protein aggregates), or from extrinsic contaminations (e.g. cellulose fibers).
PhD candidate on (peri-)urban nature-climate interactions
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden (CML)
Ph.D. candidate in biochemistry / cell glycobiology / targeted protein degradation
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Governance and Data Science Group
The extensive use of electronic communication channels and other devices has opened new possibilities for collecting data on human behavior. This information is sometimes openly accessible, but largely part of administrative registration systems that are not open to the broader public. The data provides…
Manipulating carbon nanotubes Towards the application as novel field emission sources
Promotores: T.H. Oosterkamp, N. de Jonge
Radicals in arithmetic
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen, Co-promotor: B. de Smit
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
Publicaties die verschijnen in het kader van het onderzoeksproject Zelfredzaamheid en sociale bescherming over de levenscyclus.
Trial@home for children
Tineke Rutgers
Ine Alberts
Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts (CREAA)
CREEA is a FP7 project on compiling and refining environmental and economic accounts. The project runs from April 2011 to March 2014.
Corruption & Integrity in the Netherlands (1945 - present)
Corruption, integrity (or a lack thereof…) and public values are near omnipresent elements in public administration and politics of all times. Cases of corrupt public officials and politicians continuously emerge. Strangely enough, however, it often remains unknown what actually occurred, how something…
Towards a single-molecule FRET study of Frauenfelder's nonexponential rebinding of CO in myoglobin
Early time-resolved experiments by Frauenfelder on the ensemble of the kinetic rebinding of CO to myoglobin molecules resulted in a stretched exponential relaxa-tion due to a very large spread of the reaction rates of individual molecules.
Identification and characterization of developmental genes in streptomyces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Integrative taxonomy of araneomorph spiders: Breathing new life into an old science
Taxonomy as a science has accumulated data and knowledge for more than 250 years.
Unconventional fabrication of 2D nanostructures and graphene edges
In this work, we illustrate unconventional approaches towards the fabrication of edge functionalized graphene nanostructures and bidimensional architectures in polymeric and metallic supports, with an outlook towards molecular sensing devices.
The colours of the extreme universe
This thesis presents pioneering work on the panchromatic emission of some of the most luminous galaxies in the early Universe: star forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei.
Soil legacy effects on aboveground plant-insect interactions
In this thesis, the role of plant-mediated soil legacy effects in shaping aboveground plant-insect interactions was investigated.
Mechanistic studies of the water oxidation reaction with molecular iron catalysts
In this dissertation iron-based homogeneous catalysts were synthesized, characterized and investigated for water oxidation activity.
- Club: Daily surveys on social stressors at work and their influence on marital behaviors at home by Helen Pluut
The stochastic geometry of non-Gaussian fields
Promotor: V. Vitelli, Co-promotor: J. Paulose
Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by means of equicontinuity
The subject of this thesis, ‘Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by Means of Equicontinuity’, combines an analytical and probabilistic approach to Markov operators.