2,900 zoekresultaten voor “classical languages and cultures” in de Publieke website
Wil je meer weten over de opleiding Taalwetenschap en beleven hoe het is om in Leiden te studeren? Taalwetenschap biedt verschillende voorlichtingsactiviteiten om je te helpen bij je studiekeuze.
Wil je meer weten over de opleiding Film- en literatuurwetenschap en beleven hoe het is om in Leiden te studeren? Film- en literatuurwetenschap biedt verschillende voorlichtingsactiviteiten om je te helpen bij je studiekeuze.
Wil je meer weten over de opleiding Midden-Oostenstudies en beleven hoe het is om in Leiden te studeren? Midden-Oostenstudies biedt verschillende voorlichtingsactiviteiten om je te helpen bij je studiekeuze.
Wil je meer weten over de opleiding Midden-Oostenstudies en beleven hoe het is om in Leiden te studeren? Midden-Oostenstudies biedt verschillende voorlichtingsactiviteiten om je te helpen bij je studiekeuze.
Wil je meer weten over de opleiding Nederlandse taal en Cultuur en beleven hoe het is om in Leiden te studeren? Nederlandse taal en cultuur biedt verschillende voorlichtingsactiviteiten om je te helpen bij je studiekeuze.
Meer weten over de opleiding Italiaanse taal en cultuur en beleven hoe het is om in Leiden te studeren? Italiaanse taal en cultuur biedt verschillende voorlichtingsactiviteiten om je te helpen bij je studiekeuze.
Call for papers: Third Conference on Frisian Humanities
The Fryske Akademy, the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, the Professorship Multilingualism and Literacy of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, the department of Frisian Studies of the University of Groningen, and the department Language, Technology…
Luzia Helfer, How Politics Becomes News and News Becomes Politics
Proefschrift van de politicoloog Luzia Helfer (Universiteit Leiden), die in Nederland en in Zwitserland onderzocht op basis van welke criteria journalisten politiek nieuws selecteren en hoe politici besluiten wel of niet te reageren op het nieuws.
The Policy of ‘Total Peace’ in Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities
Dit project brengt het beleid van ‘Paz Total’ (Totale Vrede) en de lopende vredesonderhandelingen tussen gewapende niet-statelijke groeperingen en de regering van Colombia onder het presidentschap van Gustavo Petro (2022-2026) in kaart.
Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations (PACES)
Wat is het effect van maatschappelijke veranderingen, persoonlijke levensomstandigheden en migratiebeleid op iemands besluit te migreren?
Nieuw Boek: Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform
Het boek biedt verschillende theoretische perspectieven om het proces van publieke sector hervormingen te onderzoeken. Daarnaast geeft het een overzicht van de belangrijkste trends in publieke sector hervormingen in Europa en de Verenigde Staten.
Moving Romans. Urbanisation, migration and labour in the Roman Principate
In hoeverre was arbeidsmigratie belangrijk voor het functioneren van de steden in Romeins Italië?
Pensions, Retirement, and the Financial Position of the Elderly
Langetermijnontwikkelingen, zoals het verouderen van de bevolking, de toename in de gemiddelde levensverwachting en de gevolgen van de recente financiële crisis, hebben bijgedragen aan de discussie rondom de houdbaarheid van het pensioenstelsel.
Enhancing Performance and Motivation in Lower Secondary Education
Stimuleren van Prestaties en Motivatie in de Eerste Jaren van het Voortgezet Onderwijs
PhD Candidate on Multi-Objective Optimization and Machine Learning for Hydrogen Technologies
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
De vakken die het VVI aanbiedt zijn onderdeel van het bredere onderwijsprogramma van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, dat programma’s aanbiedt op bachelor- (LLB) en masterniveau (LLM, Advanced Studies, PhD). Het instituut geeft een in Europa uniek MSc programma Law and Society: Governance and Global…
Towards an effective biodiversity conservation and governance in the Pontocaspian region
Freshwater and brackish water ecosystems are arguably the most vulnerable ecosystems on earth, due to concentrated human developments in and around them. The Pontocaspian (PC) region located at the border of Europe and Asia contains a variety of brackish water ecosystems and unique inhabitants, known…
Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures
This article 'Shaping the European External Action Service and its post-Lisbon crisis management structures: an assessment of the EU High Representatives’ political leadership' assesses the role, influence and core aspects of the EU High Representatives’ (HR/VPs) “political leadership” in the context…
Islam en samenleving
Kennis van moslimsamenlevingen is onmisbaar om in een geglobaliseerde wereld te kunnen functioneren en om onze eigen Nederlandse maatschappij goed te begrijpen. In Leiden verdiepen onderzoekers zich in de talen, cultuur, religie, rechtssystemen en geschiedenis van moslimsamenlevingen en zetten daarmee…
Effects of light at night on plants and their interactions with other species
What is the effect of light at night on plant phenology and physiology, and how does this affect plant interactions with other species?
Circular city & Industry park MATerials metabolism learning package and assessment tool
Some examples of research questions include: What framework of circular strategies should local practitioners use? How should practitioners organize their monitoring of the circular economy activities in the region of interest? What are the main products that have the most circular potential in the…
Modelling the interactions of advanced micro- and nanoparticles with novel entities
Novel entities may pose risks to humans and the environment. The small particle size and relatively large surface area of micro- and nanoparticles (MNPs) make them capable of adsorbing other novel entities, leading to the formation of aggregated contamination.
Krista A. Milne
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Chemical biology of glucosylceramide metabolism fundamental studies and applications for Gaucher disease
This thesis describes biochemical investigations of glucocerebrosidase (GBA), the lysosomal β- glucosidase that is deficient in Gaucher disease (GD).
The relation between dynamics and activity of phospholipase A/acyltransferase homologs
Phospholipase A/acyltransferase 3 (PLAAT3) and PLAAT4 are enzymes involved in the synthesis of bioactive lipids. Despite sequential and structural similarities, the two enzymes differ in activity and specificity.
The Progression of EU Law: Accommodating change and upholding values
Wat is de institutionele dynamiek van de goedkeuring van wetgeving inzake de interne markt?
Oxidation catalysis on Pt and Au: complexity of simple chemistry
Promotor: J.W.M. Frenken Co-Promotores: I.M.N. Groot; L.B.F. Juurlink
Cognitive enhancement: Toward the integration of theory and practice
Cognitive enhancement is het gebruik van elke methode of techniek met als doel het verbeteren van cognitieve prestaties.
Global distribution patterns of distinct mycorrhizal types and ecological drivers of these patterns
What are the global relationships between environmental conditions and abundance of distinct types of mycorrhizal fungi in soil and plant roots?
characterization of bacterial proteins involved in antibiotic resistance and peptidoglycan biosynthesis
This thesis describes the structural and biochemical characterization of the β-lactamase BlaC from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), and the Alr and YlmE proteins from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).Mtb is the main cause of tuberculosis.
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2025: History of Emotions (5 ECTS)
Exposed to events that never happen: Genaralized unsafety and prolonged psysiological stress responses
The aims of the project are to: further clarify 'inhibition by safety'; explore and describe all possible sagety factors, with a special focus on the primary human safety source: social connectedness; reviewing prolonged stress responses without stressors.
Using cryo-EM methods to uncover structure and function of bacteriophages
Bacteriophages, or phages for short, are the most abundant biological entity in nature. They shape bacterial communities and are a major driving force in bacterial evolution.
Picturing Intimacy: Mediation and Self-representation in a Boston’s Religious Festivals
Taking as a point of departure the Italian American community in Boston and its process of collective remembrance surrounding Saint Anthony’s Feast, we addressing the limits and potential of montage.
Ecology and conservation of spotted hyena in human dominated landscapes in northern Ethiopia
Promotors: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. H. Leirs (Univ. Antwerpen)
Pharmacogenomics in Drug Development: Implementation and Application of PKPD Model Based Approaches
Model based approaches, integrating physiological parameters or linking exposure with response, are powerful tools to quantify and evaluate the impact of genetic differences that are reflected as variability of drug exposure and/or clinical response(s). This thesis “Pharmacogenomics in Drug Development: …
European-wide ecosystem responses and their vulnerability to intensive drought
There is accumulating evidence for an increase in severe global drought events. In particular, Europe experienced several severe droughts in 2003, 2015, and 2018 (unprecedented in the past 2,110 years). Such droughts have caused serious and far-reaching impacts on terrestrial ecosystems.
Microbial communities in Pampa soils; impact of land use changes, soil type and climatic conditions
Promotor: J.A. van Veen, Co-promotor: E.E. Kuramae
Emergence of rebellious digital press in Chile: Divergence, engagement and impact. Journal of Communication
A new publication on changes in the relationship between news and their public in Chile
Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration
Op 11 juni 2020 verdedigde Sabine Witting haar proefschrift 'Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen en prof.dr.mr. S. van der Hof.
Dynamics of the Oort Cloud and Formation of Interstellar Comets Santiago Torres Rodriguez
The solar system was formed approximately 4.56 billion years ago. Despite the numerous theories that have been developed over the years, the formation and evolution of the solar system still remain unclear.
Functions of leptin in tuberculosis and diabetes: multi-omics studies across species
In this thesis, I study 1) metabolic alterations in tuberculosis related to wasting syndrome in human patients as well as in rodent and fish animal models. 2) effects of the mutation of the leptin gene on cachexia and diabetes in rodent and zebrafish animal models.
Privatisations and golden shares: Bridging the gap between the State and the market in the area of free movement of capital in the EU
Op 3 september 2019 verdedigde Ilektra Antonaki haar proefschrift 'Privatisations and golden shares: Bridging the gap between the State and the market in the area of free movement of capital in the EU'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. S.C.G. Van den Bogaert.
Understanding the uptake and internal distribution of metallic nanoparticles in Danio rerio larvae
The aim is to discover where differently shaped metal nanoparticles distributes in Danio rerio, linking the distribution with genomic responses and so come up with a Mode of Action.
Zebrafish embryos and larvae as a complementary model for behavioural research
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.K. Richardson
Monitoring drought and salinity stress in agriculture by remote sensing for a sustainable future
Food security is challenged by a growing global population and by climate change. Drought and soil salinity are considered the most important ones that inhibit crop yield and distribution. Worryingly, climate change is predicted to increase not only their frequency and severity, but also their co-occurrence,…
Electrochemical and surface studies of the effect of naphthalene-based additives on tin electrodeposition
Tin electrodeposition applications have rapidly evolved in the past 25 years.
Effects of the early social environment on song and preference learning in zebra finches
Songbirds as vocal learners learn their songs and song preference from social tutors. Tutor choice for both song and preference learning are important to characterize for understanding individual learning performance and cultural transmission of song.
interactions: using metabolomics to probe oxidative stress, inflammation and systemic immunity
Promotores: T. Hankemeier; R. Berger, Co-promotor: R.J. Vreeken
Tales of Orion: the interplay of gas, dust, and stars in the interstellar medium
Promotores: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens, Prof.dr. L. Kaper (UvA)