195 zoekresultaten voor “give” in de Publieke website
Masterclass: Why did Pope Gregory the Great make churches give up property? (Roy Flechner, University College Dublin)
On the 7th and 8th of November, Radboud University and Utrecht University are jointly organising a masterclass for (Re)MA students and PhD candidates on the life and times of those lay people dependent on monasteries.
Isogeny graphs, modular polynomials, and applications
This thesis has three main parts. The first part gives an algorithm to compute Hilbert modular polynomials for ordinary abelian varieties with maximal real multiplication. Hilbert modular polynomials of a given level b give a way of finding all of the abelian varieties that are b-isogeneous to any given…
Higgs dynamics in the early universe
In the early universe, the dynamics of the Higgs field can give rise to many interesting phenomena.
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
Geometry and arithmetic of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1
This thesis contains results on the arithmetic and geometry of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1.In Chapter 1 we give the necessary background, assuming the reader is familiar with algebraic geometry.
Meta Analysis
Discover "Meta Analysis" at Boerhaave Nascholing. Explore risk analysis, models, and advanced topics. Elevate your understanding. Read more here.
Groups and fields in arithmetic
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.W. Lenstra
Radicals in arithmetic
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen, Co-promotor: B. de Smit
Adapted deformations and Ekedahl-Oort stratifications of Shimura varieties
This thesis concerns the relation bettween the good reduction of Shimura varieties and the associated loop groups.
Gibbs Processes and Applications
Gibbs measures, as used in Statistical Mechanics, have a definition that is remarkably similar to the definition ofg-measures, used in dynamical systems.
The wild Brauer-Manin obstruction on K3 surfaces
In this thesis, rational points on K3 surfaces are studied. In the first part of Chapter 1 the Brauer group and the the Brauer-Manin obstruction are introduced.
Computational and experimental studies of reactive intermediates in glycosylation reactions
Carbohydrates, or sugars, are the most diverse and most abundant biomolecules known. However, the isolation of carbohydrate samples in sufficient amounts and purity is often impractical or even impossible, so the chemical synthesis of glycosides becomes relevant. The glycosylation reaction, in which…
Online Course Anatomy of the Abdomen and the Pelvis: a journey from basic to clinic
In this course, you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will give you new insights and understandings of this part of the body.
Online Course Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation
Kidney transplantation is a major advance of modern medicine. This course will give you state of the art updates about what used to be an experimental, risky, and very limited treatment option more than 50 years ago and is now routinely performed in many countries worldwide.
Online Course The Rooseveltian Century
This course uses the lives, ideals and achievements of Theodore, Franklin, and Eleanor Roosevelt to create the idea of a Rooseveltian century. It is an invitation to think critically and historically, and it wants to give you a glimpse of what it means to be a historian at work.
Bad reduction of Hilbert modular varieties with parahoric level structure
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, A. Iovita
Arakelov invariants of Belyi curves
Promotores: Bas Edixhoven, Jean-Benoit Bost, Co-promotor: Robin de Jong
Innovative strategies to clinically characterize the human tear proteome
Transplantation of labial salivary glands to the eyelids for patients with dry eye appears to give excellent results clinically.
Photosynthetic light reactions at the gold interface
Promotor: T.J. Aartsma, Co-promotor: R.N. Frese
Gauss's theorem on sums of 3 squares, sheaves, and Gauss composition
Promotor: Bas Edixhoven, Promotor: Qing Liu
Microscopy and Spectroscopy on Model Catalysts in Gas Environments
In surface science there is great effort to move from studying simple, flat model surfaces in vacuum to investigating more complex model catalysts in gas environments (in situ). This thesis gives three examples of such studies using microscopy and spectroscopy.
Charge transport properties of Ru-complex molecules: the influence of humidity
I will give a general introduction to the field of molecular electronics, its history, methods and challenges. I will also introduce the subject of my investigation and provide a brief outlook to the remainder of our thesis.
- Rethink your Thesis: Concepts, Questions, Composition (3 ECTS)
Decompositions in algebra
We show that Kirchhoff ’s law of conservation holds for non-commutative graph flows if and only if the graph is planar. We generalize the theory of (Euclidean) lattices to infinite dimension and consider the ring of algebraic integers as such a lattice.
Dematerialisation for Urban Waste Reduction
Effectiveness and Side-effects.
Exploring deep learning for multimodal understanding
This thesis mainly focuses on multimodal understanding and Visual Question Answering (VQA) via deep learning methods. For technical contributions, this thesis first focuses on improving multimodal fusion schemes via multi-stage vision-language interactions.
- Microplastics
Statistical distributions in LCA and converting between different representations of these distributions.
Studying through the summer?
Leiden University offers a unique range of summer courses where you can broaden or deepen your knowledge or share your expertise with fellow students. The choice of academic courses is very diverse, ranging from Law, Big Data, Languages and Linguistics to Maths and Natural Sciences, Biology, Biomedical…
- Masterclass: Why did Pope Gregory the Great make churches give up property? (Roy Flechner, University College Dublin)
Galois representations of elliptic curves and abelian entanglements
Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen, Prof.dr. K. Belabas (Universite Bordeaux I)
How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia
Op 23 juni 2020 verdedigde Santy Kouwagam haar proefschrift 'How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. A.W. Bedner en prof.dr. C.E. von Benda-Beckmann.
Probing Gravity at Cosmic Scales
The theoretical explanation of cosmic acceleration is nowadays one of the biggest puzzles in cosmology.
Single-electrolyte isotachophoresis: on-chip analyte focusing and separation
Promotor: Thomas Hankemeier, Co-promotores: Heiko van der Linden, Paul Vulto
Algebraic techniques for low communication secure protocols
Promotor: R. Cramer
The unit residue group
The unit residue group, to which the present thesis is devoted, is defined using the norm-residue symbol, which Hilbert introduced into algebraic number theory in 1897.
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Promotor: T. Schmidt, Co-promotor: S. J.T. van Noort
Discovery and development of inhibitors selective for human constitutive proteasome and immunoproteasome active sites
This thesis describes the design and development of subunit‐selective inhibitors of particular catalytically active subunits of human constitutive proteasomes and immunoproteasomes.
Exploring Deep Learning for Intelligent Image Retrieval
This thesis mainly focuses on cross-modal retrieval and single-modal image retrieval via deep learning methods, i.e. by using deep convolutional neural networks.
Breaking of ensemble equivalence for complex networks
For many system in statistical physics the microcanonical and canonical ensemble are equivalent in the thermodynamic limit, but not for all.
The astrochemical factory: A solid base for interstellar reactions
In this thesis chemical and physical processes in the ice mantles on interstellar dust grains are studied.
Bestrijdingsmiddelen en Milieu
The book ‘Bestrijdingsmiddelen en Milieu' gives a transparent overview of facts and figures concerning pesticide use in the Netherlands and the impact of pesticides on the environment.
Into the Darkness: Forging a Stable Path Through the Gravitational Landscape
In this thesis we study the landscape of gravitational models which modify GR by introducing an additional scalar degree of freedom (d.o.f.) to source Cosmic Acceleration.
Metabolomic characteristics of Catharanthus roseus plants in time and space
Promotor: R. Verpoorte, Co-promotores: Y.H.Choi, N.R. Mustafa
Quantitative uncertainty in LCI
Overall dispersion in LCA as result of inherent uncertainties, spread and unrepresentativeness.
Towards a greater understanding of the presence, fate and ecological effects of microplastics in the freshwater environment
This thesis combines field and laboratory studies to address some of the most pressing questions in the field of microplastic research.
Flow: A study of electron transport through networks of interconnected nanoparticles
This thesis describes a study from both a theoreticaL and an experimental point of view.
The stochastic geometry of non-Gaussian fields
Promotor: V. Vitelli, Co-promotor: J. Paulose
Interaction of oxygen and carbon monoxide with Pt(111) at intermediate pressure and temperature: revisiting the fruit fly of surface science
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotors: A.I. Yanson, L.B.F. Juurlink
Molecules during stellar formation and death
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. F. van Dishoeck