62 zoekresultaten voor “dutch each in dit” in de Medewerkerswebsite
Judith Pollmann
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Social life and settling in
When you decide to move to the Netherlands and bring along your family there is a great deal that needs to be taken care of. We will provide some information on schools, childcare and learning Dutch to help you settle in in the Netherlands.
Daily Dutch (POPcorner FSW)
International staff
The Service Centre International Staff provides advice and different types of services to all international employees and guest researchers that come to pursue their academic career in Leiden.
Dutch Bio Science Week
Introduction to Dutch Research Funding
Education of your children
In the Netherlands children attend school from the age of 4 and are legally required to do so from the age of 5. Elementary school, or primary education (basisschool), lasts 8 years.
Immigration and requirements
If you wish to come to the Netherlands there are certain immigration procedures you need to follow. The Service Centre International Staff will help you with all of these. We will provide you with checklists, an immigration wizard and an overview of all immigration requirements. This way you will be…
Getting around
The Netherlands have an excellent public transport system. You can get almost everywhere by train, bus or tram. All you need is an OV-chipkaart. When it comes to getting around in Leiden it might be worth to consider buying a (secondhand) bike. Do you prefer travelling by car? You will find more on…
The Dual Career Programme (DCP)
Leiden University offers a Dual Career Programme (DCP) to assist the life partners of new academic staff (on pay-roll) in finding employment in The Netherlands. The programme is offered in close cooperation with nearby universities of Delft and Rotterdam.
Taxes and social security
When moving to the Netherlands, it is important to know whether you are considered resident tax payer or non-resident. Both residents and non-residents are taxed on their taxable income. A number of criteria help determine your status as resident or non-resident.
Health insurance
Are you an international researcher working for Leiden University? Please note that you probably are legally obliged to take out health insurance. Here you will find if you need a public or a private health insurance, and how to apply for it.
Programming in Python
Liability insurance
When you (accidentally) cause injury or damage to someone else, you are liable. The other person or party can reclaim his or her financial loss from you. With a liability insurance, the insurer will reimburse the ‘victim’ for the costs of the damage caused.
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Graduate School
Welkom bij de Graduate School van de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Op deze website vind je informatie over allerlei onderwerpen die wellicht van pas komt als promovendus. Heb je een vraag? Neem dan contact op met de Graduate School Office.
University managed accommodation
Leiden University offers housing facilities for international PhD's and other visiting academic staff. Read about the application process for university housing. If you need tenants for your apartment or family house in Leiden and its surrounding area, we will gladly help you rent it to our international…
Ralph Kijk in de Vegte
Administratief Shared Service Centre
De universiteit streeft naar tweetaligheid en biedt haar informatie zoveel mogelijk in het Nederlands en het Engels aan. Dit heeft ook consequenties voor het aanbieden van informatie op de universitaire websites.
Private accommodation
If you are not eligible for university owned accommodation or if you prefer to buy or rent your own property there are a few things to take into consideration. The Service Centre International Staff can help you as well.
Landelijke actie tegen bezuinigingen: Alternatieve Opening Academisch Jaar in Utrecht
Onderwijs, Onderzoek
Information sessions for studying in the US
Creative writing | English spoken
Kunst en vrije tijd
‘Bless the mess’ en andere tips voor betere interdisciplinaire samenwerking
Vertrouwen hebben, openstaan voor conflict en verschillen, de tijd nemen: het is slechts een kleine greep uit de tips voor interdisciplinaire samenwerking die langskwamen tijdens een Leids symposium op 1 februari. De tweede sessie vindt plaats op donderdag 14 maart.
Policy Academy Programme
OSCoffee: Disseminating Knowledge through YouTube
An introduction to poetry (English spoken)
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
In gesprek met Annetje Ottow en Hester Bijl: ‘Bedenk wat je wilt en ga ervoor’
Wat kunnen we leren van vrouwelijke collega’s die als eersten topposities binnen de universiteit hebben bereikt? Op Internationale Vrouwendag gingen voorzitter van het College van Bestuur Annetje Ottow en rector magnificus Hester Bijl in gesprek met een groep universitaire medewerkers uit alle lagen…
Marjorie in 't Veld
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Arie in 't Veld
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
LUMC-onderzoekers: veel vetten in bloed biedt bescherming tegen allergieën
Mensen met relatief veel vetten in hun bloed krijgen minder vaak allergische aandoeningen, zoals eczeem en astma. Deze vetten zorgen dat genen die een sleutelrol spelen in allergische reacties minder actief zijn. Dat schrijven onderzoekers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) in Nature…
Minister Dijkgraaf bezoekt internationale introductieweek OWL
Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (OCW) bezocht maandag de start van de Orientation Week Leiden (OWL), de introductieweek voor internationale studenten van de Universiteit Leiden. De minister verwelkomde de studenten en sprak met hen over hun ambities en de problemen waar zij tegenaan lopen.
Proust and Painting
Lezing, Studium Generale
Private lessons for guitar and ukelele | English spoken
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
Programming in Python
Programming in Python
Maxim Osipov - Interview door Michel Krielaars
Hoe verbeteren we interdisciplinaire samenwerking binnen de Universiteit Leiden?
Lustrumviering Meeting Point: 1 + 1 = 3: de universiteit en vluchtelingstudenten leren van elkaar
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
To explore the drug space smarter: Artificial intelligence in drug design for G protein-coupled receptors
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Programming in Python
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)
Workshop: How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP)