Overige verenigingen
Naast de studieverenigingen kent de Universiteit Leiden ook nog andere verenigingen waar je je verder kunt ontwikkelen en ervaring kunt opdoen die je helpt in je carrière.
Leiden Debating Union
De debatvereniging Leiden Debating Union (LDU) is een internationale vereniging waarin Engels wordt gesproken. Twee keer per week wordt er gedebatteerd in stijl van het Britse Lagerhuis. De reputatie van LDU is zeer goed en veel leden blijven ook na hun studentenlidmaatschap nog actief, zodat er een groot netwerk aan kennis en ervaring ter beschikking staat aan de LDU.
Het doel van de Leiden Model United Nations Foundation (LeidenMUN) is om studenten op te leiden tot succesvolle afgevaardigden op MUN-conferenties, waarmee studenten direct bekend worden met de wereld van internationale relaties en diplomatie. De stichting biedt een netwerk en een platform voor ambitieuze en talentvolle studenten.

The Angler
The Angler is the magazine of English Language and Culture in Leiden and is the platform for students who are interested in writing articles on topics that interest them. The Angler is published three to four times per year. Every issue contains articles on the main subjects of the Bachelor program: Philology, Literature, Language Acquisition, and Linguistics.
However, we try to include all subjects a student of English would be interested to read about: interviews with people from the department, interviews with alumni, articles on studying abroad, articles on culture, articles by people involved with LEF, articles by people involved with Albion, reviews on film, theatre, literature or television series, and creative writing.
You can find more information on the magazine and download all previous issues on our website. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news and events.
We are always looking for people who would like to contribute to the magazine. If you are interested in writing or drawing for us, either as a one-off thing or on a more regular basis, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Leiden English Freshers
It was set up a little over 15 years ago to introduce English freshers (first-year students) to the world of English theatre; although most of the people involved now are not freshers, most study English in Leiden. However, we also have members with some other connection to Leiden or English.
Over time we have evolved into a successful amateur theatre group, casting experienced actors and crew as well as complete beginners, and staging at least one English language play each year. Our aim is to create a high quality play while having fun. Plays vary from the inevitable Shakespeare to more modern plays, such as J. M. Barrie's Dear Brutus, and George Bernard Shaw'sPygmalion.
We are convinced – but can’t prove – LEF members tend to graduate with higher marks, better stories and at least a few Shakespearean soliloquies to impress the family.
There is more to LEF than rehearsals. We often have a drink together afterwards, and regularly organize parties. Every production also has a Rehearsal Weekend, usually on location somewhere in the Netherlands. At the beginning of each academic year we organize acting workshops, and we usually perform a short play during the El Cid week.
We are always looking for new talent. Experience is welcome, but not necessary; enthusiasm is, however, very vital! Many of our members are students from the English Department, but anyone is welcome to join.
If you are less fond of the lime-light, there are also ample opportunities to work backstage as we have jobs for Stage Managers, Costume Designers, Make-up Artists and people to show their skills on Props or Set.

Contact Leiden English Freshers
For more information, check out our website or contact us via email. You can also find us on Facebook and Youtube.