Deze zomer een maand rechten studeren in Shanghai met een volledige* beurs?
Van 15 juni – 12 juli 2025 organiseert onze partner East China University of Political Science and Law wederom hun Summer Programme on Chinese Political and Legal Culture.
Het programma wordt geheel in het Engels verzorgd. Naast lezingen worden er ook sociale (excursies naar o.a. Suzhou and Hangzhou) en extra curriculaire activiteiten (o.a. bezoek advocatenkantoor en rechtbank) georganiseerd. Een unieke kans om 4 weken in Shanghai te studeren én… het programma wordt gesponsord door de Education Commission van de gemeente Shanghai!
Daardoor kan 1 student van onze faculteit een volledige* beurs krijgen voor dit programma.
*Let op: vlucht, visa en verzekering dien je zelf te betalen. Meer informatie in de folder.
Deadline voor aanmelding: donderdag 20 Maart 23.59 uur, 2025
Heb je interesse of vragen over dit programma? Laat dit dan zo snel mogelijk weten via outgoingexchange@law.leidenuniv.nl . Wil je je aanmelden? Stuur dan een motivatiebrief, je cijferlijst en een bewijs van voldoende Engelse taalvaardigheid (min VWO cijfer 7 of B2 level) naar eerdergenoemd email adres vóór 21 maart 2025. Bij meerdere kandidaten maken wij een selectie. Wij dienen kandidaten uiterlijk 30 maart te nomineren.
Ervaring Nando Temming met Shanghai Summer School
I was lucky enough to be chosen to participate in the ECUPL Summer School on Chinese Legal and Political Culture last year. As a law student at Leiden, I was used to cramming jurisprudence, articles, and legal literature. Why then would I want to spend more of my summer doing that? Rest assured, the programme is much more than studying law in China.
The key takeaway from my experience was the ability to live in China for a month. Of course, it is quite strange to live in a country so different from The Netherlands for a month, but figuring out how to deal with in Chinese grocery stores, train stations and in its many markets is a challenge very different from writing your thesis.
Shanghai is a beautiful, safe, and very modern city. One of the goals of the programme is to let students experience that. After classes are over, often around 12:00 or 15:00, you are free to explore the city. The university staff and students are very friendly and helpful. Not only do they provide you with meals, a SIM card, and explanations on how to use WeChat and Alipay (you can do everything from ordering in restaurants to using the metro), but also tips on which monuments, temples, and markets to visit.
Of course you are not simply on vacation. Almost every day you have classes, but they aren’t only regarding Chinese law. In my case we did discuss the Chinese constitution, Chinese criminal law (mainly regarding the death penalty) and international investment law. I met great people, both Chinese and other students of the programme, and I would recommend everyone with an interest in China, international law and travelling to take part in the next edition of the ECUPL Summer School on Chinese Legal and Political Culture.