Stage en onderzoek
Bij veel opleidingen kun je tijdens je studie stage lopen of deelnemen aan een onderzoeksproject. Bij sommige opleidingen is het een vast onderdeel van het curriculum, bij andere opleidingen kun je ervoor kiezen om je keuzeruimte hiervoor te gebruiken.
Ga naar Stage & onderzoek voor meer informatie over de mogelijkheden.
Bachelor Research Project
In preparation for the Bachelor Research Project a number of sessions will be organised that you will have to attend. Different experimental groups from LION will present themselves to give you a better idea of what research projects are carried out in these groups. In the end you will have to select a group of your choice. In order to help you select your research group of interest, it is advised to make an appointment and visit this group to discuss posibilities and to get a better understanding of what this particular research group is doing.
More information:
- Overview Research Groups LION (NB: for the Bachelor Research project you have to select an experimental group; only double students Physics/Mathematics may select a group from Theoretical Physics).
- In December students attend the Bachelor Research Fair, see MyTimeTable
- Safety instructions. All 3rd year students who start with the BSc project need to attend the Safety Instruction session that will be organised in February. Details will be published on Brightspace.
Please consult the Bachelor Research Project website for the complete process