Universiteit Leiden

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Welcome to Leiden University

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Starting your Master's at the Institute of Education and Child Studies

Welcome! Below you will find all the information you need to get off to a good start. Read everything carefully so that you are well prepared for your new training.

All classes will take place on campus of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

If you have received your unconditional Admission Statement, you are admitted to the Master’s programme. You took steps to register in Studielink, paid the tuition fee and now you can start the Master’s programme.

If you have questions about your registration, please contact Student Affairs Front Office.

This outline shows the structure of the different specialisations in English of the Master' programme in Education and Child Studies. This is the outline of the Master's Programme Education and Child Studies (Research). 

In the online Prospectus each course is described extensively. You will find information about the content, the learning outcomes, the instruction form, the requirements for passing and the literature.

Information about the course literature can be found in the online Prospectus. Bear in mind that changes can be made in the reading list. These changes will be announced at least five weeks before the course begins.

In addition, each course has its own module with more information in the digital learning environment Brightspace. Books can be ordered at any (academic) bookstore. Order your books in time. Delivery times sometimes mount up to two weeks.

Readers can be ordered via webshop ReaderOnline.

The digital timetable of all courses can be found in MyTimetable. Any changes will be announced here, so check the timetable regularly. The timetable for the next academic year is available from of August 1st.

ULCN stands for ‘University Leiden Community Network’. When your registration at Leiden University is finalized you receive a letter with your personal ULCN-account and your password. You need these in order to be able to use uMail, Brightspace and uSis, the most important internet facilities for students.

uSis is the internet application in which personal information and study results of all students are registered. Elaborate information about uSis and uSis support is available on our website.

Students must register themselves for all course components (lectures, tutorials and practicals) they wish to follow. You can register via My Studymap up to five days prior to the start of the course.

It is also mandatory for all students to register for each exam (and retake) and to confirm registration for each exam in My Studymap. This is possible up to and including ten calendar days prior to the examination. You cannot take an exam without a valid pre-registration and confirmation in My Studymap.

NB If the exam concerns a paper or a practical assignment, you do not need to register in My Studymap.
Carefully read all information about the procedures and deadlines for registering for courses and exams.

Carefully read all information about the procedures and deadlines for registering for courses and exams.

The Master's project (20 ECTS) is a mandatory part of all Master's specialisations of the Master Education and Child Studies. You will receive all information by email about the Master's projects on offer and how to register for a project. You do not need to register for the Master’s project in My Studymap.

On our website you'll find information about the Master’s project.

While writing your Master's thesis, you can make use of the Master Thesis Lab.

Each specialisation in the Master’s programme Education and Child Studies contains an internship. 
The Prospectus Master’s Internship contains information about the objectives of the internship, the preparation, implementation and support.

This prospectus can also be found on the website of the Internship Bureau.

The Institute of Education and Child Studies publishes a Welcome brochure. Here you will find all kinds of information that can help you quickly find your way within the Institute of Education and Child Studies and the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Download the Welcome brochure Education and Child Studies ›› 

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