Universiteit Leiden

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Safety instructions

The university finds it important that students and staff are offered a safe environment. Read here about the safety measures in place and what you should do in case of emergencies or other incidents.

Safety measures

If you are following a programme that involves practical sessions, laboratory work, working with people or spending time outdoors, additional precautionary measures might be required. If your faculty or programme has an additional tab on this page, make sure to read it carefully.

Emergencies and incidents

Find out what to do in cases of emergencies or other incidents.

International students: beware of telephone scams

Police are warning international students, particularly those from China, about phone calls from scammers posing as employees of banks or governement agencies.

The scammer will claim you need to move your money to another bank account, or that you are being criminally investigated and must break all contact with others by e.g. switching off your phone and not going home or to class. They will then tell your parents or family members that you have disappeared and demand a ransom. As your family are unable to reach you, they might believe the scammer. 

Hang up and call 112

  • If this happens to you, hang up immediately and call the police via 112.
  • Need help contacting the police? Call the university's emergency number: +31 32 033 1343 (available 24/7). Please note that this number can currently only be reached from a mobile phone

Vaccinations and infection prevention

(Bio)Medical students can during their study programs come into contact with patients who are carriers of infectious diseases. It is important that you protect yourself and others to the best of your abilities.

Vaccinations and check-ups (VGM)

The main rule with regards to infection prevention is that you will only be allowed into the hospital when you can show a statement with your check-ups and vaccinations with regards to TBC, MRSA and Hepatitis B. When performing scientific research using human materials, sufficient immunisation for Hepatitis B is required. The required check-ups and vaccinations are performed by the Health, Safety and Environment Department of the LUMC and Leiden University (VGM).

VGM is located in the 'Poortgebouw' of LUMC.  During the introduction period, VGM provides you with information about the Hepatitis B vaccination schedule and the first vaccination will be scheduled in your timetable.  It is your responsibility to take up this offer, and to complete the vaccination scheme within your first year. Are you having trouble completing the vaccinations within a year? Contact VGM as soon as possible to discuss options for postponement. You have to pay the costs if your vaccination schedule is delayed (> 1 year).

Needlestick injuries

Needlestick injuries is the collected name for all incidents when health care employees run the risk of being infected with Hepatitis B-virus and Hepatitis C-virus, and/or HIV-virus by having blood contact. In case of a needle stick injury you must take action immediately.

Risks during your study abroad period

Many students do an internship abroad in areas with high risks for infectious diseases like hepatitis B, HIV or Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA). It is important that you prepare yourself adequately and are informed about the specific rules that are drawn up for students

Personal hygiene

The same rules apply to students as well as to employees who are working in the hospital or laboratory. When working in the hospital or laboratory you need to abide by the protocols in place with regards to (work) clothing, jewellery, hair, nails, piercings and so on. Please consult these before you enter the hospital.

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