Universiteit Leiden

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When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.

The Prospectus contains information about all the courses within your study programme. Here you can find all you need to know about your programme. Via the online learning environment Brightspace you can communicate with your lecturers and submit assignments.

 The Course and Examination Regulations (OER in Dutch) and the Rules and Regulations set by the Boards of Examiners (R&R) can be found on the page Faculty and study programme regulations.

Welcome to the Master Programme Mathematics

Leiden University offers 5 specialisations of a MSc programme in Mathematics. Two of these correspond to research specialisations in the Leiden Mathematical Institute. All specialisations are 2 years in duration (120EC). Students who complete the master will receive the degree Master of Science in Mathematics, with specification of the specialisation. Furthermore, all specialisations have the same director, the same Board of Examiners, and the same Department Teaching Committee, and the same Board of Admissions. The admission guidelines can vary per specialisation. For details, see your specialisation of choice. The admission process may include an interview with the Board of Admissions. Foreign applicants must provide proof of proficiency in English (IELTS level 6.5). Admission is possible throughout the year, but we advise foreign students to start in September or February.


Please click on the specialisation of your interest below to find more information.

Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory

Applied Mathematics

Mathematics and Business Studies

Mathematics and Science Communication & Society

Mathematics and Education

Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory

The specialisation Algebra Number Theory and Geometry is aimed at students who wish to acquire a profound knowledge in one of the areas within pure mathematics. There is a strong theme dealing with algebra and number theory (see the international ALGANT programme), as well as a strong theme dealing with topology and geometry. Leiden offers courses at an advanced level ranging over topics such as algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and cryptology. Some of the courses are given at a national level.

The programme ends with the preparation of a Master thesis and an oral presentation of it. The programme is particularly suited for an academic career, in particular via a subsequent PhD-study, but also for a career as mathematical researcher outside the universities.

Qualifications for Admission

Students from any university in The Netherlands with a BSc degree in Mathematics or with a BSc major in Mathematics will be admitted to the programme. For all other (international) candidates the Board of Admissions will judge the equivalence of their previous training to these BSc degrees. The choice in optional courses in the MSc programme may be limited by the need to adapt the programme to the actual knowledge of the candidate.


For each student, a programme of at least 120EC will be tailored individually. It consists of

  • a choice of advances courses (at least 60EC),
  • a research project in Mathematics (40EC)
  • a free choice of courses from any field (maximum 20EC)

The advanced courses can be on algebra, algebraic and analytic number theory, cryptology, and algebraic and differential geometry.

As part of the free choice courses, you can also choose the Science Based Business Fundamentals course from the Business Studies specialisation.

It is compulsory that at least 30EC be obtained from courses from the national Master Programme in Mathematics - Mastermath.


The ALGANT Master Programme is an international master programme in algebra, geometry and number theory, jointly offered by the universities of Bordeaux, Duisburg-Essen, Leiden, Montreal, Milano, Paris-Saclay, Padova and Regensburg. This programme is also open to non-Dutch master students. Students following this programme are obliged to take courses from two different participating universities. More information about the ALGANT Master programme can be found on the website algant.eu

A research project within the framework of the ALGANT program is 34 EC.

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Applied Mathematics

The specialisation Applied Mathematics is aimed at students who wish to become thoroughly acquainted with mathematics as it is applied in various contexts. There is a strong theme dealing with Bioscience, as well as a strong theme dealing with industry and operations research. Leiden offers courses at an advanced level ranging over topics such as dynamical systems, industrial statistics and probability theory.

The programme ends with the preparation of a Master thesis and an oral presentation of it. The programme is particularly suited for a career as mathematical researcher in industry, government and other institutions, but also for an academic career, in particular via a subsequent PhD-study.

Qualifications for Admission

Students from any university in The Netherlands with a BSc degree in Mathematics or with a BSc major in Mathematics will be admitted to the programme. For all other (international) candidates the Board of Admissions will judge the equivalence of their previous training to these BSc degrees. The choice in optional courses in the MSc programme may be limited by the need to adapt the programme to the actual knowledge of the candidate.


For each student, a programme of at least 120EC will be tailored individually. It consists of

  • a choice of advances courses (at least 60EC),
  • a research project in Mathematics (40EC)
  • a free choice of courses from any field (maximum 20EC)

The advanced courses can be on differential equations, dynamical systems, analysis of industrial problems, measure and integration theory, probability theory, statistics, functional analysis, numerical analysis, operations research.
Some courses from the Master Programme Statistical Science, in particular Statistical Learning, may be suited for a programme oriented towards statistics. If you consider taking one or more of these courses, please contact your study advisor BEFORE starting the courses.

As part of the free choice courses, you can also choose the Science Based Business Fundamentals course from the Business Studies specialisation.

It is compulsory that at least 30EC be obtained from courses from the national Master Programme in Mathematics - Mastermath.

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Mathematics and Business Studies

The specialisation Mathematics and Business Studies prepares students for a career in science-related business and administration and for innovaiton and enterprise from a mathematical perspective. In addition to knowledge in mathematics, students obtain competence with respect to organisations, people in organisations, and establishment and management of processes.

In order to get a Business Studies Master annotation, a minimum programme consisting of 45-60 EC of business courses must be completed.

Qualifications for Admission

Students from any university in The Netherlands with a BSc degree in Mathematics or with a BSc major in Mathematics will be admitted to the programme. For all other (international) candidates the Board of Admissions will judge the equivalence of their previous training to these BSc degrees. The choice in optional courses in the MSc programme may be limited by the need to adapt the programme to the actual knowledge of the candidate. Applicants must provide proof of proficiency in English, IELTS ≥ 6.5.


The programme for this specialistion has two components, Mathematics, and Business Studies, which together total 120EC.

The Mathematics component consists of:

  • a research project in Mathematics in one of the research groups of the Mathematical Insititute (20EC)
  • courses corresponding to the research topic (at least 40EC)
  • maximum of 20 EC of electives within either the mathematics or business studies component

Business Studies
In your business component you spend between 3 and 6 months on business courses. You will follow courses with emphasis on business in established, science-based companies. In addition to the mandatory courses you can follow electives for example based on business venturing and technopreneurship. Your knowledge of business in combination with your science skills you will apply and further develop in a 4 to 6 months’ business internship or assignment.

More information can be found on the Business Studies website.

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Mathematics and Science Communication & Society

The specialisation Mathematics and Science Communication & Society (SCS) concerns science communication in a broad sense. The programme prepares students for a career in popularisation of science, for example, as a science communicator, a science policymaker or a public relations or health communication officer, or for a career as a scientist with a communicating mind-set. For future science teachers the specialisation is also a valuable preparation. Students with a MSc in Mathematics and Communication are also admissible to a PhD programme in Mathematics or in Science Communication.

Qualifications for Admission

Students from any university in The Netherlands with a BSc degree in Mathematics or with a BSc major in Mathematics will be admitted to the programme. For all other (international) candidates the Board of Admissions will judge the equivalence of their previous training to these BSc degrees. Preferably, the BSc programme has included the 10 EC course Learning, Presentation and Communication, offered by the Leiden Graduate School of Education (ICLON) or an equivalent course. Applicants must provide proof of proficiency in English, IELTS ≥ 6.5.

Before participating in this specialisation, the complete programme, including electives, should be presented to the SCS coordinator drs. A. Land-Zandstra as well as with the study advisor for Mathematics.


The programme for this specialistion has two components, Mathematics and Communication, which together total 120EC.

The first year of the programme (60EC) focuses on Mathematics and consists of:

  • research project in Mathematics in one of the research groups of the Mathematical Insititute (at least 20EC)
  • courses corresponding to the research topic (at least 30EC)

The second year of the programme (at least 40EC, max 60EC) focuses on the Communication part and consists of:

  • SCS Fundamentals (19 EC)
  • SCS research proposal (3 EC)
  • SCS internship(s) (14-34 EC).
  • Scientific Narration and Visualization (4 EC)

For an up to date course overview, the SCS website refers you to the e-guide.

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Mathematics and Education

The specialisation Mathematics and Education prepares students for a career in teaching Mathematics. The education component is offered by the renowned Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), and combines training in mathematics with training in didactics and education. You will learn both the theory and practice of teaching, including a hands-on student training project at one of ICLON’s selected partner schools. After graduation, you will be a fully qualified first-degree teacher (eerstegraads bevoegdheid), equiped to work as a mathematics teacher in Dutch secondary education. 

Qualifications for Admission

Students from any university in The Netherlands with a BSc degree in Mathematics or with a BSc major in Mathematics will be admitted to the programme. For all other (international) candidates the Board of Admissions will judge the equivalence of their previous training to these BSc degrees. Preferably, the BSc programme has included the 10 EC course Learning, Presentation and Communication, offered by the Leiden Graduate School of Education (ICLON) or an equivalent course. Applicants must provide proof of proficiency in Dutch.


The programme for this specialistion has two components, Mathematics and Education, which together total 120EC.

The first year of the programme (60EC) focuses on Mathematics and consists of:

  • research project in Mathematics in one of the research groups of the Mathematical Insititute (at least 20EC)
  • courses corresponding to the research topic (at least 30EC)

Some of the courses can be taken from the national Master Programme, Mastermath.

The second year of the programme (60EC) focuses on Education and consists of

  • Educational Theory
  • Learning and Instruction
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Design Research
  • Supervision and Teaching Practice

For more information you can contact the study advisor from the ICLON:  T. Egberts MSc

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