Universiteit Leiden

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When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.

The Prospectus contains information about all the courses within your study programme. Here you can find all you need to know about your programme. Via the online learning environment Brightspace you can communicate with your lecturers and submit assignments.

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Study programme master's Health, Ageing and Society


The Master’s programme Health, Ageing and Society trains its students to become academic professionals and engaged citizens who are competent and trained internationally and interdisciplinary. They are able to contribute to solutions for the challenges facing our ageing society. The program contains the following main elements:

  • Biology of vitality and ageing:
    This module focuses on the biological aspects of vitality and healthy ageing. Attention will be paid to repair mechanisms, nutrition, longevity and maintenance of bodily and mental functions, and independence.
  • The older individual:
    In this module, students gain understanding about perspectives of older individuals on health and ageing. Initially, we will focus on risk and resilience factors that determine vitality and well-being.
  • Organisation of an ageing society:
    The organisation of our ageing society is undergoing change and requires further innovation. Given the increasing incidence of chronic diseases and their combined occurrence, especially in older persons, it has become essential to implement more effective strategies to prevent and manage the consequences.
  • Science and career:
    In an internship of at least ten weeks, the student will perform a scientific research project in the field of health, ageing and society.

Degree and Programme Structure

The HAS master’s degree is an intensive English taught programme, that goes beyond attending lectures and participating in work groups. Students are expected to do more than merely absorb facts. The programme (60 ECTS)  can be followed fulltime (one academic year) or parttime. When followed parttime, you will cover the same content in two academic years.

Through the curriculum students work on obtaining basic skills including:

  • academic development,
  • research skills,
  • management and leadership,
  • communication (both verbal and written), and
  • teamwork.

For more information click here.

Link to online study guide.

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