When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
The Prospectus contains information about all the courses within your study programme. Here you can find all you need to know about your programme. Via the online learning environment Brightspace you can communicate with your lecturers and submit assignments.

One of the central tenets of the MA specialisation in Japanese Studies is that you master the Japanese language. However, language skills are a tool rather than an end in themselves. This MA programme therefore emphasises disciplinary specialisation.
Students of the specialisation Japanese Studies will be able to develop graduate-level competencies in Japanese History, Philosophy, Religion, Literature, Politics, Sociology, Anthropology and others.
This is a two-year programme. You will spend the second semester of the first year and the first semester of the second year in Japan. The remaining two semesters will be spent at Leiden.
Check out the Prospectus for more information