Universiteit Leiden

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Elective credits

In addition to compulsory elements, most degree programmes also have elective credits. These are credits you can earn in a variety of ways, for example by taking elective courses, studying abroad or doing a minor.

How many elective credits do I have?

The number of elective credits varies from programme to programme. Take a look at the programme-specific information in the Prospectus for exact details.

Elective courses

You can earn elective credits by putting together your own set of elective courses, selected from those offered by Leiden University or another institute of higher education. Make sure to request permission from your study programme’s Board of Examiners before doing so.

Going abroad

You can also earn elective credits by studying or doing an internship abroad for a few months. Read more on our study abroad webpages or contact your international exchange coordinator or study adviser to find out about the options within your study programme.


You can earn elective credits by doing a minor. A minor consists of a cohesive set of courses on one theme which can help you to broaden your horizons and develop new knowledge, insight and skills. Learn more about minors


Electives credits can also be earned through internships or research projects, either in the Netherlands or abroad. Ask your internship or research coordinator for more information.

Permission from the board of examiners

If you choose to follow a complete minor  in Leiden, Delft or Rotterdam you do not need to request advance permission. For all other ways of earning your elective credits you must always request permission from your programme’s board of examiners. More information can be found in the Prospectus or your study programme’s Course and Examination Regulations (OER).

In addition to the mandatory major courses, CSM also offers electives. In the first and second blocks of the programme, students must choose one of these electives per block. The electives are small-scale courses that offer students the opportunity to specialise in a particular subject. In the e-prospectus, you can find an overview of the electives that are offered. 

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