After graduation
You’ve graduated. What’s your next step? Leiden University offers many options for students who have just finished their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
Continuing education
Following each Bachelor’s programme at Leiden University there is at least one directly-related Master’s programme. In some cases there are several. Gaining a Master’s degree means you have really rounded off your academic studies in that area. You can find all Master’s programmes offered by Leiden University on masters in Leiden.
What if you realise, after completing your Bachelor’s degree, that you want to pursue a Master’s in a different subject but you haven’t covered all the necessary courses? In some cases you may be permitted to catch up on the missing courses during your Master’s studies. If this isn’t an option you may be able to follow a pre-master programme to make up for any shortfalls in your academic background. You can find all pre-master’s programmes offered by Leiden University on masters in Leiden.
Are you a true academic at heart? Would you really enjoy analysing a subject in great depth and writing a dissertation about it? If so you could consider doing a PhD at Leiden University. You can find more information on the doing a PhD at Leiden University.
Alongside your job
Starting a job doesn’t mean saying goodbye to studying. You can continue studying your whole life long by, for example, following summer or winter schools or participating in Studium Generale activities. Or why not study part-time alongside your job.
Studying abroad
If you have completed a degree programme at Leiden University you could consider following a (second) Master’s programme at a university abroad.
As part of your study programme
You could choose to go abroad during your studies, for example during your Master’s programme. A two-year (research) Master’s programme offers the best possibilities given its longer duration. Get in touch with your study adviser for more information.
Studying abroad independently
If you would like to go abroad independently please keep the following in mind:
- you are responsible for your own application to the university abroad;
- if you wish to study at a European university you will not be entitled to an Erasmus grant;
- admission is not guaranteed - you must meet the admission conditions of the university abroad;
- there can be consequences for your Dutch student finance. Always check first with DUO.
More information
- Study abroad
- Contact your international exchange coordinator
Internship abroad
The Erasmus+ programme offers grants to young alumni who have just completed their Bachelor’s or Master’s programme and wish to do an internship abroad. Please note that Leiden University does not offer the option to apply for this grant for the academic year of 2022-2023. Check the Scholarships page for more information and updates for 2023-2024.
Careers advice and finding a job
Are you still unsure what you want to do after graduation? Or do you already know what kind of job you want but don’t know how to go about the job application process? Take a look on the LU Career Zone, an online platform full of information, tests and tips. If you can’t find the answers to your questions here make an appointment with the Career Service.
Orientation year for highly educated persons
If you a non-EU recent graduate of Leiden University you can apply for a residence permit under the ‘orientation year highly educated persons’ scheme. This allows you to spend a period of up to twelve months in the Netherlands looking for and undertaking employment. During your orientation year you have free access to the labour market and do not need a work permit. For more information see the Holland Alumni website.
University ambassador
Leiden University works together with enthusiastic alumni who provide assistance on a voluntary basis. This assistance can take the form of helping students who are about to graduate with career orientation; (co)organising readings and workshops; and providing information to (future) Bachelor’s and Master’s students about their study choice, the professional field and Leiden student life.
Our overseas alumni are also of great value to the university. If you will live outside the Netherlands after graduation you could, for example, set up a new chapter in your country or city, or share your experiences with future students as an ambassador for the university.
Become a volunteer or ambassador
If you would like to volunteer or become an ambassador for Leiden University our Development and Alumni Relations department can offer guidance and support. For further information or if you have a question please send an email to: Please state ‘Volunteer/Ambassador Leiden University’ in the title of your email.
Here at Leiden University we are proud of our alumni who have contributed in a multitude of ways to our growth and success. For this reason our Development and Alumni Relations department works continuously to support our alumni in their personal and professional development.
Young Alumni Netwerk
The Young Alumni Network is intended for Leiden University alumni aged 35 and under. As a recent graduate, or in the first phase of your career, your needs are different to alumni who have already established careers or have perhaps already retired.
The key focuses of the Young Alumni Network are career, personal development, networking and, of course, a fair share of socialising. You will have the opportunity to get in touch with other young alumni, share experiences, learn news skills and develop your career. You automatically receive invitations fore events of the Young Alumni Network. Do you have any questions? Send an email to
Alumni website
Leiden University has its own alumni website:

Alumnivereniging Midden-Oostenstudies
For up-to-date information about our activities visit our Facebook website.
Here alumni, students and staff members can post announcements about lectures, meetings and events, but also links to interesting books, articles and websites. The page is also accessible to alumni without a Facebook account.
In the right column of this page, you will find links to the Facebook pages of associations that might be of interest for alumni, e.g. MEISSA, Sheherazade, Turkish Studies, LUCIS and NVIC.
You can also subscribe to the Leiden University Centre for Islam and Society (LUCIS) mailing list. Then you will receive weekly announcements about activities concerning Middle East and Islam organized at Leiden University. You can subscribe for the mailing list via e-mail.
Executive Committee and Assistance Committee
Executive Committee:
Emine Kaya
Luit Mols
Petra Sijpesteijn
Willem Flinterman
Dirry Oostdam
Léon Buskens
Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
Assistance Committee:
Nicolaas Biegman
Geert Jan van Gelder
Petra Stienen
Philip van der Zande
Contact information
Do you want to become a member or receive more information?
Contact Dirry Oostdam via e-mail.
The membership fee for one year is 25,- euros. Please include your contact information, when you studied at Leiden University, and your specialisation upon graduation (Unless you have any objections, we will pass this information on to LUF, who control the alumni information. You can always let LUF know that you do not want to receive certain information)
If you know other persons who might be interested, have them contact us. If you do not have his/her contact information, send us all the information you have via e-mail and we will try to contact him/her.