Universiteit Leiden

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Mentor or tutor

As part of the Leiden study system we provide first-year bachelor’s students with good support and good academic guidance. This guidance is given by tutors and mentors from your faculty or study programme.

Tutor group

As a first-year student you will be assigned a student as a mentor and a lecturer as a tutor to help find your way around the new city and degree programme. The tutor groups consist of ten to fifteen students.


Your tutor is a lecturer who provides guidance in your first year and helps you acquire important academic skills.


Your mentor is a senior student who provides advice and helps you find your way, both academically and personally. Your mentor is your first point of contact should your encounter academic or personal problems. If required, he or she can refer you to other individuals or organisations for further assistance.

Introduction programme

The exact nature of the mentor and tutor programme will differ per degree programme. Besides an introduction to the group you will be given tips on (online) study and student life. Your mentor will explain about University facilities such as the libraries and show you how to use teaching and learning tools such as Brightspace. The programme will also cover inclusion and mental health, as well as topics such as study skills, career prospects and support for students with any questions or problems. 

Mentor and tutor groups

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Student Mentoring Activity 2020/21

LIACS Mentor Programme

The Computer Science Master is a challenging research master program. Therefore, at LIACS we offer a mentoring program to get you acquainted with the institute and its facilities. As a bonus, you will build a reliable network with other master students for support and collaboration. The mentoring takes place during the first two months of your study (Fall starters: September & October // Spring starters: February & March). Your mentors are senior Master Computer Science students from different specializations. Meetings take place frequently but not more than 3 times per month.


Students evaluate the mentoring as beneficial for three reasons:

  1. Mentoring increases your social contacts
  2. Mentoring establishes a stronger connection with the study program which improves your study results.
  3. You will receive useful information to make the most of your study, e.g. where to find the robot lab or where to 3D print?

Who can register for mentoring?

First year master Computer Science students. Pre-Master students are also welcome to join the mentoring program.

Is it mandatory?

Participation is not mandatory but is highly recommended.

How do I register?

There are three ways you can register for the mentoring program:

  1. Approximately two weeks before the start of your master, you will receive a welcome letter with instructions and practical matters concerning the start of your study. You can find a link to register for mentoring there.
  2. During the introduction morning on your first day of your semester, you have the possibility to enroll for the mentoring program.
  3. You can contact Student Coach Alexandra to get registered for mentoring: a.blank@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

Do you want to become a mentor?

Did you pass your first semester of your master's and would you like to support future master students with a soft landing? Please get in touch with Alexandra (a.blank@liacs.leidenuniv.nl). Mentors will not only get a training and certificate but also a small financial token of appreciation for their engagement.

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