Education administration office
Every faculty and some study programmes have an education administration office where you can request information about schedules, transcripts, grades and other academic results.
Science Student Administration (SSA)
The Science Student Administration employees are mainly responsible for the registration of study results, like grades for courses and research projects, and most activities in the certification process (registration of diplomas).
Please contact the student administration if you have any questions regarding...
- Transcripts of records
- Certification / Graduation
- Registration of grades (also of approved external courses, please send us a certified transcript issued by the other university!)
- uSis (via
- If you have not been able to register for a course/exam in time due to technical or personal reasons, you can submit a request via the late registration form: Inloggen op de Selfserviceportal (
- For questions about your Admission/application please refer to this page:
- MyStudyMap (via
Please always mention your student ID (digits only) if you contact us; it will enable us to answer your questions more swiftly!
On the right side of this page, under 'Who's my contact person?', you can find the contact person for your programme and the email address to use if you wish to get in touch with them.
Please do NOT contact the SSA or admin-mailboxes for...
... questions about the programme, the schedule, internships/research projects, e.g. exemptions or on the contents of a course or permission to follow a certain course should be directed to the programme coordinator or study advisor (or in certain cases the Board of Examinars), not the Science Student Administration. Please check this website; on the left side of this page all programmes are mentioned, so you can find contact info for your programme quite easily!
... problems logging in to ULCN or uSis (please check the FAQ at the student website)
... issues with enrolling as a student (for a programme, so not a class or exam) / admissions; please contact Plexus Front Office.
Thank you!
If you need a transcript of records, please use the corresponding form via Inloggen op de Selfserviceportal (
Where can you find us?

Please bring your LU-card to an appointment so your data can quickly be retrieved.
So... when should you then send an email to the SSA-mailbox?
The answer to this question is actually quite simple: hardly ever!
If you are a (former) student or staff of a Leiden Science institute/programme, the admin mailbox (email address) that is specifically intended for questions and comments regarding your programme can be found on the right side of the page. Please send your email to that address, and always state your student ID in the subject line (if you are staff and have a question about a student, we kindly request you to always mention student ID as well).
The SSA mailbox is basically only to be used for general (faculty) questions that do not relate to a specific programme.
The Education Office
The education administration for the Physics bachelor's and master's programme is managed by the Education Office Physics. Click on the positions below to learn more and to contact the team.
Dr. Michiel de Dood (Bachelor)
Prof.dr. Koenraad Schalm (Master)
Supporting students with information and counseling. Contact for personal circumstances, study planning and study delay.
Dr. Chara Papathanassiou
Coordination of the Physics bachelor's and master's programmes. Contact for schedules, student communication and registration.
Marije Boonstra MPhil
Oort building, room 151
Support of the Education Office Physics. Contact for all Bachelor and Master related questions.
Drs. Manon van Ette
Oort building, room 151
Daniëlle van Raaij
Oort building, room 151
Administrative support for the Education Office Astronomy. Contact for course evaluation procedures, planning of meetings and room booking for education purposes.
Trudy Geurds
Oort building, room 151
Various education-related committies are in place for the Physics education programme. More information and memberships of the Education Committee, Board of Examiners, Board of Admissions and Public Relations Committee can be found on the page University & faculty councils and programme bodies.