Universiteit Leiden

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Board of Examiners

The role of the Board of Examiners is to ensure that study programmes adhere to their Course and Examination Regulations. The Board of Examiners oversees all tests and examinations within the institute and determines whether students have acquired the knowledge and skills required for the awarding of their degree.

Each institute has a Board of Examiners, the members of which are appointed by the Faculty Board. The Board of Examiners is responsible for the effective organisation and quality assurance of all tests and examinations within the institute. If you would like to request a change to your academic requirements, for example an exemption or extension, it is the Board of Examiners who will make the final decision on your request.

Tasks and powers

Important tasks and powers of the Board of Examiners arising from the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW) are:

  • Monitoring the quality of examinations and assessments
  • Issuing rules and guidelines on examinations and assessments
  • The appointment of examiners
  • Granting exemptions
  • Taking measures related to fraud (plagiarism etc.)
  • Granting individual resits
  • Issuing certificates/diplomas


Requests to the Board of Examiners can be submitted via an online form
The form will be sent to the OIC and is forwarded to the Board of Examiners. If you have any questions, please send an email to oic@law.leidenuniv.nl.

Fill in all details and include a clear description and justification of your request​​​​​ and the reasons for it. In addition, any necessary supporting documents must be enclosed.

You can appeal against decisions taken by the Board of Examiners by sending a letter within six weeks following the notification of the decision to the Examination Appeals Board, PO Box 9500, 2300 RA Leiden (see Disagreeing with a decision).

Requests addressed to individual members of the Board will not be processed.


For information about the Board of Examiners of the Advanced Studies please contact Ms. S. Bruce (s.bruce@law.leidenuniv.nl)

Advanced LLM Board of Examiners

Tasks and powers

The tasks and powers of the Adv. LLM Board of Examiners include:

  • Monitoring the quality of examinations and assessments
  • Issuing rules and guidelines on examinations and assessments
  • The appointment of examiners
  • Granting exemptions
  • Taking measures related to fraud (plagiarism etc.)
  • Granting individual resits
  • Issuing certificates/diplomas

Submitting requests

Requests must be submitted by email to Ms Sheena Bruce, Secretary of the Adv. LLM Board of Examiners, via: s.bruce@law.leidenuniv.nl. The following must be included in the request:

  • Student’s full name and student number.
  • Name of Adv LLM programme in question.
  • Explanation of the request and the reason behind it.
  • If relevant, any supporting documents.

Decisions on requests

Short, simple requests will be dealt with swiftly on an ad-hoc basis. More complex requests will be discussed at the  periodic meeting of the Adv LLM Board of Examiners. Decisions on requests will be communicated to the student by email, with a copy to the relevant Adv. LLM programme.

Board members

  • Dr. Pinar Ölcer (Chairperson), Associate Professor at the Institute of Criminal law and Criminology.
  • Dr. Benjamyn Scott, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Air and Space Law and the Institute of eLaw.
  • Dr. Pavlos Masouros, lecturer on the Advanced LLM in European and International Business Law.
  • Dr. Robert HeinschAssistant Professor at the Grotius Centre for International Law.


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